7 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. It’s always wise to step outside the bubble of those of the same mindset once in a while. While the (largely) liberal media especially in Europe is tearing their hair with disbelief over Trump, many of those inside the USA hold diametrically opposing views, which is presumably why he got elected.
    Approval rate among Republicans of 86% is second only to that of George W Bush among all of the party’s presidents elected in the last 65 years. Reasons why:
    Investors will make lots of money on the stock market; and businessmen will thrive as regulations get slashed.
    Stamping on climate change policies mean that coal miners will keep their jobs.
    Don’t want the government making medical choices.
    Conservatives celebrated Judge Gorsuch’s nomination because of his views on birth control and euthanasia.
    “Gun rights feel safer under Trump.”
    And there you have it. For the time being at any rate.

  2. What is going on with Prince William?Stories
    about him having a work
    problem,not carrying his weight at his air ambulance day job,and ditching an important church service attended by the royals to go on a boozy ski trip with old buddies and an Aussie
    underwear model.

  3. And Scotland is back in the news!!! What a surprise. I am tempted to suggest that Theresa May should tell the SNP to “put up or shut up”.

    Could you look at the relevant charts (I am guessing those would be of the Union in 1707 and the UK’s chart of 1801) to let us know the direction of travel of the Union of the United Kingdom.

  4. Hi Marjorie,

    Regarding your Meghan Markle / Prince Harry post, what caught my eye was the upcoming August 2017 eclipse cycle. How much weight do you give to eclipse conjunctions?

    -Aug 7 eclipse is conjunct Meghan’s Sun (2 deg orb).
    -Aug 21 eclipse at 28 Leo conjuncts composite Sun of Pippa and Meghan and conjuncts composite Moon of Kate M and Meghan. All that Leo. The sign of Royalty.

    -The composite Sun of Prince Harry and Meghan conjuncts Regulus, the Royal star. The North node is on this point of 0-3 virgo for the next few months.


  5. Hi Marjorie. So glad I found your site, am learning and trying my best to understand. Definitely fascinated! Would you mind taking another look at USA Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders (Independent)? He may have lost the primary to Hillary Clinton but he has not stopped his relentless effort to wake my fellow citizens up and urge them to take responsibility for the state of our country and future. Thank you!

  6. “Marissa Mayer is about to lose her CEO job, but she’s in for a nice consolation prize. Mayer is set to receive a $23 million severance package after Yahoo’s (YHOO, Tech30) sale to Verizon (VZ, Tech30) is completed, according to a company filing Monday. The golden parachute package comes on top of the more than $150 million Mayer received in salary and stock awards since joining the company in 2012. ”

    What’s her next target?

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