Trump and the darkness at the heart of America

Trash-talking Trump sinks lower into the murk when he doubles up on his attack on a Democratic black congressman, whose Baltimore district he first described as a “disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess” and added “no human being would want to live there.” This in response to Elijah Cummings comments about migrant conditions at the border. Having discovered like his previous ‘go back from whence you came’ crack to Ilhan Omar and others that it appealed to his white working-class base he’s now in full flood, despite or perhaps enlivened by the criticism he is receiving.

The Baltimore Sun whaled back with an editorial which described Trump as “the most dishonest man to ever occupy the Oval Office, the mocker of war heroes, the gleeful grabber of women’s private parts, the serial bankrupter of businesses, the useful idiot of Vladimir Putin and the guy who insisted there are ‘good people’ among murderous neo-Nazis.” They ended that saying it’s better to have “vermin” in your neighbourhood “than to be one.”

That Trump revels in savagely overheated arguments is not news, nor is his vengeful, narcissistic kickback against any form of criticism, nor his flagrantly racists views. What is utterly depressing is that he can say such things without a scintilla of shame and not only get away with it but can increase his popularity doing so. Racism always was the elephant in America’s shadow and he’s dragging it out into the open. The fanatical, bitterly resentful Mercury opposition Pluto in the USA chart which has leanings towards fascism is still to do its worst in the early 2020s with the tr Pluto in hard aspect, which doesn’t augur well.

Elijah Cummings, 18 January 1951 is a Sun Capricorn with his determined Mars in Aquarius exactly opposite Trump’s Mars in bombastic Leo; and his Sun is opposition Trump’s Saturn for a chilly interface.

Their relationship chart has the composite Mars conjunct the destructive Fixed planet Algol in a bad-tempered and cruel square to Saturn; with a disappointing Sun opposition Neptune.

This argument isn’t so much between Cummings and Trump as between Trump and the soul of America.



63 thoughts on “Trump and the darkness at the heart of America

  1. Wow. I think Michael Lutin says the USA is going through a Pluto return. We (USA) were/was not a major world player before we were pulled into WWII. The United Kingdom was. Everything changed for us after WWII. Before that – the country had 40% unemployment (the Great Depression of the 30’s).

    The shadow is surfacing – that is all. I think what is going on is disillusioning for all of us. I live 35 miles due west of Baltimore – and Baltimore has issues- but let’s talk about that – there has been negative growth for years as Industry is closing and leaving (Lower growth, lower taxes, no jobs). At one point it was the major port of entry for Automotive and Steel making. No more. Reading all these posts has been educational. Think in terms of some of the problems poor Detroit has had. The Economics changed – it affected people.

  2. I saw recently a documentary series on National Geographic on dictators. The episode on Mussolini’s way to power and what happened in Italy, was very similar to Trump.

    I am from Finland, and looking at the US from here it looks like US seems to have these ‘strange’ times that lasts a few years every now and then. It seems like the country gets divided for a few years and the opposite sides only shout at each other. Then after some time everything cools down and people seem to be friends again.
    The beginning of the second Iraq war was such a time, The McCartney era another.
    Is there something in the US horoscope that indicates this?

  3. Perhaps Trump could start “fixing” the problem in Baltimore by telling his slumlord son-in-law to clean up the numerous rodent-infested apartments he owns there.

    • No problem but I will leave you with this from Scott Adams. No one here understands how Trump works and this might help:
      Trump has identified a problem and is talking about it. You can’t fix what you can’t talk about. The Dems find it hard to talk about a blighted city with a civil rights leader.

      Trump directly said when he was running that he was going to ignore political correctness. The Dems can’t talk about the problem because they need to protect the reputation of a civil rights hero. Trump walks into the hornets nest and with every hornet biting him he says “your city is a mess and your leaders are failing you”. Did that need to be said? Wow, 100 times over it needed to be said. And when they called him a racist for saying it, he doubled down. And that’s exactly why he was elected.

      Dems pushing away any type of conversation that isn’t politically correct prevents any solutions from coming forward. He is doing what he promised, he is taking the stings and allowing people to talk about the thing that needs to be fixed.

      • Francine, arguing with Marjorie Orr is disgraceful. Your childish lecture shows how desperate you are to be right no matter what the cost. For some twisted reason, you have humiliated yourself for Trump, and he doesn’t even care if you exist.

