UK – not a natural team player



If the 2016 Brexit vote had swung to Remain, the same influences ahead would still be affecting the UK chart? It’s one of the brain-teasers of astrology. Either you say the Brexit vote was predestined, set in concrete by the stars, or the outcome was one of several possibilities within a range circumscribed by the influences (mood of the country) at the time. Which latter leaves some room for freewill including making the wrong choices.

What struck me at the time was tr Pluto square the UK North Node in Aries in the 7th through 2015/16. The Node in the 7th is not naturally good at co-operation though in order to develop should strive towards a more sharing attitude. An Aries Node has the opposite inbuilt developmental drive – for independence. So there is an ambivalence in the UK about being interdependent in close relationships.

What makes the UK North Node so integral to the nature of the country is that it sits square the UK Capricorn Sun opposition the Cancer Moon and indeed exactly opposes the UK’s Sun/Moon midpoint, which is another relationship significator.

In an individual’s chart tr Pluto opposing the Sun/Moon midpoint would accompany considerable strain in a marriage causing most, though not all, to break down.  Some marriages hack on through the bad patches and stick together. The flaky, shaky ones go to the wall.

When the UK joined the EEC in 1973 Pluto was in early Libra and Uranus in late Libra, with their midpoint exactly opposition the UK North Node at the point of joining, which was an ominously conflicted kick off – Uranus aiming for freedom, Pluto for possessiveness and control. And tr Pluto was conjunct the UK Sun/Moon midpoint and opposition the UK Node in 1977/78, causing considerable strain in the difficult early years after joining.

The UK’s North Node, Sun and Moon have had a fair pummelling over the past three decades just because of the specific planetary cycles. The triple conjunction of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune in Capricorn were all hammering away at all three right through John Major’s premiership in the 1990s, after Maggie departed. And Europe was what broke him. Then the tumultuous and rebellious tr Uranus square Pluto hit the UK Sun, Moon, North Node from 2014 till 2016.

In some ways it’s a miracle the UK/EU bond has stayed together as long as it has. Which is still no excuse for not having worked out a sensible divorce plan in advance.

3 thoughts on “UK – not a natural team player

  1. In an earlier post, I stated that under different circumstances, current “celestal moods” seen on The UK’s chart, could have well presented a situation not unlike one seen with Italy right now. For instance, you could have The UK still firmly inside EU, but with Boris Johnson as the PM.

    But, when you look at the country charts (and really, here, Italy 1946), you absolutely see why things are going the way they are for both countries at the moment. It’s interesting how The UK – no matter how irrationally the leadership is behaving – is seen, however as being “serious” about the divorce. Italy, on the other hand… Well, there are reports on other EU leaders outright laughing at Italian PM Conte. Because they know this is another Government going “all Italian” on them, but ultimately, finding a pragmatic Lombard or Sardianian (could be other regions too, but somehow, these two areas excel in pragmatism) to fix it all.

  2. Marjorie, Are the relational issues referred to in respect of the nodes significant within the confines of the UK as a whole as well? There is ongoing discord and history re Scotland and NI and Wales too for that matter…to use your marriage analogy divorce and separation have never been far from the surface

    • Problem with the other UK countries is they don’t have birth times. The 1701 Act of Union chart with Scotland has an Aries Node conjunct Neptune square Mars which could be interpreted broadly as – together they can lead the way except there’s a lack of commitment and too much argument.
      The 16 March 842 AD chart for Scotland has a Libra Node opposition Uranus square Mars opposition Saturn – so needs to strive towards better relationships, though constantly distracted by anger, resentment and a rebellious streak. If the start time of 16.21 hr is sound and no idea where it comes from – then there’s a Sun Pluto in the 7th so attracted to controlling partners, so togetherness won’t feel that comfortable.
      The England 11 May 973 chart with its bulldozer Mars Sun in Taurus square Pluto has a Libra North Node – so needs to learn about compromise and co-operation though almost impossible with that megaton Mars Sun Pluto in Fixed signs.
      The Republic of Ireland 1949 chart has Sun and Node in Aries so more independent than dependent. Northern Ireland 1922 has Sun in the 7th so more comfortable with a close partner.
      Both England and Scotland have a tremendous ambivalence about relating – constantly dancing backwards and forwards, between sticking close and breaking free.

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