Marcus Rashford, the Manchester United footballer, fought valiantly for poor kids needing free school meals over the holidays and forced Boris Johnson into a sharp U-turn. He’s been praised for refusing to give in and making his arguments stick.
He was born 31 October 1997 in Manchester with a single-parent mother and several siblings and had a childhood where food was not in plentiful supply. He’s a New Moon in Scorpio conjunct Chiron with Mercury also in forceful Scorpio; plus a forced-to-be-self-reliant Saturn in Aries and a passionately enthusiastic Mars Venus in sporting Sagittarius.
Tr Uranus is opposing his Sun and Chiron (maybe Moon) through this year so turning his life upside down; though there will be pressures with his Solar Arc Saturn opposition his Sun.
An astro-parallel is Colin Kaepernick, who started the US football reaction against police brutality by kneeling during the national anthem in 2016. It caused outrage and cost him his career in the three seasons following. He subsequently sued NFL. He was born 3 November 1987 and has his Sun and Pluto conjunct in Scorpio, which like Rashford, is being upended by tr Uranus in opposition now and for the next year. So quite a turnaround as the Black Lives Matter movement gains mainstream support and he receives belated praise. Kaepernick also has his Venus in Scorpio; and Saturn Uranus in Sagittarius trine Jupiter in Aries.
Raheem Sterling, another Manchester United, has also been vocal in the sporting response to BLM, with players kneeling before the opening match of the Premier League’s return. Born 8 December 1994 in Jamaica, he’s a Sun Mercury in Sagittarius with a stupendously confident, influential and super-determined Jupiter Pluto in Scorpio square Mars in Leo; with Venus also in Scorpio. A force of nature.
Scorpio rules when it comes to making protests that matter.
Awesome. I echo the earlier sentiments expressed of Scorpio moon people. Thank you Marjorie.
Good to see something positive involving a Scorpio moon for once. We get such a bad press.
Harry T. Moore (18.11.1905-25.12.1951) was a very courageous Scorpio Civil Rights campaigner,
who predated the efforts of Martin Luther King Jnr of peaceful demonstrations by many years.
He was murdered along with his wife when the KKK blew up his house on Christmas Day 1951.
The killers were never caught. It is a shame that his name has been unfairly forgotten, because
he was a remarkable man who stood up against the terrible injustice of the vile Jim Crow laws
which was so endemic in America in the 20th Century.
I knew many Scorpios who would stand up and be counted when it came to matters of
Thanks for this Marjorie. Few can match Scorpio/Pluto when it comes to moving mountains. I can see all three continuing to be forces to be reckoned with in society, even after their playing days are over.
My Scorpio Venus/Uranus agrees.
My understanding is that moon in Scorpio people can go to heaven or to hell. Depends how you choose to live your life I believe.