Sean Spicer – foot in mouth, brain out of gear



Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, who from his initial ‘alternative-facts’ gaffe set himself up as another Comical Ali (Saddam Hussein’s Information Minister), has put his foot in it again. His off-the-cuff comment that Assad was worse than Hitler, since the latter never chemical bombed his own people, has caused a storm of protest. To be sure Hitler didn’t, as in World War 1, spread gas around the battlefields, but hydrogen cyanide (Zyklon B) killed millions of Jews, many of the German, in the concentration camp gas chambers.

Spicer, 23 Sept 1971,  is a Sun conjunct Pluto, last degree Virgo or Sun zero Libra, with Venus Uranus in Libra and Mercury in Virgo. The Virgo would certainly suit a communicator, but he’s very uptight. His measured Saturn in Gemini opposes a delusional, head-in-the-clouds Neptune Jupiter in Sagittarius so he’ll constantly be pulled between sense and nonsense. And he has an excitable Mars in uncompromising Aquarius trine Uranus Venus.

He does have tr Neptune square his Mars/Uranus midpoint exactly now, and repeating on and off till late 2018. Ebertin, ever florid, describes this as ‘raving madness, a swoon or fainting fit, rage or frenzy.’ Diluting that down to a less dramatic interpretation, he’s not thinking straight and getting rattled. Tr Pluto will trine his Mercury throughout this year so certainly intense discussions; with a downer across the New Year into 2018 as tr Saturn squares his Pluto and Sun. Plus a dead-halt Solar Arc Mars opposition his Pluto Sun in 2018.

Spicer’s Saturn falls in Trump’s 10th house so he’ll try to bring organisation to DT’s scattered thinking; but it’s not a great combo with Spicer’s Mars opposition DT’s Pluto.

Their relationship chart has a Sun Mercury Uranus square Mars, so they aren’t entirely at ease with each other. There’s pressure on their link now with tr Pluto sextile the composite Mars, and on and off till late 2018. But no indication of a complete rift (without SS’s birth time).

3 thoughts on “Sean Spicer – foot in mouth, brain out of gear

  1. They also tested Zyklon B on handicapped before using it on Concentration Camps. German euthanasia program is what has given it such a bad reputation in most of secularized Europe. People are worried that if euthanasia is legalized, it could be misused.

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