Scotland – the day and hour approaching



Scotland is standing on one foot watching the Brexit vote(s) with anxiety. Almost two thirds voted to remain within the EU and a shambolic exit might well tip the balance for a second Independence Referendum.

The Act of Union between Scotland and England took effect on 1 May 1707 (JC) and has a controlled and controlling Sun square Jupiter Pluto in the 8th (assuming a midnight start), which would give rise to power struggles, but is nonetheless well-knitted together and will be difficult to separate.

Tr Saturn in Scorpio was putting the dampers on good feelings in 2014 for the first referendum conjunct the MC, opposition Sun and square Pluto Jupiter but wasn’t strong enough to cause a split. Tr Uranus might be the catalyst for a more obvious parting of the ways as it conjuncts the Sun and squares Pluto in 2023/24. The last time tr Uranus was in Taurus was in the 1930s when the Scottish National Party was formed. At the very least it will bring the issue centre foreground again with major disruption.

The relationship chart between Scotland, 25 November 1034 JC, Perth and the UK – again with a chained-together-and resenting-it chemistry from Saturn opposition Pluto square Node –  starts to show major wobbles from 2020 onwards with tr Uranus square the composite Pluto, culminating in 2022/23 with tr Uranus square the Saturn.

On the Scotland chart, 2021 is a key moment since tr Uranus will square the focal point Saturn on the apex of a Yod to Mars sextile Neptune, which points to a fated change of direction, starting with a jolt.

The England 11 May 973 JC chart is in for a phase of major confusion/devastation from 2021/22; being forced to take stock of what comes next with tr Uranus opposition Uranus; and being rocked on its pedestal by tr Uranus conjunct the Sun Mars and square Pluto in 2024/25. The last time tr Uranus came round to elbow the England Sun Mars and Pluto was over the Battle of Britain in 1940, the most dangerous phase of World War Two when a German invasion was a real possibility. The Royal Air Force fought off Luftwaffe planes and gave rise to Churchill’s memorable “Never was so much owed by so many to so few” speech.

A rocky ride ahead more, so for England in many ways than Scotland. Though the possibilities of an independent Scotland stepping rapidly back into the EU look remote with major disappointments between Scotland and the EU through 2022/23.

It needn’t come to an outright split with England/UK but there will certainly be ructions,  bitter arguments and a need to revise agreements.

6 thoughts on “Scotland – the day and hour approaching

  1. People like you Hugh Fowler and the how dare Scotland even breathe without the say so of England is why Scotland has had enough and wants out, we are a Nation too so stop with the bad Devo Parlies, unless you are unaware, Scotland is not a Colony of England’s and it is NOT Scotland, Wales and N.I fault that the useless Governments in Westminster didn’t give England its own Parly because we have seen over the years, England has all but adopted Westminster as England’s Parly. Then you have the EVEL, again its been Westminster Gov trying to stitch up Scotland so lets just say goodbye, it is long overdue! After all the majority of our Scottish ancestors never got the vote as to whether Scotland and England should merge in 1707, only the wealthy elite so I think we will make up for what was NOT given to our ancestors. Marjorie of course has a deep hatred for us pesky Scottish people who dare want a better future for our children and one not as seen by England as Scotland being their Colony and a possession of Westminster. Better to be 4 Nations on the British Isles as neighbours but enough of England thinking it owned the other 3 Nations. Read the latest YouGov poll, I hate to tell you and Marjorie both that England would gladly boot Scotland out of union if it were a choice of Brexit or save union. 63% voted Brexit rather than save union so no more thinking it is only Scotland wanting what their people want, England are doing what England wants. Another thing Marjorie, you were happy to spit out how much Billy Connelly hated pro Indy folk and was a diehard unionist……….even he finally seen what was best for Scotland especially after BRexit.

    • Oh can it Elaine. There is something deeply unpleasant about the level of rancorous bile that spews out in your posts. Just because others may have a different viewpoint doesn’t mean:- a) they are wrong; or b) that you are free to ascribe their opinions to the level of malevolence which you obviously harbour.

  2. The current Scottish Parliament was founded on 12 May 1999. It was a product of the Scottish Devolution Referendum on 11 September 1997 and it was legally brought into existence by the Scotland Act in 1998 which received royal assent on 19th November 1998. At the moment that Act became law Uranus was at 9 Aquarius exactly opposite the Uranus at 9 Leo and Square the 9 Taurus Sun in the Act of Union Chart of 1 May 1707 . Uranus will hit all those degrees in June 2020 to April 2021 when it transits to and fro over 9 Taurus. It will the go on to conjunct the UK 1801 Mars at 9 Taurus. The Scotland Act 1998 Sun at 26 Scorpio opposes the England 973 Sun/Mars at 25 Taurus. The Scotland Act 1998 Uranus is conjunct the England 1066 Mars at 8 Aquarius as well and its Neptune is exactly conjunct the England 1066 Venus at 29 Capricorn. The 12 May 1999 Chart for the Scottish Parliament has Saturn at 8 Taurus. All these degrees will be triggered in the next 3 years.

  3. A mentioned on the Parliament thread the period from now until the mid 2020s looks very much a back to the drawing board time

    Tony Blair and Gordon Brown left the UK in a constitutional mess because when they created devolved assemblies for Scotland and Wales they deliberately ignored the topic of England (perhaps fearing it would have a permanent Tory majority). It was a half baked solution predicated on short term political considerations rather than addressing long term issues and one for which the Labour party was swiftly punished in Scotland by the electoral Gods

    As a consequence we have a United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland containing national assemblies for Wales, Scotland and potentially Northern Ireland but not for England

    In fact the chimera that is the UK has at its heart a country and a nation, England, (one of Europes oldest states) which constitutionally does not exist though it is catered for legislatively and via Parliamentary procedure.

    Within England the problem is the overly London centric nature of the economy, politics and the media. In fact most of the current proposals to address that issue such as building HS2 will only further exacerbate that situation.

    On of the conundrums of Scottish nationalism is that an independent Scotland by its nature requires that the issue of English national identity be addressed so the two charts obviously play into each other.

    As for relations with the EU an independent Scotlands problem will probably be that it will be seen as bringing too many demands and not enough money to the table for Brussels liking.

    Interesting that Uranus is exactly conjunct the England 973 Sun/Mars at 25 Taurus a few weeks after Neptune ingresses from Pisces to Aries at the end of March 2025. Mars Transits through Cancer and Leo in spring to early summer 2025 just as it did in the Battle of Britain in 1940.

  4. The Queen’s personal chart will also resemble the Battle of Britain period (with threats to her safety) in the early 2020s if she is still with us. Sounds like the world will be a right awful mess for years to come. This might give Scotland the opportunity it needs to go its own way. Perhaps only a world in chaos could break the ties that bind it with England. I have long thought the same of Quebec where I live. Canada is an island of sanity right now except for Ontario where the Trump virus has struck. If Justin Trudeau loses the Canadian election later this year, as Marjorie seems to imply, it really means the Doug Ford vision will be dominant. All bets will be off in Quebec, where the new more moderate and highly popular nationalist government is mostly made up of former separatists, who now say they are loyal Canadians but may quickly take back their former position in the wake of public opinion if push comes to shove. Quebec separatism is not dead, it is merely dormant. I believe this is what the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn may bring to Canada if you use the Statute of Westminster chart of 1931.

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