Trump – when will the USA’s elastic snap?



Disaster day for the Don –  or business as usual with the lock-her-up mantra ramping up the faithful to deflect attention from the guilt of Trump lawyer/fixer Cohen and Trump campaign manager Manafort. Never mind the two earliest congressional supporters of Trump now up on charges of insider trading and misuse of campaign funds respectively. Swampier and swampier.

When does middle America finally fall out of love with their errant President? The cracks are widening this year with tr Saturn opposition the composite Sun on the USA/Trump relationship chart, returning for the finally time this October; the bond fading into deeper confusion late this October to late December. Where the sh** really hits the fan is the last day of March 2019 across April and May, on and off for two years thereafter, as tr Pluto opposes the composite Mars which will bring enraged frustration and a bitter struggle. That composite USA/Trump Mars has already been elbowed by the recent July Cancer Eclipse, bringing an upsurge of anger.

The GOP as to be expected, protecting their own backs, are keeping their heads down and refusing to comment on the Manafort/Cohen backlash.  Where both Republican charts in relationship to Trump are showing more obvious strain is mid September to mid October this year (repeating April 2019) with tr Uranus conjunct the composite Sun and trine Mars for signs of a split and aggravation on one. The other shows up serious strains mid October across the Mid Terms, and December/January 2019 and March 2019. So the ties that bind, and they are strong, will start to be yanked apart or at least seriously disrupted by a series of jolts (chart data being sound).

Trump’s own chart had the July Cancer Eclipse, in effect for a few months thereafter, conjunct his Saturn which usually means chickens are coming home to roost. The most recent Leo Eclipse hit his 12th house Mars/Pluto midpoint, which is both threatening and likely to evoke strong counter-attacks.

His Progressed Moon, moving through his 12th house for two years plus which tends to be discouraging, will conjunct his Mars by next April for a major explosion and yet another shock.

He is seriously bad-tempered at the moment with tr Uranus square his Mercury/Mars midpoint which runs to mid September; he has the uncertain, neurotic tr Saturn square his Neptune across the Mid Terms in November; along with the loss-making and enthusiasm-denting tr Neptune opposition his Jupiter/Pluto midpoint from late this October till late December.

Where his real aggro kicks in is from mid February 2019 with a catastrophe-prone tr Pluto opposition his Mars/Uranus, which Ebertin describes as ‘force, violent interventions.’ Though he also has tr Pluto trine his Mars/Jupiter at the same time so will no doubt respond bullishly. That confidence will run out from the last day of March till after mid May when he hits tr Pluto opposition his Saturn and his Mars/Node midpoint, which latter Ebertin describes as a ‘forced separation.’ Not that anything usually gets resolved on the first hit of aspects. These repeat on and off till late 2020; with more trapped, aggravated midpoints joining in by 2020. And his Solar Return from June 2018 to June 2019 isn’t that bad; where it hits the skids is from June 2019 onwards.

From March 2019 as well tr Neptune will square his 10th house Uranus on and off till early 2020, which will mire his administration and career in even more confusion than usual.

To be remembered – his Term chart does have a strongly placed Jupiter opposition Uranus square Pluto, which will bring undeserved luck.  And outside events could always swoop in and save his bacon. Tr Pluto is square the Uranus in 2018/19 for a major upheaval and ditto tr Uranus square the Sun; but tr Pluto also squares Jupiter in 2019/2020 for a confident push. This chart does have a focal point Pluto in the 9th as well as Mercury and I recollect someone remarking at the time it could indicate an administration plagued with legal problems so the astrology was spot on for that.

28 thoughts on “Trump – when will the USA’s elastic snap?

  1. Not sure where you get the 90% approval rating among Republicans. I know some Republican men who would never vote for him on account of his character. In one poll, 69% of Republicans said if it’s shown that, if he colluded with the Russians, he should be impeached.

  2. Fascinating calls Ms Orr. Honestly, I thought his undeserved luck (aside from being a silver spooner) was the economic machine left behind by his successor.
    Pence could pardon him, same as Ford did with Nixon, or as the elder Bush did with Cap Weinberger to save what remained of Reagan’s bacon as well his own. Bush the younger has been persona non grata at subsequent GOP conventions having left office in disgrace.

    What is it with the republicans?

  3. I did a tarot reading about Trump asking in which circumstances will he leave office.
    I think he’ll be offered something in order not to run again.

    • Seriously. Some of the comments below simply stoop to his level. If you go there, he’s got you. He wins. More balance, patience and all that…

      • You sound seriously stressed. Read Ms. Orr, and stop reading comments about Traitor Tot, and all will be well with you again.

