Sayfullo Saipov – abusing the freedom he was given



Sayfullo Saipov, the New York truck attacker, was born on February 8 1988 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, a mainly Muslim country, though strictly controlled to suppress extremists. Evidently he was enchanted with the religious freedom offered by the USA, after he arrived in 2010.

He’s a Sun Aquarius square Pluto, so stubborn, controlled and controlling; with an excitable Uranus Saturn in Sagittarius widely conjunct a crusading Mars in Sagittarius. That trio of planets is square Venus North Node in Pisces, and trine Jupiter in pro-active Aries. So volatile and very much on edge; with Pluto making him secretive.

His Uranus Saturn are exactly conjunct the New York Mars Venus in Sagittarius; and his Neptune opposes the USA Sun Jupiter in Cancer; his Jupiter squares the USA Mercury opposition Pluto. His relationship charts with both NY and the USA are highly stressed. With NY there’s a composite Pluto trine Mars, opposition the North Node; with an ego-clash composite Mars square Neptune (only one side can win). It’s worse with the USA chart – an explosive, virulent hostility composite Mars opposition Uranus square Pluto (Moon), with the composite Mars in an aggravated and paranoid sextile to Saturn Neptune.  Astrology might be a better way to sift out potential terrorists who hate the country they’ve been offered sanctuary in.

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