      • Francine, it’s easy to highlight and talk about a problem, and a cheap shot to get publicity. Perhaps Trump would get more respect if he found solutions and stopped blaming the poor and vulnerable

  4. Apparently Los Angeles Times have tweeted that ‘Trump will be ineligible for California’s primary ballot next year unless he discloses his tax returns under a state law that took effect immediately on Tuesday’ (yesterday). That’s the new Californian election law.

    My grandmother used to always say ‘there is always more than one way to skin a cat’. So let’s see how he wriggles out of this one! Lool

    • Don’t count on this FINALLY being the thing to bring Trump down. I know your hopes have been dashed at every turn when you think “finally, this it it! We got him now!” The courts won’t allow it to stand and one reason is it disenfranchises millions of voters.

  5. It seems to me reading through these comments, you’re all as bad as each other.
    How about making some effort to understand the other side’s point of view, whichever side you’re on ?

    • Probably possible to understand the reasons why someone holds a particular view, but that doesn’t always make it easier to agree with them.

    • I’m a great believer – mainly – in listening to opposing arguments. Partly it lets you see how other people’s minds work, or don’t as the case may be. And even idiots/or appalling people do occasionally hit on truths that are worth considering.
      But there’s a risk in making it too even handed. Small example – years ago I made a documentary about Los Desaparecidos, people who were secretly arrested, tortured and murdered in Argentina. The company I worked for was very wary of the regulatory authority who were in those days overly keen on ‘balance’. The bosses insisted I find someone to interview to argue FOR the arrest/torture/murder regime. Eventually I found a businessman who rather shamefacedly put up some sort of argument for the dictatorship. But it was an obscene nonsense. Some actions and beliefs cannot be defended or weighed in a balance – they are just plain evil/indecent/immoral.

      • Marjorie,

        “The bosses insisted I find someone to interview…Some actions and beliefs cannot be defended or weighted in a balance-they are just plain evil.”: you have hit the nail on the head of today’s journalism. This form of journalism equates what is inequitable. They put pundits on to defend vile positions, therefore legitimizing the vile positions. I suspect if today’s form of journalism operated during the Nazi regime, the powers that be would put pro Nazi pundits on to explain why it is valid to terminate 6 million people, and put on a anti Nazi pundit to explain why it is immoral and criminal to exterminate 6 million people. Therefore, blurring the fact that both positions are NOT morally equivalent. Today’s journalism helps to explain why we have so many people believing evil and nonsensical ideas. Today’s journalism helps to explain why as a society some seem to have lost their moral compass.

    • Many people do change over time, but if the door is slammed shut completely they may stay where they are. I think it’s possible to completely disagree with someone while keeping the door open. I’m talking about sending Christmas cards rather than lunches and BBQ’s every weekend. They may never come back, but they definitely won’t if the door is shut. Funnily enough I was having this conversation very recently with a friend who is an addiction counsellor in a coastal community

      • Many don’t. In fact, many simply dig deeper holes, reinforce their opinions with concrete blocks and ammunition. Oh, let’s not forget the stacks of dog-eared bibles on the shelves.

        I tried helping others over the decades to see and realise there are two sides to every coin. I’d rather feed the birds.

        • You are right that many don’t and there are no promises. But many do.

          Something happened during this Mercury Rx; I f***ed up spectacularly by accidentally adding two friends to a WhatsApp group that haven’t spoken to each other for 16 years. 16 years! I wanted the ground to swallow me up, the perils of modern technology huh? Well, at first they were civil. Then we met for drinks!

          You never know how each party will feel once years have passed. Besides, I’m a Scorpio in a forgiving mood, don’t spoil it 😉 Admittedly, I have a Libra NN conjunct Pluto (6th), so there is no dodging this stuff for me in the end. I’m also allergic to cats, which I think is the universe’s way of reinforcing this – there is no alternative!