  4. His popularity amongst Republicans is knocking toward 90% so less likely his wussy GOP colleagues will turn on him – Mexico wall, standing up to NK (??), buoyant economy (for now), shedloads of lies eagerly swallowed, egregious smearing of the Clintons so he appears shining white in comparison – or at least not as bad as the alternative.
    Remember he and his father were sued by the Federal Govt for discriminating against blacks in their rental properties way back in the day – and they promptly counter-sued for $100 million and it was settled out of court. Trump University etc etc etc – he’s learnt from long experience he can get away with being a shameless grifter.
    Rick Wilson has his usual over-the-top blast in today’s Daily Beast and talks at one point about the Cohen flip being a ‘karmic dream.’ The July Eclipse hitting Trump’s Saturn as well as next years’ tr Pluto opposition his Saturn and the July 2019 Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn giving it a kicking as well. Lots of karmic lessons coming home to roost.
    A successful impeachment unlikely as is a criminal indictment; and unlike Nixon he won’t be shamed into resigning, since he doesn’t have any shame.
    Only two hopes. I. The economy tanking in 2019 with a recession and his voters/party starting to see him as a liability. 2. His health – either dementia becoming unhideable or heart.
    There seems to be no malfeasance whether financial, sexual or acts against the constitution/judiciary which dents the obsessive adoration of his deluded fans. Scary.

    • My “reasonable” option is he will be quietly shown the door by GOP at some point, maybe not until he has carried 2020 Elections for them, for health reasons. His 2021/22 Solar Return isn’t Presidential at all. This could fit all that 12th house on 2021 Inauguration Chart. It has a “coupy” feel to it.

      My “crazy” option is he won’t have GOP to back him up by the time he is Impeached. People do not seem to think it’s possible for an US party just to collapse. But we are currently starting to see levels of Corruption not unlike Italy 1992-1993 in The US, mostly among GOP, and we still do not know what exactly did Flynn offer to Mueller in order to get a plea deal. While that 90 per cent of GOP are behind Trump, other members are NOT untouchable. Roy Moore lost already in a State carried by Trump by . Ted Cruz, who carried his last Senatorial Race by 16 points, and doesn’t even have any particular scandal to weight him down, is now only 4 or 5 points ahead Beto O’Rouke. Now, imagine if at least some of the connections there seem to be between NRA and Russia are proven. This would be devastating for GOP.

    • Oh, and a further proof that Trump might shoot someone on 5th Avenue, but other GOP politicians won’t be as lucky is that Manafort trial juror who drove to court MAGA hat on, but voted “quilty” on all 18 charges since the paper trail presented by “bored” prosecutors was impressive. Apparently, the there was just one holdout juror on all dismissed charges. No other GOP politician is able to invoke Trump level of devotion, as Roy Moore learnt (I also think it’s more difficult at local level).

    • I’ve been noticing lately that karmic lessons coming home to roost seem to be happening to people who are in their golden years and have for the most part already lived their lives and gotten away with their transgressions. How would you explain that?

      • Christina, Lowered energy would be my guess. It’s amazing how much some people get away with by just belting out a positive spin on their behavior. The older you get the less stamina there is for keeping up the deception. The motivation to deceive is still there but there isn’t an engine to drive it as efficiently anywhere. The old psychological defences tend to crumble as well for the same reason, so all the murk that’s been kept well-hidden starts to surface.

    • Marjorie,

      the reason why Trump’s popularity among registered Republicans is encroaching 90% is because many moderate and more liberal thinking Republicans are leaving the Republican Party in unprecedented numbers. This is especially true for educated, Non-Hispanic White women – Trump is losing most of his support from that demographic in particular. Majority of the Republicans who are leaving their party are now registering as Independents. So, this means majority of the people who are still registered as Republicans are the “deplorable” racists, homophobes, transphobes, Islamophobes, etc. So, that’s why Trump’s getting the 90% approval rating from his party.

      If it’s any consolation, Trump overall national approval rating has dropped back down to the high 30s – at least according to the most recent polls.

  5. I like that SA Uranus conjunct his natal Mars. I wonder is his head will blow up? Seriously, we can’t wait to be rid of him. He is an abomination. And we are thinking he is going to do something drastic like start a nuclear war.

  6. solar arc ascendant almost in an exact square aspect with natal pluto–which rules the “end of the matter” 4th…i suspect the impeachment train is about to roll down the tracks..just waiting for the dems to put the caboose on it after the midterms when they will take over the house and senate…the end is near for this fool…probably leaving next year…

    • You do know that the Senate will have to convict him by a 2/3rd vote. 67 Senators will have to vote to convict him. Even if the Democrats win the Senate, itself unlikely, they will need 10 or more Republicans to vote with them to impeach him.

      It is worth remembering that Andrew Johnson, the first President to be impeached, survived by a single vote (i.e. he was found guilty by over a majority, but a single vote short of a 2/3rd majority).

      • Teflon Don may lead an unhealthy lifestyle by all accounts but he certainly does know how to slip and slide his way through eye raisingly dodgy and down right impeachable offences so far. He knows how to work that lucky Jupiter!

