Tiger Roll – a Piscean champ



Tiger Roll won the Grand National yesterday to become the first horse since Red Rum 45 years ago to win the Aintree race two years running. In fact Red Rum went on to win a third National and come in twice in subsequent years.

Tiger Roll, who at 15 hands 2 inches is more of a lady’s hack size than a steeplechaser, was foaled in Ireland on 14 March 2010. He’s a Sun Uranus Mercury in Pisces with Jupiter and maybe Moon also in Pisces. If that sounds too watery and wishy washy, his Saturn in Libra opposes his Uranus Sun and Venus in Aries; as well as being sextile Mars in flashy Leo – so he’s got disciplined and backbone.

His chart is nothing like Red Rum’s – 3 May 1965, also Ireland. He was an Earthy Sun Venus in Taurus opposition Neptune and trine and explosive combination of Pluto, Uranus, Mars in Virgo. His Virgo planets opposed Saturn and squared North Node in Gemini. He retired at 13 and died after a long retirement when he was 30.

2 thoughts on “Tiger Roll – a Piscean champ

  1. Good morning Marjorie,
    Speaking of Pisces, asking you about Jodie Comer born March 11 1993 who co-stars in Killing Eve which is a BBC America
    production and 2nd season just started here in the US and soon in the UK, it started on April 8 2018.S
    JC seems like some talent (another Saoirse Ronan I believe) was the Mistress in Doctor Foster and
    other roles. She was born in Liverpool.
    Thank you if you look into.

  2. My little 2010 Tiger and I had a little flutter on him. The only other win I’ve ever had was West Tip, when I was also about 9

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