UK Politics – rumblings from the woodshed

Moris May synBoris May compDavid MayHamm May


With better than expected results from the Olympics for Brit competitors – third to US and China at the moment, who’d have thought it? – and the PM off walking in the Swiss Alps, the Brexit panic has subsided temporarily. Except for a leaked letter from International Trade Secretary Liam Fox saying the Foreign Office (aka Boris Johnson) should give up future economic policy with other countries and presumably hand it over to him, and just focus on MI6 and GCHQ. According to reports, Boris demurred no doubt trenchantly, Whitehall went into shock and Theresa May was less than impressed. So the as-expected squabbling between the unlikely three Brexiteers – Johnson, Fox and Davis – has got under way more or less from the get-go.

Theresa May is now much more popular in the polls than Boris but it’s early days yet. Her Government chart, 13 July 2016 5.44 pm London, suggests a term of rolling crises with a Sun opposition Pluto square Uranus. That will get seriously unsettled from Feb 2017 onwards with tr Uranus square the Sun. There are already indications of No 10 micromanaging other departments which is not surprising with a secretive 8th house Sun opposition Pluto but it will cause resentment, especially with a 12th house Mars in Scorpio. And discretion is unlikely to be a feature of this government with a focal point 5th house Uranus onto a T square and a Yod – there will be rebellions.

Even before then, from Aug 18th tr Neptune moves to square the Saturn; with tr Saturn square Neptune from late September – so uncertainty and confusion, with tr Neptune around until Feb 2017. Plus a confidence-deflating tr Saturn square Jupiter after mid November this year.

None of the above relationships are remotely easy. In Boris’s case, Theresa May’s Saturn in obsessively conscientious Scorpio opposes his focal point Mars in Gemini; and her Mars opposes his Pluto – she’ll squelch his wayward tendencies which will arouse his resentment and hostility. Their relationship chart is the most fraught with her of the three Brexiteers with tensions mounting from January and exploding in February 2017.

Boris and Liam Fox certainly dislike each other with a composite Sun Mars opposition Saturn square Neptune in their relationship chart – bitterly argumentative and suspicious.

Theresa May is as much at odds with David Davis (Brexit negotiater) as she is with Boris. There’s a power-struggling composite Mars opposition Pluto and a tension-erupting Saturn square Uranus, which latter will produce upsets from Jan 2017 onwards as tr Pluto opposes the Uranus and squares Saturn, repeating till late 2017.

The other relationship which is always/usually problematic is between the PM and Chancellor of the Exchequer, in this case, Philip Hammond. He’s known as ‘reassuringly boring’ and a safe pair of hands, much in line with her reputation. But his Sagittarius Sun does square onto her surprisingly adventurous Mars opposition Jupiter, which means he may put the brakes on some of her schemes, which is unlikely to go down well. He looks disheartened and uncertain at the moment until early 2017 with tr Neptune square tr Saturn in hard aspect to his 11 degree Sag Sun. That’s reflected in his relationship chart with Theresa May with the composite Jupiter at 9 Virgo, being undermined until mid Jan 2017. Thereafter (without birth times) there’s not much sign of trouble between them until 2018, when major differences will appear as circumstances change fairly dramatically.

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