UK 2021 – the moment of truth


Boris’s deal now appears to be – sign up to leave the EU at the end of January 2020 and crash out, deal or no deal, on 31 December 2020.

2021 always did look when the real financial shock would come with tr Uranus conjunct the UK 8th house Mars picking up from May 2021 onwards. The eight year phase of tr Uranus through the UK 8th house of business and international finances started mid 2019 and runs till 2027 which tends to be an erratic time, not all a disaster but unstable and unpredictable. What will make it all the more disruptive is tr Uranus moving from the disaster-prone and highly insecure conjunction to the UK Mars in 2021, onto the square to the financial Venus in the speculative 5th and opposing the financial 2nd house Neptune in 2022 and early 2023; and finally square the 11th house Saturn in 2023/24 which will affect the country’s legislature and future plans.

So a very rocky period indeed on the economic front. Tr Uranus will rattle that wide Fixed Grand Cross on the UK chart which will bring jolting and not always welcome surprises as it tries to force through changes on against resistance. And it could start with a major accident or disaster of sorts as well since that UK Mars tends to throw up horrors.

Heavily Fixed charts don’t cope well with too much change. The same is true of the EU chart which starts is facing massive financial jolts from July 2020 onwards as tr Uranus is conjunct its 8th house Taurus Moon and squares Uranus, moving on to buffet its Venus in 2022 – but its period of instability will be shorter, finishing around 2024.

In 2021 as well – tr Pluto will conjunct the UK Mercury/Pluto midpoint for intense and hostile debate; and tr Pluto will square the Uranus/Neptune for a sense of calamities and catastrophes; and tr Neptune will square the Mars/Jupiter midpoint bringing feelings of inferiority, failed relationships, plans with no hope of working out.

There will be setbacks through 2020 as well, which I’ll cover in more detail in the general year ahead round up – but not as far reaching as in 2021.

I’m never sure Solar Returns work too well for countries. But for what it’s worth: January 2020 for a year could be OK cash-wise and certainly will be a spendthrift year with Jupiter in the 2nd; though muddled and discontented at an internal domestic level with Moon Neptune in the 4th. The year 2021 may be when the Boris government’s failings coming home to roost with Mercury Pluto Saturn Jupiter in the 12th opposition a 6th house Moon. 2022 looks directionless and tight for money with Neptune in the 10th and Saturn in the 8th.

The relationship charts between the UK and Boris look to be sagging in confidence through 2020 with tr Neptune opposition the composite Mercury and Uranus; and more undermining of trust and hope in 2021/22 with tr Neptune square the composite Jupiter. 2022 will be a fractious year with the tr Saturn square tr Uranus starting to hit on the composite Neptune and then Mars a year later. Mars Neptune in a relationship chart usually indicates a relationship imbalance with only one side winning. If Boris gets what he wants its’ not good for the UK; and vice versa.

The UK relationship chart with Boris’s Svengali Dominic Cummings (25 November 1971) is on even more of a Neptunian downhill slide with tr Neptune squaring the composite Pluto, Mercury and Sun over the next three years. It’s a Plutonic connection so one side wants all the power and control. Usually this kind of relationship has the capacity to transform both sides, for good or for ill.

His Pluto is conjunct the UK’s Uranus; and his Uranus is square the UK’s 10th house (ruling classes) Moon – so he will want to disrupt the normal order of things. His Saturn in Gemini opposition Sun Neptune squares onto the UK Pluto – his ideals about what is best for society will run into resistance from status-quo upholders.

In many ways what is even more interesting is Cummings’ relationship chart with Boris which is very loaded – with a controlling composite Sun Pluto conjunction; and more so a ‘fated’ Yod of Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct Mars. Such relationships tend to lead to crucial turning points in each of the individuals lives as well as in their environment. But the underlying dynamics of this particular chart are very stressed with an aggravated composite Saturn Mars; a power struggling Sun Pluto which works well for a while but usually ends badly; and an unstable Pluto Uranus Venus. That has the capacity to blow up very nastily at some point.

Cummings has Boris exactly where he wants him – but I’m still perplexed by both their charts, neither of which show any jubilation at such a resounding win.

22 thoughts on “UK 2021 – the moment of truth

  1. May 2020 it’s easier to ponder on why we’ll have disruption over the next 7+ years with some businesses making it and others not. I wonder if there’s a chance for a green economy?

  2. Hi Marjorie, I am just wondering if you have done an NHS astrological profile and if so does it give any clues as to whether it will survive Brexit?

  3. I keep thinking about the role of Neptune and I keep thinking about Venus being trapped between the closing conjunction of Saturn and Pluto. I wonder if Johnson is now more frightened than happy? Frightened of something being unearthed, not just about his past, or his private life – I wonder if there was something fishy about the election itself or donors?

    • They still haven’t released Russia Report they’ve been withholding for elections. I think Johnson approved of the release, but it will now inevitably happen after Holiday season.

