Rufus Sewell – brooding good looks

Rufus Sewell picRufus

(Photo: ITV)


Poldark and Tom Hiddleston have slumped in the twitter lust polls since ITV’s Victoria launched Rufus Sewell back into the spotlight as the tragic but charming Lord Melbourne, who mentors the young queen before her marriage.

His best work has been done on stage and in BBC costume dramas – Middlemarch and Charles 11: The Power and the Glory and now he’s back with another winner.

Born 29 October 1967 he has five planets spread out through Virgo – Jupiter, Moon, Venus conjunct Pluto conjunct Uranus – so very earthy, rebellious, slightly chaotic. His Sun and Mercury are in intense Scorpio sextile Mars in Capricorn, which in turn squares Saturn in self-reliant Aries. Plus a wide-ish Yod of Jupiter sextile Sun inconjunct Saturn which is difficult to handle well. He’ll always have felt like an outsider.

He’s quite a mix of seductive, restless and adaptable, tough, used to hard conditions. He said once: “My favourite things are just wandering from place to place, going to cafés, taking photographs. My favourite day is a happy accident.”  Both of his marriages were very brief.

He looks in good spirits this month with tr Pluto trine his Jupiter/Uranus as good crits roll in. With more good news through Dec/Jan with tr Uranus opposition his Solar Arc Jupiter.

2 thoughts on “Rufus Sewell – brooding good looks

  1. I adore Mr Sewell. There is something slightly ‘off centre’ about him. He always looks like he’s about to blow, but just managing to contain it. Remember him as a stand out in a rather dreary adaptation of Thomas Hardy’s The Woodlanders……sigh….

  2. Just love this much underrated actor. Been watching him for years. He’s so charismatic; lively, funny, seductive, tragic, intense but with a wonderful air of freedom about him. Terrific in Zen, inexplicably cancelled after one year. Can’t understand why his career hasn’t been more stellar, but perhaps he’s enjoyed it just the way it’s been. Perhaps this is his moment. Hope so. He’s so talented, pas well as gorgeous!

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