UK Brexit – the Westminster bulldog has colic



The UK has turned itself into another kind of global laughing stock, at least at political level, for the ineptitude of their approach to the Brexit negotiations. The great silent majority both Leavers and Remainers, huddled inside behind snowdrifts, just wish they’d get on with it. But incompetence, bickering, lack of decisive leadership, whatever, has turned the whole sorry process into a stumble through a swamp in a thick fog catastrophe.

Which is fairly what was expected from a Government chart, 9 June 2017 12.35pm which has Neptune squaring a Full Moon. There’ll be a jolt or two come April/May but I wouldn’t be surprised if it drifted along somehow till 2019.

Theresa May does look disheartened, uncertain, feeling as if failure was staring her in the face with tr Neptune conjunct her Mars now, tr Saturn square her Sun across the middle of March, followed in late March by a disastrous tr Pluto conjunct her Mars/Saturn midpoint, on and off till late 2019; plus another Neptune sinker from May onwards, till late 2019.

Boris Johnson has cleared Neptune transits from his main planets; but is getting the tr Neptune square his Sun/Mars midpoint from April onwards till late 2019, which is not a winning combo. Even before then he looks trapped and frustrated and that will also be around till late 2019.

The shine is rubbing off David Davis, indeed it’s even sinking into his irrepressibly optimistic exuberance that he’s not winning with tr Saturn conjunct his Mercury Jupiter, now till late March, repeating till the autumn. With an infuriated, blocked tr Pluto conjunct his Mars now till late 2019.

Philip Hammond has lost the undermining tr Neptune square his Sun Mercury and actually looks fairly cheerful from late March onwards; with a few nervy moments admittedly, but is in better spirits than most of his colleagues.

Where is Winston Churchill or Maggie Thatcher when you need them? Not that I was a fan of the latter but she at least she made decisions.


6 thoughts on “UK Brexit – the Westminster bulldog has colic

  1. I suppose the question really is, just how bad is Brexit going to be for the UK? And how badly divided will the UK remain divided after Brexit (assuming that Brexit occurs)?

    I remember that you had cast a horoscope for Brexit occurring on March 29th at 11PM GMT (midnight Brussels time). Given that we will now be going into an implementation phase when nothing changes till 31st December 2020 11PM GMT, could you please cast a horoscope for that time?

    Also, do you see Corbyn becoming Prime Minister any time soon? And will Northern Ireland and Scotland remain a part of the (increasingly dis)United Kingdom?

  2. The great silent majority, huddled inside behind snowdrifts, are sinking into a deep depression, imo, following this totally humiliating 18 month long debacle. It’s positively frightening in fact to see one company after another close down / move away when Brexit hasn’t even kicked in yet. More so when you consider that behind the smoke and mirror screen of Brexit, England seems to be imploding when it comes to the “day job” ….. NHS, Education, Policing, Military, astronomical level of debt and so on. The Westminster track record showing that it isn’t fit to run a village fete. All totally National issues that have nothing to do with the EU at all. So can’t blame them.

    It must also be leaving the Irish population on absolute tenterhooks wondering if they’re going to return to the days of the “troubles” when you find out that Boris Johnston does envisage (leaked e-mail to T May) a hard border in Ireland. Boris Johnston, our Foreign Minister, showing his absolute ignorance of the political and social history of Ireland, FGS, by comparing it to two adjacent English boroughs. The latter of which, if my memory serves me well, didn’t house residents who were maiming, torturing and blowing each other to smithereens over decades. No sign of the British Army milling around in that area of London either.

    Right now a small cabal of hard right-wing nutters, in particular the DUP with their Orange Order bosses, are calling the shots for over 60 million people in the UK, with a number of them such as Rees Mogg due to be lining their pockets from Brexit.

    Brexit is also going to be used to undermine the Welsh Assembly and Scottish Parliament through “power grabbing” of areas such as fisheries, agriculture and environment, which could see farming in these countries being decimated (plus the rest) and the devolved NHS in Scotland being privatised and “sold off” to the numerous UK politicians with financial interests in Medicare and of course to Mr D Trump.

    I don’t think that the people are going to put up with this for much longer, rather that they are sitting waiting patiently to see what the outcome will be and then will make their move and when they do the United Kingdom, as we know it, will no longer exist. As I’ve said already on here two nations or Kingdoms only constitute the United Kingdom and that is Scotland and England. When Scotland parts ways with England, one Kingdom only can no longer hold the title of “United” Kingdom.

    I just wonder if the forthcoming Saturn / Pluto conjunction (plus other planets) in Capricorn opposing the UK Moon will relate to the end of the UK as we know it?

  3. I think history will be kinder to the PM than people are now, Brexit is a poisoned chalice and no one would look good at this point in the cycle. Agree a strong leader to bring it all together would be wonderful, maybe we just have to make do with an uncharismatic work horse. No MP seems to jump out as the next leader of the Conservatives, at least not in the current senior crop. If Marjorie can identify one that has the stars aligned in their favour it would be great to hear about it.

    • I wonder why any young person in their right mind would even want to go into UK politics at this point. Unfortunately, as in Italy, which still hasn’t fully recovered from 1992, this will have very far reaching consequences.

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