          I suppose what I am saying is this: I lost half my family when I was young, would I have them back even if they had to come back as brexiteers or Trump supporters? Yes, a billion times! My cousins are my oldest friends, the shared history and memories are priceless to me. But you may be happier as you are and that is fine. Otherwise, feel free to come back in a few years and say “tara, you were talking out of your arse”

          Anyway, tomorrow is the start of a new month. My kids are off school for the whole of it, I’ve already had “Muuuum! She’s looking at me again!!!” how much worse can it get? 😉

  6. As an outsider, there’s something that I absolutely do not get about people who are STILL Trump fans. How do they not see that his behavior is not only appalling, but morbid, in original sense of the word? How do they not see calling Trump out is not about “Right” or “Left”, but recognizing a mental disorder? The man is simply sick, and his condition is getting more and more evident. And, instead of recognizing this, and at least let him retire peacefully to his “Winter White House” where he has spent over a quarter (and nearer to a third) of his Presidency, they want more.

    • I think if the Donster went on live TV and bit the heads off kittens, his diehard fans would be shouting, “Hey, it’s about time those goddam kittens got what’s coming to ‘em. Die you Liberal feline traitors!”

  7. Reading the posts of the trump heads is similar to visiting a psychiatric ward: one is shocked, saddened, dismayed by the disconnect the psychiatric patients have to reality.

  8. I’d like to thank all the Trump supporters for the regular reminders that I share a country with at least 100 million despicable people.

  9. Anyone who thinks Epstein will bring down Trump doesn’t do enough research. Trump is clamping down on human trafficking and freeing the children and adults who have been sold into slavery and worse under the democrats. Elijah Cummings will likely follow the last three democrats in Baltimore who stepped down over corruption. Keep hating on Trump and being triggered by his every comment but you have a long 5 years ahead.

    Impeachment needs 2/3rds of senate to approve but reps own a 53-47 majority so it’s completely impossible. Trump is here to stay and astrology shows that we are heading for a big exposure of the self-proclaimed righteous world leaders who steal millions and are protected by the billionaire-owned puppet media.

  10. Julie, Joan and Larry NYC…thank you. What I worry about most these days is that the Trumpers don’t read history, and therefore don’t understand that their Storm Trooper tweets and communiques sound exactly like Germany in the 1930’s. Hitler had a problem with “vermin” too. God help us in the U.S. right now. The most disheartening and frightening time I can ever remember. And in closing: Elijah Cummings almost lost his life in the Civil Rights movement. Baltimore is the beautiful city where “The Star Spangled Banner” was composed. I’ve actually visited there. Have a little decency, Trumpers.

    • Thumpers have no decency. Nearly all my cousins, my aunt, and close family members blindly follow Trump to Make America White Again. I’ve not spoken to them since Drompf won the election – their cheers to rid America of all nonwhite non-Evangelicals were horrifying. My family is largely Catholic-Italian…so where does being evangelical come into the picture for Catholics (Latin rite)?

    • Deborah – I agree, reading a little history might go a long way towards a kinder and more rational perspective. But as Marjorie says, this astrological phase with Mercury and Pluto is dragging things out into the open at last. Perhaps this is the only way to initiate shining a light into the shadows? As for the run up to the 2nd WW, yes “vermin” was a word popular with the Nazis, and now serves as some kind of disgusting metaphor once again, alongside the long-standing reality of the rats of the East coast.

      Further, I think its worth noting that between the 1940’s – 1960’s America had the Indian Termination policies that wreaked further damage (in the name of ‘assimilation’) on the Native American population. What a sinister name to choose – redolent of Mercury/Pluto at its darkest I think and also reminiscent of Nazi ideology. There are endless examples of this kind of mindset in US history (and in so many other countries too). I hope the light shines with dazzling brightness, but do wonder what else will emerge from the darkness.

      • One facet of mercury/Pluto, and indeed the Pluto return to come, should entail a substantial degree of soul searching in the collective USA. It’s history, founded on genocide and built on slavery and seemingly endless wars of aggression, conquest, crackpot domestic gun legislation, naked racism, vast drug use, and corruption at all levels of government, need to be dealt with in the collective psyche. I really don’t say this harshly, there’s a lot that’s decent about America and it’s people and I speak as a friend, but a deep and meaningful look inside is probably long overdue and that may be a part of the Pluto healing process.And could my native UK benefit with such similar ‘therapy’? For sure…

      • “…but do wonder what else will emerge from the darkness.”

        Stay tuned to the Trump Channel. I don;t wonder any longer but if he closes the borders to US citizens LEAVING the US, well, that’ll be a new trick.

