Rudi Giuliani – losing the plot?



Is there method in Rudi Giuliani’s madness? Or has he become “a shell of himself talking gibberish” according to one political strategist, who mourns the passing of a once serious man. Giuliani was renowned as the fearless prosecutor who took down the mafia, the mayor who cleaned up a crime-ridden New York and the hero of 9/11. But ever since he joined Trump’s legal team he has been leaping in with both feet on cable TV to push the president deeper into jeopardy on various topics – payments to Stormy Daniels in violation of campaign finances rules and Russian collusion for two. And then promptly having to backtrack when his remarks raised eyebrows.

Born 28 May 1944 2.30pm New York, he’s fairly similar to Trump with an erratic, scattered Sun Uranus in Gemini but in his case it’s pulled together in a mini Grand Trine to Neptune, sextiling a formidable Mars Pluto conjunction in Leo. So he’s not short of courage or relentless determination. His Mars Pluto is also square an 8th house Mercury in Taurus so he’s got trenchant opinions which he’ll fire off aggressively.

His torrid love life will come not just from a wayward Gemini Sun but also an indulgent Venus in Taurus square a flamboyant Jupiter Moon in Leo which will also make him a publicity junkie.

This year will upset his applecart with tr Neptune opposing his Sun/Saturn midpoint in April, which Ebertin describes as ‘a mental, emotional or physical crisis’ and that is at the same time as a loss-making tr Pluto opposition his Jupiter/Saturn midpoint which often affects careers negatively. With high insecurity and considerable jolts in May onwards as tr Uranus squares his focal point Mars Pluto on and off for the rest of the year.

It’s not that sensible a connection for Trump since Giuliani’s Saturn is conjunct Trump’s Sun which will have a dampening affect. Their relationship chart which has an overly confident composite Sun Uranus square Jupiter is on a disappointing downhill slide at the moment, worsening through February, more so in May onwards.

One thought on “Rudi Giuliani – losing the plot?

  1. Giuliani definitely likes the spotlight with all of those planets in Leo and won’t be afraid to state his opinions with Sun and Uranus in Gemini. tr. Uranus is getting ready to move back into Taurus full time, when it will move to square his Mars and Pluto in Leo later this year into next year. Sounds like an argumentative, volatile time for him. He should probably also watch his health given these transits, especially at his age.

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