Tom Brokaw – talented, earthy, hard-edged



Tom Brokaw, a highly respected TV journalist and NBC anchor has had three allegations of historical sexual harassment made against him – of groping and unwanted kissing. 65 TV industry women then signed and published a letter characterizing Brokaw as “a man of tremendous decency and integrity.” Although one subsequent report says more junior staffers felt forced to sign it.

Born 6 February 1940 3.40am Webster, South Dakota, he has a quick-witted 3rd house Sun, Mercury in Aquarius. Though what marks his chart out as mega-talented – and quite heavyweight – is an Earth Grand Trine of Capricorn Moon trine Uranus trine Neptune, formed into two Kites. Neptune opposes Venus in charming Pisces; and his Moon opposes an 8th house Pluto squaring onto a disciplined, but ratchety Mars Saturn in Aries. His Pluto is also trine a confident, happy-home Jupiter in the 4th. He’s been married since 1962 to author Meredith Lynn Auld and they have three children.

Pluto in the 8th would help to make him influential; though his Moon aspects are difficult – opposition Pluto square Mars, Saturn. Certainly not at ease with the feminine.

In recent years he suffered from cancer though it appears to be in remission. He’s got a tough three to four years ahead with tr Uranus squaring his Pluto from June, and later in the year hitting his Moon/Pluto midpoint. In 2019 tr Pluto moves to square his Mars Saturn which will be extremely challenging.

One thought on “Tom Brokaw – talented, earthy, hard-edged

  1. What is it about powerful men? Their sense of entitlement re women is unbelievable. I truly thought Brokaw was an exception to the rule. Felt the same way about Charlie Rose, who came across as so decent and upstanding. Ah well, another one bites the dust.

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