Stephen Miller – a corrosively contemptuous Pluto in Scorpio



Stephen Miller, one of Trump’s closest advisers, a vociferous opponent of immigration, with a passion for American exceptionalism and racial superiority as well as a penchant for outrageous provocation was born 23 August 1985 4.53pm Santa Monica, California. He was a trenchant conservative even in college, railing against multi-culturalism and Spanish-language announcements and was friendly with white supremacist Richard Spencer; later worked for Tea Party founder Michele Bachmann and then Jeff Sessions, when between them they managed to kill a bi-partisan bill allowing for immigrant registration in 2013. His mother’s family came from Belarus in the 1990s. In the past he has urged violent responses to Islamic terrorism and has spoken out against equal pay for women.

What is most notable now that an accurate birth time is to hand, is his Pluto in Scorpio conjunct his midheaven. A control-freak and then some. Pluto, especially in Scorpio, oozes contempt as a way of putting ‘the other’ down. His Pluto is further emphasised being on the focal point of a mini Grand Trine of his 8th house Sun trine a 12th house Neptune. And his Pluto is also in a pushily confident square to Jupiter in Aquarius, giving him a sense that rules don’t apply to him; and that’s tied in also to the midheaven, Mercury and a Taurus North Node – he may not be likeable but he’s got brass neck and staying power.

His Virgo Sun and Mars Mercury in Leo being in the 8th, make him intense, secretive and obstinate. With an outspoken Sagittarius Moon conjunct Uranus in an explosive trine to Mercury Mars.  His Mars is in a hard-edged square to Saturn in obsessive Scorpio in the 10th.

He’s clearly got talent and has a strong get-it-together 5th Harmonic as well as leaving-a-legacy 17H. But he’s also got two heavily aspected self-defeating Harmonics – the 10H and 16H.

Tr Uranus is moving to trine his 8th house Sun from mid May which may cause a tremor since he doesn’t appreciate change; and even more so when it opposes his Pluto in July. 2019 looks even more rock n’ roll with tr Uranus continuing to oppose his Pluto and then MC. Tr Saturn is also heading to dip below his Ascendant from early 2019 onwards, pushing him gradually into a lower profile, less successful few years.

His Sun is conjunct Trump’s Ascendant so he’ll warm to the President’s bombast and flamboyance; and his Mercury is conjunct Trump’s 12th house Pluto, so he’ll pander to Trump’s less savoury political inclinations.  Like Trump he has Venus in Cancer and a Sagittarius Moon, so they will resonate together.

Though his relationship chart with Trump is complicated – friendly at one level with a composite Sun Venus Mercury; but also destined to live through times of great upheaval and change with a composite Uranus Pluto Saturn; and with a potential for disappointment with Sun Venus trine Neptune and Mars square Neptune. There has been a volatile mood between them recently with tr Uranus square the composite Venus, Mercury and Sun. With an abundance of undermining (and delusional) Neptune around recently and moving ahead. Tr Neptune now moves to oppose the composite Uranus this month and then square the composite Moon in May, both influences running on through 2019, which will slowly erode foundations of trust between them. With much confusion and a discouraging slog through 2019/2020.

Pic: Gage Sizemore.

6 thoughts on “Stephen Miller – a corrosively contemptuous Pluto in Scorpio

  1. Thank you for this! I google the chart again yesterday after various verified Twitter commentators pointed out Miller was at Mar-a-Lago over Easter, unlike most WH Senior Staff, including John Kelly and Kellyanne Conway, and that Trump’s tweetstorms on DACA and Amazon seemed like they were written by Miller. This is when I discovered there’s a chart with a time of birth. I would not doubt about it.

    What drew my particular attention was Jupiter transit to Saturn. It’s exact today! Interestingly, it seems Miller’s rise to prominance is also result of other people leaving The Administration. It seems the now “revealed” (I had arrived to the conclusion she must have been Michael Wolff’s main source) biggest leaker Kellyanne Conway despises him. I think this is very telling. This is, however, a mixed blessing with Trump, because once you gain that kind of prominance, you will also risk becoming the scapegoat when everything isn’t going as expected. There already was a mild stock market drop following his Amazon tweets.

    I also agree on that Pluto on MC being “control freaky”. Not only that, it’s Pluto in Scorpio, combined to Capricorn Ascendant (which is evident, he looks easily 20 years older than he is). His “controlly” features may have been enhanced by transiting Pluto crossing his Ascendant – not the first passage, due to retrogrades, but the final – around the time he became part of Trump Campaign early 2016.

    But yes, he may well be one of the last ones to close The WH door, and still make career out of this experience. He seem to be oblivious about Russia.

    • It’s odd. My wife has Pluto in Scorpio closely conjunct the MC and Capricorn rising. She’s nothing like Stephen Miller and looks 10 years younger than she is. She is on the stubborn side about small things (control) and burns with white hot rage at what the likes of Miller are doing to this world. But that’s true of almost every single person we know.

      • Not all people look their Ascendant. Sun, Moon and even Venus are significant. That said, finding a Leo Rising without somehow extravagant hair is rare. Gemini and Virgo Risings quick walkers… I could go on. Miller is really your sterotypical Capricorn Rising in that he has a very Saturnial look (google that, I think there are amazing pictoral representations of this). He’ll also probably look the same in 30 or 40 years. Maybe less hair. But otherwise, the same.

        Also, has your wife’s Pluto passed her Ascendant yet? There’s also this. Pluto crossing ASC is a big thing. Miller’s ambition really started showing when his Pluto passed his Ascendant. So better watch out.

        But seriously speaking, Scorpio/Capricorn can go many ways. It’s really one of the most intriguing mixes in astrology to me in that it can go so many ways…

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