The Mountbattens – eye-curling Royal scandals


Royal scandals and tragedies are drawing an unwelcome spotlight with the louche lifestyle of Louis and Edwina Mountbatten now being exposed as the fortieth anniversary of his death at the hands of the IRA comes round. And that’s all on top of Prince Andrew’s Epstein sinkhole.

A new book – The Mountbattens: Their Lives and Loves lays bare bedhopping, gay affairs and dangerous liaisons. She had multiple affairs, including with Douglas Fairbanks, pianist Leslie Hutchinson, actor Paul Robeson and probably Indian PM Nehru, and was named as a co-respondent in a society divorce. He was bisexual having affairs with women, including maybe Shirley MacLaine. But there are also tales of him procuring boys from aged 8 to 12 years old, and some from the infamous Kincora Children’s Home in Belfast in the mid 1970s, as well as trawling the Life Guards Barracks in London for young soldiers.

What’s intriguing astrologically about Louis and Edwina is that both had see-saw charts, indicating a constant search for ANother opposite to make themselves feel whole.

Louis, born 25 June 1900 6am, Windsor, England was the Duke of Edinburgh’s uncle and the Queen’s second cousin. His Cancer Sun in the hidden 12th conjunct Neptune opposed a downbeat Saturn in Capricorn; and his sensual Mars in Taurus opposed Jupiter with his Gemini Moon and Pluto opposing Uranus. He also had Venus Mercury in Cancer in his 12th. Not much love going around or stability in his aristocratic childhood. He would like to party with Jupiter Uranus in his 5th and would definitely be unconcerned about transgressing norms of behaviour with such a strong Uranus.

Edwina born 28 November 1901 7am Romsey, England was the granddaughter and heiress to a millionaire magnate with her mother dying when she was 11. She had a 1st house Sun Sagittarius so would be a live-wire personality; with an intense 8th house Moon Neptune in Cancer opposition Mars, Jupiter, Saturn in Capricorn, and Uranus opposition Pluto. Not too much of an even keel in her childhood either despite lashings of money.

Their relationship chart was chaotic and constantly changing but very tied together. There was a composite Sun Mercury in an argumentative opposition to Mars square an adventurous Uranus and Jupiter opposition a possessive Pluto Moon. There would be a constant fight for control and the upper hand with aggravation and anger spilling out. Yet with Moon Neptune straddling the composite Midheaven trine Venus they would manage to maintain an ethereal aura in public.

They did have some positive astro-crossovers since his Cancer Sun and her Cancer Moon were conjunct and his Jupiter was conjunct her Sun. But his Saturn on her Mars and opposition her Neptune was never going to make for harmony and bliss.

Another astrological curiosity was the Solar Eclipse which occurred five days before he was blown up in late August 1979 while on holiday in Ireland along with his grandson. This particular eclipse in the 18 North Saros cycle came back round 18 years later for the death of Princess Diana, Princess of Wales, one day before that eclipse. 18 North is usually interpreted as illness or accident-prone and given to obsessive worry. And going back to 1961, the August solar eclipse was the closest to the birth of Lady Diana Spencer in July.

10 thoughts on “The Mountbattens – eye-curling Royal scandals

  1. Prince George, Duke of Kent (20th December 1902) is another from this Uranus in Sagittarius opposition Pluto in Gemini generation. His lifestyle was just as spectacularly scandalous – including recreational drug use, and affairs with many men and women before and during his marriage. I’m wondering if this opposition is a signature for the so-called Bright Young Things who came of age during the 1920’s and were notable for their hedonism?

    • Pluto in Gemini gave them dual traumas, the pandemic of Spanish flu and the Great War (world war I), both active in 1918. So you’ve hit on something that was a major factor in creating the “Bright Young Things”. They must have felt lucky to be alive, and had the urge to live life to the fullest.

  2. Can you look at Wayne Rooney chart and Colleen Rooney ? Why does he seem to keep putting his foot in it well and truly with other women involved plus drink , gambling. She seems so down to earth and a wonderful mother to their 4 boys .. Will he sort himself out ?

  3. Amoral decadence goes hand in hand with the Royal Family.
    The recent tales regarding Prince Andrew shows nothing much has changed over the decades.

  4. What actually happened to Willie MacRae, solicitor, SNP Vice Chairman and former Lieutenant Commander and aide-de-camp to Admiral Lord Mountbatten? A case of murder clearly being hushed up by the Establishment.

    …”In November 2014 a Scottish Sunday Express front-page article alleged that MacRae had uncovered evidence of the alleged paedophile ring in Westminster during the 1980s. The article suggests he may have been murdered and that the evidence he possessed was stolen at the time of his death.”..



    It would be great if you could find the time to take a look at his chart Marjorie. He was truly an all-round amazing man.

    There’s so much data out there about Willie MacRae, however too much to post on here, such as his relationship with the Mountbattens, Gandhi etc. And just to add that a nurse, Katharine McGonigal, who had treated Willie MacRae came forward last year (she had been out of the country) to dispute the official finding that McRae had died as a result of a gunshot to his right temple and that he had taken his own life. She said that there was no bullet wound at that area of his head but there was a bullet wound at the back of his neck. And yet the authorities still refuse to reopen the case.

    Willie MacRae born in Carron, Falkirk, Scotland on the 18 May 1923. Died in Inverness, Scotland on the 7 April 1985.

  5. Mountbatten, Jimmy Saville and Prince Charles. You just wonder what was going on there.

    ”He was first introduced to the Royal Family, he reveals, by Lord Mountbatten. In 1966, Jimmy became the first civilian to be awarded a Royal Marines’ green beret. Mountbatten was comm­and­ant general at the time and realised that Savile could be a useful contact.

    “Coming from Lord Louis, who was the favourite uncle of Prince Philip, that was quite something,” he says. “So obviously I hooked up with the Prince – what was good enough for Lord Louis was good enough for him.”


    Too bad the Royals didn’t do their homework before they named their latest baby after Mountbatten. Prince George also has Louis as a middle name.

  6. As the historian Andrew Roberts has pointed out what matters about Mountbatten was not his own or his wifes sexual proclivities but his incompetence as a military leader and civil administrator. His long list of failures include the disastrous command of the Dieppe raid and the catastrophe of the partition of India. The troubles in modern Kashmir are in part his creation. Over promoted, arrogant, a self publicist who was quick to claim any success and even quicker to blame subordinates for his own errors Mountbatten probably deserves the lousy reputation he is acquiring.

    • For sure. And acc to this latest book he was about to spearhead a coup against the Wilson Government until HM Queen stopped him. Ghastly man from all standpoints.

  7. Since I’m a history buff and I’ve always been fascinated with the world’s aristocracies, blue bloods, bourgeoisie, gentries, high societies, monarchies, nobilities, and royal families, I know I’m going to have to read this book.

    I’m still hoping someone will write a book and make a documentary about the secrets of Nepal’s Royal Family and the massacre that took place on Friday, June 01, 2001 at the Narayanhity Royal Palace in Kathmandu. I’ve always wondered what compelled Crown Prince Dipendra to murder his own family.

    Chris Romero
    Jacksonville, Florida, U.S.

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