Uri Geller – hoping to bend Theresa May



A blast from the past has reappeared to add a much-needed dash of comedy to the Brexit fiasco.  Uri Geller, psychic and spoon bender, has promised to stop the process telepathically since he intuited that most Brits were against it.

His track record is a touch spotty when it comes to claims of magic powers – viz the time he tried to help Second Division football club Exeter City win a game by placing “energy-infused” crystals behind the goals at Exeter’s ground. It lost 5–1 and in later years was relegated.

My own impression is that he does have extra-sensory powers but also has an ego problem and a need to show off, which is risky given the fragile nature of such abilities. They don’t switch on and off to order especially in highly public situations.

He was born 20 December 1946 at 2.30am in Tel Aviv which puts Saturn Pluto in Leo on his midheaven. Saturn Pluto is associated sometimes with the ‘magician’ who wields occult power. He’s also got Uranus in his 8th which would point to an ability to shine light on areas beneath surface reality. Plus an intensely charming, sugary-sweet Jupiter, Moon and Venus in Scorpio in his 1st.  His Sagittarius Sun is in his financial 2nd conjunct Mars in Capricorn.

He’s looking financially OK this year with Jupiter moving through his 2nd; but otherwise is frustrated, stuck and apart from one lucky break in May, not exactly radiating success and confidence.

He was close to Michael Jackson and may well be wincing on that score.

2 thoughts on “Uri Geller – hoping to bend Theresa May

  1. I remember him! There was a television broadcast quite some years ago in attempt to re-vitalize his powers and popularity. Spoon-bending. He was caught out during the show by someone who located string used to levitate the spoon.

    Stop the process…? And then do what?

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