Supreme Court – not all to Trump’s liking



A banner year is what the US conservatives are hoping for from the Supreme Court as it reviews a batch of ideological cases on migrant rights in the legal system, partisan gerrymandering of election districts, voter purges, public-sector union financing, a cake maker’s objection to gay marriage, the privacy of cell-phone records and whistle-blower protection.

The Supreme Court first met on 2 February 1790 when there was a controlling Sun Pluto in Aquarius; with Sun opposition Uranus in Leo and Pluto trine Neptune and opposition Mars Jupiter in Leo; and a Virgo Moon opposition Saturn Venus in Pisces. Quite a mix of super-confident, influential, power-hungry, yet also prone to surprising decisions at times. 2018/19 look challenging and tough with tr Pluto sextile Saturn, with the workload piling up.

Tr Uranus will trine the Mars Jupiter in Feb to April 2018 which should be a successful resolution though that’s from the Supreme Court’s point of view, so could mean anything. Where it looks unsettled is by 2019 when tr Uranus squares the Uranus.

What’s interesting is Trump’s relationship with SCOTUS. It’s not remotely harmonious with a composite Mars square Saturn Venus. It’s on a downer at the moment with tr Saturn square the composite Jupiter for a few days; is generally in a tense tug of war through 2017/18 with tr Pluto square the composite Sun and trine the composite Saturn/Pluto; agitated in March 2018; and facing more obstacles in 2019. So he won’t get all the decisions he fancies despite his appointment of Gorsuch.

Indeed he looks seriously out of sorts with Gorsuch from Aril 2018 until late 2018 with tr Uranus opposition their composite Neptune and square Sun. Gorsuch, 29 August 1967, has his Uranus Pluto in Virgo square Trump’s Uranus Sun and Moon – so he has the capacity to upset Trump’s applecart in ways he didn’t expect. Dry judges have a way of sticking to the letter of the law which will no doubt prove irksome to the great huckster.

3 thoughts on “Supreme Court – not all to Trump’s liking

  1. Thanks for this! Gorsuch’s hearings and confirmation were during a mercury retrograde, so I’m quite eager to see how he’ll ultimately “surprise” his benefactors.

    Justice David Souter was also confirmed during a mercury retrograde, when appointed by George HW Bush. For the first year or two, Souter predictably voted in alignment with Justice Scalia. But he suddenly changed course on Roe v Wade (abortion) and school prayer, voting with the court’s left leaning justices. He became Bush’s greatest disappointment.

  2. I live near Boulder county, where Neil Gorsuch had been living previously. Boulder is super liberal, you have to be open minded to live there. It’s quite possible this seemingly conservative judge could shock some people.

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