UK – staying cheerful despite uncertainties



Apart from some blips, the UK is maintaining a remarkably upbeat mood despite all the Project Fear prophecies of doom. A couple of zippy, confident Pluto transits to two separate Jupiter midpoints from February to mid-July, returning over the New Year and throughout 2019, should make for good news. Plus a ‘lucky break’ upsurge of euphoria in June, Sept/October as tr Uranus squares the 10th house Jupiter, returning April 2019 will blow away a few worries and tensions.

On the downside, there’ll be a tough moment or two over this New Year into January; a continuing sense of emotional angst and unhappiness amongst the masses with tr Pluto opposition the 10th house Cancer Moon from January till late 2018, some of that affecting the Royals and maybe even rulers. A definite feeling of tectonic plates shifting from July to mid-September with tr Uranus sextile the UK Pluto, again in 2019. And hints of violence or anger erupting from tr Pluto opposition the Mars/Uranus midpoint late March to end of May, and again in 2019. Tr Saturn will move into the UK 4th and conjunct the Sun in December 2018, for a sense of finality and cold realism. 2019 also sees the Solar Arc Moon opposition the 11th house (legislature) Saturn.

There will be ripples of the economic fallout from Brexit from 2019 with Solar Arc Uranus into the financial 8th though it’s unlikely to hit hard before 2020/2021 when tr Uranus moves into the 8th as well and is conjunct the financial Mars in Taurus there.

The Progressed Moon is within a few months of crossing the midheaven and thence through the 10th for two years plus which is usually ambitious and forward looking.

It won’t all be a cakewalk but it is looking less catastrophic than might be expected.

What is marginally strange is that PM Theresa May has fairly devastating influences through 2018/19 with tr Neptune conjunct her Mars in February and late in the year; with a disaster-prone tr Pluto square Mars/Saturn late March to end of May, and again in 2019, when the UK also looks in the line of fire – so that may be indicative less of Brexit and more of another crisis erupting.

The chief UK Brexit negotiator, Oliver Robbins, (20 April 1975 no birth time), will be confidence-dented late Feb/early March and late November; and rattled around with tr Uranus conjunct his late Aries Sun and then opposition his Uranus from May onwards, but he’s also got some bullish Jupiter giving him a lift throughout 2018 into 2019. David Davis who is vehemently denying that he’s been sidelined looks very – sidelined and trapped – from February onwards with tr Pluto conjunct his Mars till late 2019, and tr Saturn conjunct his Capricorn Sun over this new year and then conjunct his Mercury and Jupiter in Capricorn in late Feb/March and twice again in May/June and Nov/Dec.


11 thoughts on “UK – staying cheerful despite uncertainties

  1. Jo I see that polling results in Northern England showed that you are not on your own and who knows if Scotland leaves the Union Northern England may eventually join her (and all well be made most welcome). Latest polls in NIreland showing over 60% now supporting reunification.

    • All of the people I’ve spoken to regarding the mess the politicians have done with fleecing the North are in agreement that if we were given a choice to follow Scotland or Westminster, we would follow Scotland. If politics have hit a wall at 300mph it is because of the angry upswell from those being ignored. It has taken decades to fester before exploding. Politicians need to hang their heads in utter shame for their sneering, elitist arrogance. I couldn’t believe after the Grenfell fire happened not one psychopathic MP could bother their precious selves to show solidarity for the victims. However, when Big Ben was shut down for maintenance they all bloody lined themselves outside in London to show their respects. Over a poxy clock! I have nothing but primal disgust for the entire lot of them.

      However, I am also of the belief that all this political sewage we find ourselves in is for a reason and it will ultimately evolve for the better. I believe it more on a spiritual level too. The fact Pluto in Capricorn is exposing and grinding many a vile MP and industry head into a crimson paste mean the astrology fits and it is for the best. It will all work out in the end. Perhaps, I’m naive ( I do have a Jupiter in Pisces handle that funnels most of my planets out into that lone DSC placed planet). Even if I’m wrong, if I am not in a place that can change my environment for the betterment of others and myself, I’d rather be that hopeless, naive muppet. It’s better than being torn and nithered to the bone with worry and concern. In the end, politically, astrologically, spiritually, culturally, etc, those who have done wrong will get their just desserts in the end and life moves on to another set of problems after sorting out the previous ones. The frustrating thing is it can take years. The universe is in no hurry but we constantly feel that we are.

  2. To be honest it’s frightening Marjorie and at times extremely depressing. One Cabinet member after another being outed in relation to their sexual activities / going over Theresa May’s head (Patel), one member of her close team after another resigning and now Adonis, one of a number of experts who have criticised what’s she’s doing, has joined them in abandoning the sinking ship, as I see it.

    The involvement and powerbrokership of the DUP raises a red flag for the direction the UK is taking and now we see that Brokenshire, the Northern Ireland Secretary, is determined to cover up where £hundreds of thousands of ‘dark’ money came from (some researchers say Saudi). Money that was channelled through the DUP in NIreland and used to influence the outcome of the Brexit vote on the mainland. Based on this alone the Referendum result should have been made null and void. No real effort is being made by the Electoral Commission either in investigating ‘dark’ money that made its way to Scotland to influence the outcome of the last General Election and so on.

