Robert Redford – marked out for fame



Robert Redford, actor, movie producer and environmentalist, best known for Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, The Sting, All the President’s Men and Out of Africa, as well as for launching his Sundance Festival for Indie films, is 81 this week.

Born 18 August 1936 at 8.02pm Santa Monica, California, he’s always looked like a golden boy but has had a fairly tumultuous life. His first child died of sudden infant death, his son has had life-threatening health problems and his daughter was involved in a near-fatal car crash. His late teens was marred by the death of his mother which turned him to drink and lost him his college education, after which he moved into acting.

He has a hard-working 6th house Sun, with Venus, Neptune, Mercury, Moon in Virgo also in his 6th. A 12th house Saturn in Pisces above his Ascendant opposes Neptune Mercury Moon squaring onto an enthusiastic, crusading Jupiter in Sagittarius in the 9th. The Saturn Neptune is highly creative. He also has an influential, ultra-determined and attention-grabbing Pluto conjunct Mars in Leo in his performing 5th house, which is a pointer not only to his charismatic personality but also the dramas he has undergone with his children. There’s also an Earth Grand Trine of Uranus trine Venus trine North Node in Capricorn on his midheaven, so he’s got a good business head on his shoulders.

His most memorable partnership was with Paul Newman in Butch Cassidy. Newman, 26 January 1925 6.30am Cleveland Heights, Ohio, has his Jupiter in Redford’s 10th house. And Newman’s Neptune trine Mars in Aries connects with Redford’s Leo Sun.

Both of them have strong, creative 5th Harmonic charts (quintile aspects); enduring 11H; actor’s 15H; and super-star 22nd Harmonics. So talented and marked out for fame.

They don’t make them like that anymore.

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