Trump Impeachment – hope over experience

Nancy Pelosi finally caved and announced Congress would move towards an impeachment inquiry on Trump’s dealings with Ukraine where he allegedly threatened to withhold aid unless it dug dirt on his electoral rival Joe Biden. The chart for 5pm on 24 September does have a successful or at least enthusiastic Jupiter in the 10th but it’s also in an over-hopeful square to Neptune which is never a great sign. Jupiter Neptune is known as the aspect of false happiness and over-optimism. There’s a dirty-dealings-behind-the-scenes Pluto trine an even more deeply buried Mars in Virgo which could either lead to an exceptionally toxic struggle or stalemate. Mercury is also inconjunct Neptune suggesting mis-speaks, evasions and lies. Late December and January 2020 is when the Saturn moves to conjunct the Pluto and trine the Mars, which will be high-risk, irritable and could see a setback or two – which in any event need a two-thirds majority in the GOP-controlled senate which suggests it is a stretch.

Previous impeachment proceedings – in the case of Clinton were launched in October and went to Senate trial the following February where he was acquitted. In Nixon’s case it was a longer drawn-out process starting October 1973 and ending without trial when he resigned the following August.

The White House reckons it can fend off this “outrage du jour,” as one senior administration official called it. Having skated through Mueller; the Charlottesville uproar; Stormy Daniels; the “Access Hollywood“ tape; and dozens of other threats to his presidency, they see no reason why this one shouldn’t be swatted aside.

The key danger point for him is undoubtedly late February next year till early July with tr Pluto opposition his Sun/Mars midpoint; winding up beforehand as well with tr Pluto opposition his Saturn. That’s just after the exact tr Saturn Pluto conjunction of January which could throw up a major distraction of a different order to push all this into a corner.

Late February 2020 is when tr Pluto starts the two-year opposition to the USA Mercury bringing hostile debate of an exceptionally virulent and intense variety. Lies and fraudulent misrepresentation will run rife. The previous time there was anything similar astrologically was 1933/34 with tr Pluto in Cancer conjunct the USA Mercury; and prior to that in 1844/45 with tr Pluto in Aries square.

12 thoughts on “Trump Impeachment – hope over experience

  1. It’s amazing the misdirection and projection being spouted, spewed from Orange Man. How none of this is his fault! Another time, another place, he’d be slop-on-a-shingle.

    Perhaps the astrology could have predicted this outcome and reaction from Orange Man. ” It’s going to cost them billions upon billions upon even more billions to buy their leader out of this and purchase media favor, troll and bot farms, and propaganda. I don’t think they factored this into their decision to make him president.” Of course, instead we could be facing the Brexit aches and pains. Poor UK.

    May you live in interesting times.

  2. Already the Democrats have inserted a permanent label on DT’s historical record, no matter what happens. I’m sure Marjorie will refine the big picture a dozen times over as the months go by. She’s very thorough, and she speaks to people’s needs for answers.

    There will be other, even more important, charts. For example, when a couple becomes engaged, that chart data is for the engagement period, and the actual marriage ceremony chart covers the outcome of their union. I’m not totally dismissing the hopeless “engagement” chart above, but the heavens are moving and will provide further information. If impeachment proceedings are warranted, that point in time will give us the definitive answer we’re looking for.

    • “I think the precise legal term for this is, ‘Holy crap,’” tweeted Randall Eliason, a professor at George Washington University school of law.
      “The only conclusion I can reach after reading that devastating call summary is that Trump’s White House staff want him to resign or be impeached,” tweeted Ken Gude, a former progressive thinktank executive. “That’s the only explanation I can come up with for why they would release this call summary.”
      “If this ‘transcript’ is supposed exoneration of Trump, can’t imagine what the inculpatory evidence looks like, tweeted Neal Katyal, a former US acting solicitor general.
      The allegedly criminal nature of the act was even acknowledged on Tuesday on Fox News, typically terrain where Trump can do no wrong.

      There’s also a piece I can’t lay my hands on saying it might also pose problems for Biden since there have been troubling questions about Hunter Biden’s businesses for some years.

      • Marjorie, the White House staff mistakenly released to Democrat legislators the private talking points meant for Republicans to use in defense of the Trump Ukraine calls. They quickly recalled it, but not before screen shots were made. Democrats are sending Trump thanks but no thanks tweets, they’d rather stick with the truth. As larryc says, “You can’t make this stuff up”

    • Trump being “a fighter” is the conventional wisdom, but now that the transcripts of Trump’s phone call to Ukrainian President have been made public, it’s obvious that just like any good autocrat who has surrounded himself with yes men, he really is completely removed from any reality enabling him to fight.

  3. Donald Trump’s Mars/Pluto midpoint is located at 18° of Leo, right?
    From late February 20 untill July 20, tr. Pluto will be in Capricorn at 24°, right?

    Where is the dangerous opposition to his Mars/Pluto midpoint???

    The tr. Saturn Pluto conjunction of January 20 will oppose his Saturn (23° in Cancer) and then after a time his Venus (25° in Cancer), right?

    Marjorie, I do want to understand your explanations. I need rational justifications.

    • Yes sorry I did it from memory – should have been his Sun/Mars midpoint which is equally as horrendous. Plus all the Pluto punishment aimed at his Saturn and then Venus/Saturn midpoint and the following year Venus. Depressing and angst ridden.

  4. I grow weary of the constant digs at Pelosi. Fact is, the last president to get impeached got disbarred, censured, and a hand slap. Big whoop. He also left the office with a high approval rating. Before that, Trickydick Nixon resigned before the impeachment proceedings. Mdm SOTH has people barking at her from all sides since she assumed the office for the second time. I applaud her caution I hope she nails him so he leaves office with more than a hand slap. I also applaud her courage. The first woman SOTH stood there nervously, calling for the rarely applied political remedy. She has more nads in her pinky than the members of the sausage party she hangs with.

    • Slow clapping to this comment as Nancy did during the latest SOTU. But really, I think people underestimating her and Liz Warren, who I think will be Presidential Nominee, will play in Democratic Party’s advantages. Their adversaries will be too busy telling everybody how “unlikeable’ they are, and in mean while, they get things done.

    • Cool post, IXis9. Pelosi wouldn’t have budged unless something was found that was explosive. Plus it was Instant Karma for the Magats and and their filthy war against Greta Thunberg.

      This will not be over for Trump even if he greases past all obstacles as president. He has the courts of New Jersey and New York to deal with when he’s finally out of office. He will have to go through major court trials and depositions even if he has enough grease left in him to get acquittals.

      As for the outcome of the impeachment, one thing that’s for certain is Republican backers and their bankrolls are going to be drained. It’s going to cost them billions upon billions upon even more billions to buy their leader out of this and purchase media favor, troll and bot farms, and propaganda. I don’t think they factored this into their decision to make him president. Look at that second house with Chiron in it, and the 8th house opposite.

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