Super-duper Lunar Eclipse – crisis and challenges for DC


Much excitement about the rare Super Blood Wolf Moon appearing in the heavens at 5.12 am UT tomorrow January 21st – Super because its closer to the earth and therefore appears larger; Blood because the Lunar Eclipse adds a reddish tinge; and Wolf because that is the traditional name for the January Full Moon, otherwise known as the Great Spirit Moon.

It is a Total Lunar Eclipse with the Moon at zero degrees Leo opposition the Aquarius Sun square Uranus, so is likely to give rise to sudden changes, upheavals, upsets and ideas which upset the status quo in the months ahead. Mars in Aries is not in aspect to the Eclipse but is in an accident-prone, aggravated and enragingly frustrated square to Saturn Pluto in Capricorn.

Plus there’s a superficially frivolous Venus Jupiter in a false-happiness square to Neptune and trine Mars. So there’ll be an attempt to put on a good face and cosmeticize intractable problems; and hints of a financial bubble bursting.

Located to Washington, DC it puts the Full Moon on the angles with Moon MC opposition Sun IC squaring onto a 7th house Uranus, suggesting significant happenings and rifts over coming month. It falls exactly on top of the Trump First Term Administration chart at zero Aquarius, which suggests a crisis in relationships.  And Nancy Pelosi’s Pluto at zero Leo also catches it exactly – an eclipse illuminating Pluto can be empowering, though it can also lead to coercive behaviour.

16 thoughts on “Super-duper Lunar Eclipse – crisis and challenges for DC

  1. Oh and Sun at 11 Cancer must be part of that same reality check too. Wow, never saw that Sun and Moon being hit until you now mention it. No wonder ……

  2. Kamala Harris announced her Presidential run just a couple of hours after Eclipse. Her strategic and communications team is pretty awesome, so I suspect they aimed for “halfway mark” Trump presidency. But, she is also half Eastern Indian. People of Indian Descent, even if they are not Hindu, just keep track of Lunar Cycle more most of us Westeners do.

    So, I don’t think it’s coincidence.

  3. The aspects suggest a period of profound structural challenges, masked by a sense of “irrational exuberance” thanks to Mars in Aries trine the Jupiter/Venus conjunction in Sagittarius, with Jupiter also squaring Neptune. Some might feel high, with rose colored glasses on, perhaps in denial. Stock indices are going higher, thanks in part to liquidity injections from China’s central bank. This is inflationary for asset values–another Jupiter Square Neptune indicator. But Mars square Saturn/Pluto in the current period, with Venus also going into Capricorn next month, suggests a much more sedate and down period coming up. I suspect that people and the markets are going to get a very sharp wake up call once the Saturn/Pluto conjunction begins to get closer in the 2nd quarter of this year and beyond. It’s a strong eclipse without a doubt, with the Uranian overtones providing a hint of disruption and maybe even revolutionary ferment. At the very least, we should expect a stormy period, geophysically and socially too.

  4. ‘Mars in Aries is not in aspect to the Eclipse but is in an accident-prone, aggravated and enragingly frustrated square to Saturn Pluto in Capricorn’ =>

    Does this mean this isn’t a good time in 2019 for Aries sign and their career?

    • I don’t think the Aries sign or career are specifically related to this transit. If your Sun is earlier degrees Aries then you’ll have been through the worst already as Mars is now 13 Aries, Saturn 13 Cap and Pluto 21 Cap. Certainly those with Aries around 13 will be getting a reality check but the same applies to those with Cap, Cancer and Libra placements. It might not show up as a career issue, depends if the planets involved indicate your career.

      Mars/Saturn is activating my sun/moon midpoint at 13 Libra so, surprise surprise my marriage feels like hard work at the moment! After the weekend I’ve just had I’m actually reassured to know this aspect has been playing out, it gives me a sense of perspective and something to reflect on.

      • Thanks Lorry, what is the orb for 13 Aries? I think I am in the midst of a reality check triggered last week and my Moon is 17 Aries (9th House).

        • Oh and Sun at 11 Cancer must be part of that same reality check too. Wow, never saw that Sun and Moon being hit until you now mention it. No wonder ……

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