10 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Good post on Neptune. I’m starting to think it might be the most difficult planet to deal with in astrology since one can never get a true hold on it, in the same way that one can never peer right to the bottom of the ocean.

    As I’ve mentioned before, humanity is currently going through a long phase of Neptune transiting one sign, followed by Pluto a few years or decades later. Neptune creates delusions in the things ruled by the relevant sign, and Pluto then comes along, rips off the cloudy veil and exposes the true nature of these delusions. It’s not a constantly accurate rule of thumb since Neptune and Pluto move at different speeds, but it has been holding true since about 1900.

    On a wider scale, we’re supposedly coming out of the Age Of Pisces and into the Age Of Aquarius, and if you look back at the period of the theorised Piscean Age a lot of it does fit the Neptunian delusion – mostly all the religious/theocratic stuff.

    • SD, Thanks. Oddly enough the one planet which stumps people having a chart reading is Pluto. They almost always go – ‘eh, not sure I understand that, doesn’t ring a bell.’ It’s difficult to grasp in its own way, not so much slippery as impenetrable. Mind you most Neptunian types don’t like to admit to its bloodier half. Will turn my mind to Pluto.

      • Interesting points. I like your analysis of Pluto in your recent post, agree about the impenetrability thing, although I still think Neptune is nearly as difficult as one grabs for what is not there.

        Agree about the Pluto traits of control. I have an 8th house Sun/Mars/Moon and all of them square Pluto in Scorpio, so I have an incredibly focused concentration of this energy. Always a need to stay on top of things, hate being taken by surprise because of the humiliation aspects of being ‘outwitted’ in this regard, and an OVERWHELMING sense of how things ‘should’ be. On the other hand, in a crisis I will just take the reins and get things done, it’s very satisfying to do that.

        • Just an addendum to that, my response to a crisis is driven by a desire to not be humiliated through being overpowered by the situation. I’ll always try and find a way through, or come up with some solution, just because it means in my own mind and to my ego that I’m still ‘in control’ and I’ve not been humiliated by being ‘defeated’ because I can’t find a way through. I also have a Sag ascendant so I often ally this desire with putting a gloss on things and trying to bring out the positives in situations, because I just simply don’t want to admit ‘yeah, this is the worst it’s ever been’ – I find having to admit that humiliating as well. I can’t explain the dynamics of this, it’s just how my mind works.

          Example of how this works – If I’m going on a journey with other people somewhere and our route is blocked by some kind of event [weather-related, for example], I will always be searching out alternative routes to our destination and trying to take control by navigating us round the obstacles. If successful we will arrive at our destination, say, half an hour later than planned and I’ll be all like “See, not so bad now was it, we’re here, only a little later.” I just won’t be ‘beaten’ in situations like this – it’s too humiliating/shaming to my ego when I realise I don’t have the power to get round things in this regard.

          I’m interested in politics but there’s no way with these energies in my chart I would go in to that field – I have virtually no patience and I’d always want things my way. The darkest aspect of my Plutonic energy is dictatorial. If you combined the political angle of Aneurin Bevan with the governing style of Margaret Thatcher or some of the more obsessively autocratic Roman Emperors that would be my political stance, and it wouldn’t be healthy for anyone. The only exception would be some huge crisis where I could take control and issue swift orders to sort things out until calmer waters were reached.

          Final thoughts – dominance and submission are two sides of the same coin. I’m a control freak but I also have a pretty submissive side to my thoughts and personality which interests and frightens me at the same time.

  2. Hello Marjorie, I saw a TV interview this week with Deepak Chopra. Hadn’t heard of him before that. A Spiritual Teacher to the Stars. In America. Interesting.

  3. Jamie Spencer- Churchill: Survival of the Fittest
    Born November 24, 1955 -This Duke has outlived them all, between his drug use, recovery and remarriage he has gained his father’s title, reestablished himself as somewhat respectable, and he seems to be a better father the second time around. I am surprised by his turn around. He has been through many trials in his life and yet he still remains. I think his story would have been different if he was not a Duke and his inheritance would not have been his had he continued his dark path.Described by social commentators as “Britain’s premier aristocratic rogue”, Jamie had served a 30-day jail sentence in 1995 for forging prescriptions to feed his drug habit according to the telegraph.
    His elder son George, born July 28 1992 however seems to have a liking for older women, fast cars, polo sets and alcohol and has yet to establish his own self , who knows what will become of him, he seems rapped up in the frivolities of life I hope his elder son George does not go down a dark path but it looks likely and so it begins again….. What kind of family is this????

  4. Cold hearted Congressman Gowdy:
    Trey Gowdy Born August 22 1964 in Greenville, South Carolina apparently seems to have a very autocratic streak, never believes he is wrong in American politics and no one quarrels with him because he never lets anyone in congress have the last word. He keeps forgetting he is a congressman who is a public servant not a congressman who is the Judge of World. Between his ego in congress and his lack of emotion or sentimentality for those less fortunate them himself, I wonder will he ever find a balance between his own ego and being a public servant which he doesn’t seem to want to do. Judging people is one thing serving others besides yourself in politics is quite another. What a sad man… Will he ever stop being a show off, rude and pushy to everyone he encounters in congress and beyond??

  5. I also agree that this is a lovely post about Neptune and the current transit. I have often felt that if Neptune is a higher octave of Venus, then perhaps it is Neptune’s wife, the goddess Salacia, that we should consider when studying this planet. She was a very ancient goddess who wished to preserve her virginity and slipped away from him when she learned of his plan to marry her. She hid in the deepest parts of the Atlantic and only showed herself when a dolphin came to persuade her to marry Neptune. Salacia represents wide open, salt watery spaces, hiding to preserve integrity, a very complex and ancient female archetype. Perhaps that is why I also have had a hard time over the years, accepting standard astrology regarding Neptune. It is profoundly elusive, and like Nature, herself, loves to hide.

    • That is interesting,Debbie. I never knew about Neptunes wife. I also find Naptune connects with madness..Pisces certainly does. But it’s the madness as perceived by others because of the visions of such people. Jung often said there were more mad people outside the asylum than in it! My father became mentally ill and saw purple lights and strange visions and they terrified him. Wonder if Majorie might look at Jung’s chart some day? She did Emma’s.

  6. beautiful post on Neptune. As a Pisces Sun with Neptune opp Moon aNd part of a Grand Trine I totally understand all you have said. Not that I am about to murder or torture a single soul! ….. but am aware of the cruel side, the cold, idealistic side. The sea as you say is a cold, cold place and I hate to be at sea! But the compassion and caring are also there and above all the desire to escape from earthly life is the big Neptune drive….Which does lead to spiritual feelings and hopes. (For some to drugs and fantasies or finding spirit in a bottle.) Also to seeing earthly life as a dream, as Maya. And seeing through any falseness in others as if with x ray eyes that see into another persons soul. Good ability for creative work. 🙂

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