    • Deborah, your argument about Cummings and civil rights movement and Baltimore and the Star Spangled Banner has nothing to do with the poverty stricken citizens living with rats today. Thank you Elijah for making your mark on history but please answer where did the 1.8 billion given to Baltimore in 2018 disappear? Down a rat hole?

  11. His son-in-law owns hundreds of rental properties in Baltimore and recently racked up hundreds of citations of code violation in 2 years, including vermin infestation. He kept refusing to repair those properties until the authorities threaten to pose fine. So it’s obvious that DT is in the position to know. What he didn’t (want to) mention is that his family is part of the reason and keep making it happen.

  12. Francine: Your idea of Trump “getting things done” is my idea of major setbacks. His “victories” are defeats for the U.S. and humankind.

  13. No, Francine is not going to stomp off and sulk in a corner. PDJT is the first powered person capable of hijacking the Left’s narrative and re-setting it to his own. He did it with the border, he did it with “The Squad,” and he did it with Elijah Cummings and his rat infested district. This morning it is Al Sharpton (he of Tawana Bradley fame). If you don’t understand what he is doing by now and continue with the outrage you are missing the point. The Right will never desert him because he gets things done. I believe Baltimore is going to have to clean themselves up as will the other a Democrat run cities that have become shitholes. The Left will continue to defend rats rather than the people.

    • Francine: I wholeheartedly agree with you. But, I have to warn you that this astrologer and many others are so left leaning that they wouldn’t know the truth if it hit them on the head. I love that the fans are asking for an educated, classy and stoic president instead of PDJT. Well, they had one for eight years, Obama. Look what he did to our country. You can’t fix stupid. May I suggest reading/listening to Joni Patry astrology. She’s great!

      • Hahahahaha—Patry is predicting World War Three by 2020–and who is the President leading us into World War Three? Trump.

        You can’t fix stupid.

        • I had never heard of Joni Patry before. Interesting site. But ironically this month (August’s) prediction video on her site seems to have a message for all of us, particulary Trump Supporters. At about 9:40 into the video, she says “What you see is what you have to heal within your life”.

          It is quite a philosophical thought. Perhpas we can see only what we already have within us. We can see hate within others because we have hate within ourselves and need to heal that. I would suggest reflecting on that sentence, which I found pretty profound.

      • Leave (with a capital L) is generally considered the Trumpian equivalent campaign in UK politics. So there is an irony there.

      • Who is spreading hatred and bigotry Larry? Every time I read one of your posts it has nothing to do with astrology and everything to do with being nasty. Are you one big racist telling people to go back where they came from? Please Leave Larry.

  14. Francine: You are clearly delusional. You need to take a hard look at reality and your beloved president. So you really think Trump is going to clean up Baltimore or that he has any interest in doing do? Trump and his father were notorious slum lords. Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is also a slum lord–he owns numerous apartments in–wait for it–Baltimore, many of which are infested with rodents. Re the economy, Obama got the ball rolling, not Trump. The economy was well on the road to recovery before Trump took office. Furthermore, how anyone could be okay with Trump’s infantile tweets and maniacal behavior at rallies is utterly beyond comprehension. I want an ethical, educated, grown-up president who comports himself/herself with dignity and class, not an embarrassing, name-calling child who spends most of his time tweeting instead of governing. Not someone who used campaign funds to pay hush money to porn stars, not someone who boasted about grabbing women by their private parts, not someone who couldn’t be exonerated for obstruction of justice, not someone who openly welcomes election interference from Russia and calls neo-Nazis very fine people. I want a president who is an adult, not an impudent adolescent who stomps his feet and hurls schoolboy taunts when he wants his way. I suggest you get a grip and re-evaluate your beloved president. Otherwise, good luck with Vlad.

    • Julie

      I’m 1 million per cent sure Francine will do none of what you suggest or own that description of her president. She will stomp off, sulk in a corner, repeat some of Trump rhetoric then throw out some insults at you (and Obama of course). That’s just what they do. That’s as grown up as it gets for them. Remember people gravitate to those who are like them so of course her hard reality is she likes him because she thinks like him. The hard reality for all the rest of you though is realizing that this is what your America really looks like when you removed all the fan-dangles, glitter and hype. Sorry to say….

