Trump & Biden – smears and tears


Another day, another egregious Trump transgression to which he responds in typical style by muddying the waters and hurling the same accusation back. On his scenario he’s not corrupt for using US Foreign policy for personal political ends to attack and undermine his leading opponent Joe Biden. Instead Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, is guilty on the basis of allegations that have been thoroughly debunked and relate back to a corrupt Ukrainian prosecutor who would threaten lawsuits if he wasn’t paid off and who has been denounced by a tranche of international bodies. Regrettably Trump’s muckraking tactic appears to be generally successful given that his spurious claims are repeated ad nauseam by the right wing media and a complicit GOP stays silent. The general public who don’t read the detail just shrug and reckon they’re each as bad as the other. Of which more anon.

But the drumbeats for impeachment have grown louder with even Nancy Pelosi shifting ground in that direction. Trump’s chart does have an enthusiasm-dampening tr Saturn square his Jupiter (which may be financial) in late November; and an exceptionally jumpy and overly-excitable tr Pluto opposition his Mars/Uranus midpoint in late December till early February. But his real trials begin late January and wind up a considerable head of steam from late February till early July when he looks trapped, cornered and enraged. His relationship with Pelosi is at daggers drawn in that early year phase and again mid year; and is undergoing a jolting turnaround at the moment with tr Uranus square the composite Pluto – as well as this year’s July Cancer Eclipse catching the composite Mars in combative mode.

Hunter Biden, 4 February 1970, has had business dealings in the Ukraine and with China, which latter have had Steven Bannon hot on his trail looking for dirt. He’s a Sun Venus in Aquarius with Jupiter in money-magnet Scorpio in a wobbly opposition to Saturn in Taurus. His Pluto falls in Biden’s senior’s 10th house which can suggest the relationship may have an adverse effect on the reputation of one or both; his Neptune is on senior’s Ascendant opposition his Uranus Saturn; and Hunter’s Saturn is conjunct senior’s Moon – not an easy relationship all round. Though there is an affectionate Sun Venus on the relationship chart. Hunter appears to have had a coke habit which saw him tossed out of the Navy Reserve. He looks on edge over the New Year with a jolting tr Uranus conjunct his Saturn

It is one of the many drawbacks of the American political system that it attracts very wealthy individuals or their money-seeking relatives which can give hostages to fortune where it comes to this kind of situation. It’s not that Trump isn’t a million times worse and quite blatantly so, but it really doesn’t help.

22 thoughts on “Trump & Biden – smears and tears

  1. Hi Larry, regarding your comment on 25 September about Trump’s twitter, it brought to mind this recent article:

    As a foreign reporter visiting the US I was stunned by Trump’s press conference

    By Leonore Taylor

    Despite being subjected to a daily diet of Trump headlines, I was unprepared for the president’s alarming incoherence

    • Hello, Emma. I read the link. It does read somewhat incoherent but this is his true style. Yoooooje! (for huge). A POWERFUL WALL! Ad nauseum. Size does matter to the man despite what Stormie Daniels offered. Daily news posts suggest the packing of banana shipments with cocaine is easier than using the southern border to shovel drugs into the US and other countries.

      The masses here drink it up. Size matters. 😉

  2. You use a lot of college level words with very little punctuation.

    The Clinton impeachment success didn’t stop Clinton from running for and winning his next election. Even though he had successfully been impeached, we were still stuck with him for another four years.

    Trump’s impeachment will make him more popular, ensuring the 2020 win.

    • Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives in 1998. The next presidential election was in 2000 between Bush and Gore. Clinton could not run for re-election because he had already served 2 terms and a third term is not allowed by law (with the exception of Franklin Roosevelt’s World War 2 third term).

  3. Hi all, I so excited by Pelosi but also by the ruling of the UK Supreme Court. And I’m really intrigued that these announcements came on the same day. Might these events be a turning point? Like Mrs Bhali, I wonder if this can be associated with Saturn going forward? Certainly in my own personal life I feel like things are less stuck!

  4. I really, REALLY hope this benefits Democrats in the end. I know the whistle blower has requested to meet and speak with the committee in person which is encouraging news. I just hope all of this is incriminating enough to cause Trump to lose more support.

    I know the GOP controlled Senate will not impeach the Orange Idiot….but I’m hoping the impeachment inquiry tarnishes his reputation to the point where Democrats and progressive-minded Independents come out in DROVES to vote Democrat up and down the ballot next year.

    I’m beginning to think Solaia’s observation about the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn is correct. Perhaps, instead of an absolute takeover next year (like many of us have been concerned about)…the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn could represent a shift back to normal, more traditional politics. After all, Capricorn can also represent tradition and traditional values.