  4. Looking closer I can see why Cummings sits in the Conservative ranks

    Cummings Mercury and Venus is closely conjunct the Sun at 25 Sagittarius in the 18 December 1834 Conservative Tamworth Manifesto chart and his Sun Neptune is conjunct the Conservative Mercury. His Sun Neptune at 2 Sagittarius is both conjunct and on the mid point of the 1 Sagittarius Venus and 3 Sagittarius Mars of the Conservative 12 November 1867 chart. Cummings Jupiter at 14 Sagittarius is conjunct the Jupiter at 13 Sagittarius in the Conservative 10 May 1912 chart and both charts probably have the Moon in early Pisces squaring Cummings Sun Neptune. Cummings Uranus at 16 Libra is square the 16 Cancer Moon and 17 Cancer Mars 19 in the Conservative 1834 chart and the 19 Cancer Mars in the Conservative 1912 chart.

    • Hugh, you’ve prompted me to take a quick look at Disraeli and Churchill’s natal charts. Churchill, 30 November 1874, has Sun 7 Sagittarius, Venus 22 Sagittarius, Mars 16 Libra and Jupiter 23 Libra. Disraeli, 21 December 1804, has Sun 29 Sagittarius, Pluto 7 Pisces, Saturn 15 Libra and Uranus 20 Libra. Both Churchill and Disraeli were creative and charismatic in their own ways. And their connections with the Conservative party’s charts are interesting. They both used the Conservative party as a vehicle in some ways I feel.

  5. It occurs to me that both Cummings and Johnson have lots of mutable planets, and may dislike being fenced in by the success of their games. Gemini Donald Trump didn’t look exactly delighted at first when voted in as US president. Thinking of the many Geminis and Sagittarians in my own life, I would say they all seem to prefer fluidity to a nailed down job or result. Similarly, most are not keen on being cornered in a relationship, although happy to stay with someone without being married.

    • Dominic Cumming’s Saturn, although not stationary, is similar to Boris’s as well. It is retrograde in early mutable and also the handle of the bucket chart. Similar vibe to Theresa May’s Mars.

      • “Theresa May’s Mars”….Tara, not sure whether to laugh or weep! But yes, I agree, all a bit squishy. Perhaps their shared love of shouty slogans is in some way a desire to combat that feeling – Strong and Stable, Get Brexit Done – these sound very fixed or cardinal. Happier homes for Mars and Saturn perhaps?

        • Haha yes exactly. Saturn also emphasised in DC chart by being the only air (Gemini), so perhaps a great fan of a short, tough slogan. Empty, trite slogans that stick in people’s minds, but backfire later when the full, complicated truth unfolds.

          Also, if DCs Moon is Pisces and not Aquarius, he doesn’t have any fixed signs which would further back up your observation

  6. I remember reading that it was hard to tell who looked the unhappiest. Boris the new Mayor of London or Livingstone the loser. Perhaps he just likes the chase?

    • In fact just looked up his Mayor election in 2008 and that was much clearer with Boris’s Solar Arc Jupiter within less than a degree conjunct his Sun, Venus and a couple of positive Jupiter transits as well. No clearer as to why this one is such a blank canvas

  7. Thank you Marjorie. Dominic Cummings seems to be another “disruptor” of sorts. Eccentric, educated, mysterious – I wonder if he now realises that the kind of Britain he imagines may be difficult, if not almost impossible, to achieve. I read this quote in Wiki, from 2016:

    “Extremists are on the rise in Europe and are being fuelled unfortunately by the Euro project and by the centralisation of power in Brussels. It is increasingly important that Britain offers an example of civilised, democratic, liberal self-government.”

    • When I look at Cummings chart with Sun, Neptune, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius I don’t see a traditional Conservative. It looks like the chart of a revolutionary. Indeed, very like that of Fredrick Engels born 28 November 1820 who had Sun,Mars, Mercury, Uranus and Neptune in Sagittarius. It is all very odd. With that chart he should be driving the Labour Party which has so obviously lost touch with its roots.

        • Well his fashion sense mirrors that of Boris, before various people attempted to drag him out of the wind tunnel for a makeover! He has never belonged to any political party, so I suspect his personal agenda has more “revolutionary” roots, as Hugh suggests. His deep interest in Sun Tzu (spelling?), Bismarck, Russia, and mathematics suggest a curious mind in many senses of the word. It’s all a chess game for him, there seems very little empathy. But the zealous idealism of a sign like Sagittarius can push other more nuanced considerations out of the way. One journalist compared him to Robespierre, who was Taurus but had five planets in mutable signs including Saturn in early Pisces…..
          The bigger picture demands actors to push it along. This is what I keep telling myself.

      • Note DC Merc-Ven conjunction isn’t just a regular conjunction that will behave in a regular fashion; both are “out of bounds” extreme declination AND parallel AND tightly conjunct.

        The maverick dress sense may be a more visible part of that.

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