The Great Repeal Bill is Theresa May’s response to anxious UK citizens floundering in uncertainty about what comes next after the June 23rd referendum vote for Brexit. It will revoke the European Communities Act, given assent 17 October 1972, in preparation for the UK joining the then EEC on Jan 1 1973.
The EC Act 1972 has a Libra Sun Uranus – with tr Uranus exactly opposition the Sun over the referendum, splitting apart an always uncomfortable partnership, with UK laws becoming subservient to Brussels law. That’s a Half Return for tr Uranus, so a mid-life crisis which does often throw everything in the air. Tr Pluto will square the EC Act Uranus exactly when formal notification is given to the EU next March, at the same time as tr Uranus returns to oppose the EC Act Sun – and it all starts to rock n’ roll thereafter for the two years of tr Pluto on Uranus, which is always a game-changer in diplomatic terms. Tr Pluto will then catch up to the square to the Sun in 2020/21, so two years may not be enough time to disentangle a complex web of legislation and trade ties/tariffs etc.
It won’t be easy or pleasant. But at least the astrology is spot on.
The UK joining the EEC chart, of 1 Jan 1973 12am, has had a power-struggle-for-the-upper-hand tr Pluto conjunct Jupiter through 2016 and that continues through 2017; though 2018 looks swampy and confused with tr Neptune square the singleton Saturn on that chart. By 2018 tr Saturn into Capricorn is starting a downbeat, separating conjunction to the UK EEC Sun, the UK, EU and Germany Suns as well. With the disruptive tr Pluto square the UK EEC Uranus in 2019/20.
So the game is on. And with Frankfurt disappearing down a plug-hole bank-wise; and the Hungary anti-migrant push gaining traction in other Eastern European countries, whether today’s referendum wins or not; and France’s economy staggering, ditto Italian banks, the EU looks to be sinking under an avalanche of unresolvable problems. We live in interesting times.