    The kind of politics we are experiencing right now are anything but normal – this is alt-right fascism and capitalism on steroids.

    • Chris, its come out that Trump asked the Ukraine prez to manufacture dirt about Biden. Not find it, but make it up.

      Palmer Report is keeping up with Trump’s complete meltdown over this. Trump called Nancy Pelosi and asked if a compromise could be reached. Did not get the answer he wanted to hear.

      I know the process is going to be slow and confusing (remember, Nixon faked official transcripts to try and weasel out of it). Can’t wait to see Marjorie’s post about this development.

      No matter what Trump does, or the GOP does, or Fox News does, or the Magas, this is on Trumps record as President. Forever.

    • Clinton wasn’t up for re-election in 2000. Otherwise, results were mixed. His that far popular VP failed to overcome Electoral College disparity. Republicans lost their majority in Senate, but interestingly, House was practically “deadlocked”.

      Also, one has to remember Bill Clinton handled those hearings. He was 52. He was a Yale Law Grad and Rhodes Scholar. But he came from “nothing”, was an outsider and had a lifetime of practise in fending for himself. Now, compare that to a 73-year-old rich boy who, for all his bravado, has spend tens if not hundreds of millions settling litigations against his companies or himself, even offering very generous settlements to his ex-wives. And is now in a very visible cognitive decline.

      While I fully expect MAGA Crowd continuing to support him, people who already thought he was a disgrace, will probably be more motivated to vote him out. And will not reflect well to many of his associates.

      • Solaia, the Supreme Court decided the 2000 election. 5 conservative judges stopped the recount of votes in Florida. They ruled that the Florida legislature could decide who won in Florida, without having to continue to find the actual total of votes and totals of absentee ballot votes from overseas citizens and military.

        Bill Clinton handled those hearings? Unclear whether you mean the Supreme Court hearings, which he did not. Bush brought this before the Supreme Court. The impeachment hearings? which he did not. By law, this was turned over to a series of committees that culminated in an Independent Counsel (Kenneth Starr) and his Starr Report before it ever went to a vote in the House.

        As for Trump’s effect on his associates, 40% of house Republicans have lost or left since his election.

  5. So, impeachment enquiry is going to happen, with several major news outlets having anticipated Nancy Pelosi making an announcement at 3 pm in Washington.

    Also, McConnell just threw Pompeo and Esper under the bus saying he pressed them on reasons for withholding Ukrainian aid.

    This is escalating quick, now.

      • Now Trump will have the same stigma as Bill Clinton. Not a true impeachment by both House and Senate, but a Polly Parrot impeachment. ‘“Trump’s impeached, squawk, Trump’s impeached” until the end of time.

          • Larryc, Trump can always go back to his other job as King of Israel. I bet before this is all over, The Chosen One will tweet or say, “They’re trying to crucify me.”

          • MrsBhali – I tripped into Trumps twitter feed quite by accident. The amount of toxic comments toward Dems and non-GOP was overwhelming. Where’s the door? I want off this planet.

      • @larryc, yes, Pelosi postponed the official announcement to 5pm. TV time. I checked Moon position, since I don’t like Void of Course for this type of events, and this was very early in Leo, so all good for announcement (not sure about Trump, it’s his 12th house). And although I didn’t look at aspects, there must have been a tight square to Uranus.

        Also, I think many things got unblocked with Saturn going direct last week. We’re still living in Shadow Period, but I see a lot of Karma in action.

        • I wish I could see something positive from this action/reaction. The Trumpers will follow him into Hell, torching as they march. These are not good times for the country; I’m old enuf to see it will take decades to repair the societal damage Trump and his ilk have caused. There remain deep feelings following the American Civil War; I fear the same results here.

          From a post from this past summer, “Partly it touches on Kissinger’s thought about Trump that such people turn up at the end of a cycle, effectively as wreckers of the old ways, but without much sense of what any alternative plan might be. Pluto in Capricorn’s final revenge before it exits, tearing down the pillars of the old temple.” The Brexit conundrum – Pluto pulling the strings, 29th August 2019

  6. People keeping count on this have counted over 20 Democrats joining the call for an impeachment in last 24 hours. Most importantly, Rep. John Lewis just spoke for it on House floor. I’ve been getting Knight of Wands, Page of Wands, Eight of Wands in my tarot readings for “personal” matters. I don’t have much Fire related to Wands on my chart, but have noticed that these cards typically preceed particularly busy news cycles that keep me busy.

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