Steven Seagal – my friend Vlad



Steven Seagal, the actor and martial-arts black belt, has been named by Russia as a “special representative” on US-Russian humanitarian and cultural ties. He is a frequent visitor to Russia, a close friend of Putin whom he described as “a great world leader” and a “brilliant tactician,” has defended him against allegations of election interference, and attended Putin’s recent swearing-in ceremony in May. He became a Russian citizen in 2016. He was credited for facilitating meetings in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings to discuss intelligence sharing issues.

Seagal was born 10 April 1952 1.54 pm Lansing, Michigan, with Russian paternal grandparents and perhaps Mongol heritage, so he does have a Russia connection. He spent some years in Japan in his twenties studying aikido, then went onto make action movies, mainly direct to video in recent years. His emotional life has been chequered with several marriages, seven children by four mothers and has faced various sexual harassment allegations. He also appears to be Buddhist.

He has a much-travelled 9th house Sun Jupiter in pro-active Aries opposition Neptune Moon in Libra; with his Sun Jupiter in a confident trine to Pluto – so fairly stratospheric ambitions with Neptune Pluto plus Sun plus Jupiter. His Pluto squares a ruthless, ultra-determined, never-say-die square to Mars in Scorpio. He also has Saturn opposition Mercury Venus in Aries square Uranus making him rebellious, impatient, a self-proclaimed activist, as well as innovative and, if well-handled, a humanitarian spearheading change.

Putin’s Jupiter in Taurus falls in his 10th, so good for his status, with Putin’s Pluto conjunct his Ascendant and both tied into Seagal’s 4th house Mars – so he’ll resonate to Putin’s confidence and control. There’s also a cross over between his Moon Neptune Saturn in Libra and Putin’s quartet of planets including his Sun in Libra.

Although it’s reasonable on synastry the relationship chart is fairly erratic with a composite Sun Uranus opposition Mercury Venus square Neptune Saturn – it’ll wobble more than somewhat in 2019. Relocating Seagal’s chart to Moscow puts his Mars in Scorpio on the Ascendant which will bring out his uncompromising and fairly dominating streak.

Seagal will be powering confidently ahead over the next four years though with a few dashed hopes and confusion.

Pic of his book: ‘The Way Of The Shadow Wolves: The Deep State And The Hijacking Of America.’ With a foreword by Joe Arpaio. Amazon reviews run from – ‘trash, absurd, borderline bigoted’ to ‘best book I’ve ever read.’ Corruption in the Deep State? He needs to take a good luck at Russia’s gangster government.

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