        • Majorie, do you think his secret weapon is a personal astrologer who advises him? (I’m not even sure if this is a serious question given that he only really listens to himself, but it could be. lol)

  7. Transiting Neptune in Pisces is currently moving through Trump’s 7th house. Starting next year, it will be making a series of hits on his natal Sun/Uranus conjunction in Gemini in the 10th house, opposition his Moon in Sagittarius in the 4th house. Neptune will be aspecting those points well into the early part of the next decade, so his political or legal issues will not be going away anytime soon. Those aspects are very undermining, especially for career (10th house) and family (4th house). And with a 7th house trigger, it could be open enemies openly sabotaging his administration. With his natal Mars and Pluto in the 12th house, issues relating to subterfuge could be an issue that he has to deal with. It could be that his family will be used as leverage by Mueller’s team to force Trump out. At minimum, they will be a point of contention.

    Either way, around the 2020 elections, tr. Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto in Capricorn will be trining his Midheaven in Taurus, which could suggest a positive period for career wins. But tr. Saturn and Pluto will be opposing his natal Saturn/Venus conjunction in Cancer, which puts a dent on his popularity. Transiting Mars in Aries will be squaring his Saturn/Venus as well, putting him in a tough spot, but in a fighting spirit. It is possible that the economy will be in recession by then with those aspects. The transiting Neptune aspects mentioned above will also be factor. I think that the 2020 elections will be a key point in US history, especially with the US’s Pluto return incoming. The US’s role in the world will be a key issue at this time.

    I tend to think tr. Neptune and tr. Saturn will put an end to his political career in 2020, but we’ve seen him pull a rabbit out of his hat in the past. He does have a strongly aspected Jupiter in his natal chart. Should he win, the chart for the 2021 term looks quite disaster prone, definitely a bit more difficult than the 2017 chart, and Trump’s personal chart is deeply undermined moving forward after that.

  8. As long as all of this helps Democrats retake the U.S. House, U.S. Senate, and as make Governor’s Mansions around the country…then I welcome all of the shakeups.

  9. Mars turns direct on Monday.That should get things moving.And Mr.
    Mueller will have to move if he plans any new action (indictments or a report to the Congress). Justice Department guidelines say no action should be taken within two months of an election.

  10. Iggy Pop once sang “In the Space Age/The village idiot rules.”

    An accurate summary of Donald Trump and the current GOP administration.

    My father predicted he would become POTUS. How I laughed at the time!

    He also added he would only serve one term. Looks like he will be correct again…..

  11. On the anniversary of the The Great American Eclipse, I remember that picture of Trump glaring at that awesome eclipse, it’s a bad idea to pick a fight with the universe.

  12. I knew things would get moving on Manafort and Cohen cases once Mercury turned direct, but still, what a day! I think November 8th skies strongly imply “Blue Wave” coming, and news now breaking will contribute to that. I know people are sceptic about Republican voters “turning on Trump”, and rightly so. However, Republican support is down, in general, hitting one of the lowest points ever in March, possibly because of the tax season showed Republican tax reform won’t benefit lower middleclass and working class. Midterms particularly are often determined by enthusiasm gap, since only about 40 per cent of eligeable voters turn to ballots. Republicans tend to have an edge here, but there are signs this won’t be the case now. Many long time Congressmen are retiring, and others are having legal issues. For instance, in what would had been the biggest National newsstory almost any other day, one of the first Congressmen to endorse Trump, Duncan Hunter, was indicted in campaign fund misuse case. He was literally using Veteran Cause as an excuse to buy pants in a district that was gerrymandered to include neighborhoods around San Diego with strong military families, so, it’s safe to say many Republicans who do not feel like voting for his Democratic competitor, will stay home.

    When it comes to Trump, my gut feeling is that he simply won’t be able to run in 2020. He may have to step down due to health issues sooner. A blessing in disguise, since if he is incapacitated to act as a President, he probably won’t go to jail, either. He could probably end his days in house arrest at his beloved Trump Tower or Mar-a-Lago. I’m wondering could that transiting Uranus square Mercury/Mars midpoint refer to a stroke or series of strokes? I’m not a specialist in medical astrology, but Mars is associated with head. He hasn’t written his own tweets in weeks (I’d say since post Helsinki meeting), and has been rambling more than ever at rallies.

  13. Not only must Trump and family be quaking in their boots over the increasing possibility of impeachment, but they’ve got to be terrified vis-a-vis the impact of all this on the Trump brand. Never mind the presidency. His whole business empire is at stake. The once glossy, 5-star image of Trump hotels, etc., could be irretrievably tarnished, leading to financial ruin. Trump may come to rue the day he decided to run for the presidency. Side note: Can’t help but speculate why Trump keeps praising Manafort, calling him a “good man”….even after his convictions. Something fishy there. Have to believe Manafort has a lot of dirt on Don and this is Trump’s way of signaling to him that a pardon is in the offing if he doesn’t spill the beans.

  14. I’m working in Manitoba this week – the Canadians are struck with shock that the GOP continues to ignore the obvious. With the puch for a Mexican border wall, they wonder here when the US armed forces will be deployed along the entire Canadian border.

    What a terrible situation for America.

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