Spiro Agnew – politician laid low by financial corruption



Spiro Agnew, Richard Nixon’s vice president, resigned in 1973 having faced charges of extortion (financial kickbacks), tax fraud, bribery and conspiracy. The charges were pled down and he later claimed they were an attempt by Nixon to divert attention from Watergate, though they seemed to have been true.

He was born 9 Nov 1918 9am Forest Hills, Maryland. He was a Sun Venus in Scorpio square Neptune and trine Jupiter Pluto in Cancer in the 8th, so no slouch when it came to making money or being slippery.

When his fall came tr Pluto was conjunct his Midheaven starting to move through his 10th and conjunct his Solar Arc Neptune, which is a double whammy of devastation and career disgrace. Tr Saturn was conjunct his Pluto and moving to conjunct his Jupiter.

So it was very clear from his chart that his career was going to end in catastrophe.

There’s nothing remotely similar on Donald Trump’s chart. The only financial aspects he has are a double dose of Pluto Jupiter by Solar Arc, and two transits: of Jupiter through his 2nd and tr Pluto square his Jupiter – so he’s in full over-blown confidence gear and reckoning that rules don’t apply to him – for this year anyway. He does have Neptune, ruler of his 8th, in his 2nd house square his Mercury, so he has an inbuilt evasiveness when it comes to cash and disclosing his secrets. Tr Saturn will catch up to his Neptune but not for another four years plus.

One thought on “Spiro Agnew – politician laid low by financial corruption

  1. And they called Ronald Reagan the Teflon president. With all the calamity and lawsuits and protests around Trump, nothing sticks. There he is, King Donald–issuing a barrage of decrees from the throne room–once known as the Oval Office. The man is on one huge Jupiter-ian roll. Or so it would seem.

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