    I reckon that Mrs May just goes from dealing with one disaster after another, as they hit her, staggering along blinded to the long term big picture. She stated recently that NIreland can have the single market / Customs Union deal that the SNP put forward in their Brexit White Paper last December, whilst denying Scotland the same and in doing so impacting on Scotland’s economy further if and when it has to compete with NIrelands preferential immigration / taxation / trade deal setup.

    This situation will come to a head eventually (Pluto opposing Moon .. Saturn conjunct IC / Sun?) and when polls show that over 50% of Scots want Independence Mrs May’s “now is not the time” won’t wash. Won’t wash because she seems to forget that the Scottish people are sovereign, unlike the population elsewhere in the UK. Westminster has also set the precedence of being ‘separatists’ based on the say so of 52% of the UK population. 36% of the UK electorate overall. With Scotland as one of the two Kingdoms that constitutes the UK and with no written Constitution (clear to see why) I think that Westminster will find that Scotland is not viewed as a ‘Catalonia’ by the EU (more so EFTA), the UN or NATO and will see the United Kingdom coming to an abrupt end on their Tory watch.

    Saddest of all will be the realisation by the English people that Scotland has not been a “subsidy junkie”, rather has been propping up the UK up for decades now. Supplying, keeping the lights on for, 50 plus million people / businesses south of the border with oil, gas and electricity, which will have to be paid for in future. Duped by some powerful people in the UK and the Media (both here and abroad) in relation to Scotland and Brexit. Duped by using the old divide and conquer strategy. At the end of the day ‘wee England will be over and out when Scotland leaves and takes it’s oil (alone), as per experts such as Jim Rodgers (YouTube). Sad end to what could have been a United shining light on this disfunctional planet.

    • I wish we Northern Englanders could go with the Scots too. All we have is those sodding, self-absorbed, arrogant, fox-hunting lot in Westminster lording over us in the North and we barely get scraps or support from them. Everything is going south, pardon the pun. We have no political powerhouse up here to fight for us. Having a woman who can barely find her bony arse with both hands, never mind running a country, is a fright. Imagine the impact she could make in positive directions if only she had intelligence, emotional intelligence too, integrity, vision, and insight! It seems those traits died and were buried with Winston Churchill back in the day. Instead, all we think when we look at her is, ” Christ, if she were actually alive she would be a very sick woman!” Not really mood inspiring, is it?

      • I have to chuckle with you, given the President in Tweet who was elected by a landslide…or nearly lost it because of illegal and/or dead people voting.

  3. I’ve just had a look at the UK 1801 chart and see that transit Saturn not only conjuncts the natal Sun but the IC at the end of next year / beginning of 2019, as transit Pluto opposes the natal Moon. I wonder if this period will be significant for the United Kingdom?

  4. “A continuing sense of emotional angst and unhappiness amongst the masses …” Pluto opposition Moon and Saturn in the 4th conjunct Sun?

    Mrs May seems to be totally oblivious to the feelings of Scots being excluded from Brexit negotiations, in particular as they involve negotiating away their many lucrative resources. Add to that the DUP receiving a £1.5 billion blackmail bung through Mrs May by-passing Barnett (Scotland therefore should have received £2.9 billion) and expecting Scots to contribute 9% of the bill whilst the DUP rule the roost over them in conjunction with the Tories that they clearly didn’t vote for. Then there’s the cuts of over £500 million in the next two years plus Scots having to pay 9% of the Brexit divorce bill adding insult to injury as they voted to remain in the EU. Neptune conjunct Mars?

    She doesn’t seem to be too bothered either about undermining their devolved parliament via the Withdrawal Bill and overturning amendments critical to Scotland’s future (not being reported in the Media). Big mistake, imo, treating one of the two Kingdoms that constitute the United Kingdom in such a way. Highlighting once again the totally undemocratic situation of the power of sheer strength of numbers, English politicians at Westminster, and that Scotland isn’t an equal partner at all. Pluto square Mars / Saturn?

    Meanwhile support for an Independent Scotland is rising (49%) and that’s before the campaign has even commenced. Last time round it went from 27% to 45%. Up by 18%. The future of the United Kingdom lies in the hands of 2% of Scots now. I’d say that’s what may result in “another ongoing crisis erupting.”

    • I’m not sure she’s any idea of what she’s doing at all in any direction. All a considerable worry. She somehow skated through being Home Secretary with a fair few disasters on her cv, yet they never seemed to dent her. She just sails on and blithely ignores criticism – or common sense. Adonis has just resigned saying the UK was “hurtling towards the EU’s emergency exit with no credible plan for the future of British trade and European co-operation.”. One just hopes he’s wrong and it’s only a partisan gripe, but there’s not much evidence of a grand plan, beyond blind hope and a prayer. I have never understood her strategy (??) given that it was a close result , on a misconceived referendum that should have had a 55% or 60% threshold. And a good many people didn’t know the implications of what they were voting for. Even staunch Brexiteers are now saying they wanted out but they didn’t expect it to be handled/mishandled in this way.

  5. Intriguing – particularly the difference between the mood of the country and its leader.

    Possible boost June/July – England doing well in the World Cup?

    • That’s what I thought too, but I imagine the other home nations being a little indifferent to it!

      It would be nice to think that I’ll husband in a good mood this summer though, rather than the usual World Cup grumpy sod I was expecting 😉

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