  15. I only just found out the other day that the electoral college system is the same voting system used during slavery to stop the black man from voting. Interesting that it has not been overhauled to date, and interesting that that is what won Trump the election. There’s a clue there or at least the symbolism is not lost (on me anyway)!

    When he says ‘Let’s make America great again’ which part of the ‘great’ America do people need to live through again given it’s history?

  16. That racism wins so many cheers and votes is the heart-breaker. That so many millions of presumably otherwise sane people can agree with – or ignore – trump’s rancid, small-minded comments and foul ranting is troubling. Gifted singer Randy Rainbow has done a fabulous, fun job in his latest song parody, “Suckers”, touching on this issue. I see RR playing a court jester’s role. It would be interesting to read your take on his chart, Marjorie.

  17. There is nothing wrong with calling out the truth and shining a light on the disgusting places citizens live in Democrat run cities. Here is the mayor of Baltimore in 2018:”During a local news segment on the demoltion of abandoned row homes in Baltimore City, Mayor Catherine Pugh slipped up and let her true feelings out.

    “We need to take all this s**t down,” Pugh can be heard saying about the abandoned spaces.

    As the news segment closes, the anchor takes a pause, and you can hear Pugh say, “Ew, you can smell the rats.”–baltimore-mayor-says–ew-you-can-smell-the-rats–and.html

    While Cummings and Pelosi are off on paid vacation for six weeks in Italy nothing gets done. What have the Dems done in the past three years? Can anyone name one thing besides trying to take Trump down? I’m waiting….You are right, they whine, complain continually all because Hillary, the biggest criminal in the Democrat party didn’t get her turn. Meanwhile he’s got the economy roaring, the stock market the best its ever been and unemployment at its lowest ever for African Americans. And all of his tweets are designed to get people talking. Right now you are all defending rats while Trump is trying to get inner cities cleaned up. Constant faux outrage. Btw, I’m seeing plenty of videos on twitter of Baltimoreans thanking President Trump for for getting some momentum going to clean up their nasty neighborhoods. And in 2016 The Baltimore Sun even said he was correct. “Trump’s right: Declare Baltimore a ‘disaster’ and rebuild it”
    But believe what you’ve always believed even though the Left has led you astray regarding Trump as shown by what many felt would be the end with the Mueller hearings. “Oh yes, we got him now!” “This is the tipping point” “The end is near!” Said for the millionth time since the election and proven wrong time and again. Go ahead, follow those Dems right off a cliff, the whining and gnashing of teeth won’t be missed.

  18. Is there any hope for the USA (and the UK) or is all lost at this point? Is Fascism the future of the formerly free world?

    • They say things go around in cycles so it is looking that way…. Just that this time it will have the face of democracy stamped on it.

  19. Long run, short catch.
    The race is not for the swift, but for who exercises strategic patience.
    Who laughs last, laughs best!

  20. Where was the outcry when Bernie Sanders called Baltimore akin to a third-world country? Baltimore is a dangerous, corrupt dump…as everybody on the East Coast well knows.

    • Trump vile tweets are quite different from Bernie’s Third World comment. There is no comparison between the two, and that’s your answer to why there was no “outcry”.

  21. Really depressing that these attitudes are mirrored in the UK at the present time. It’s really sad to see how our current P M has given a voice and authenticity to these appalling opinions.

  22. I say, bring it on, Trump. You’ve trashed Baltimore; now no self-respecting resident of Maryland can support you. Hope you trash communities in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Florida next.

  23. As an American, not a day goes by when I’m not heartbroken or horrified by something trump says or does. It’s particularly offensive to watch trump debase anyone who dares to cross hum, especially when it involves people of color. Of course, as you already noted, the real horror show is that some people in my country vigorously support trump’s open racism and no one in trump’s political party ever says boo to him. Maybe trump really can kill someone on 5th Avenue and get away with it.

  24. Trump is scrambling for every bottom-feeder vote he can find, even among pedophiles—his good-buddy video with Jeffery Epstein will gather those votes in. If you’re into pornstars, or if you’re a racist, or a deceitful businessman, or a rapist, or an adulterer, or an immigrant hater, or a tax cheat, Republicans have got the Presidential candidate for you!

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