13 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Boeing leadership casts off yet another lump of hi-sulfur coal.

    “Boeing fires CEO Muilenburg to steady spiraling 737 MAX crisis”

    I guess he won;t receive his late-coming $30M delayed bonus, esp after the hiccup with the Starliner. Airplanes falling from the skies, rockets misfiring. But the landing in the middle of the desert was a bull’s-eye. Hard to miss that, landing in the desert. Everything else went right, they say.


    • But wait! There’s more…”Boeing’s fired CEO could walk away with a $60 million golden parachute”

      Murder is the sport of the elected.

      What’s to happen from the stars to this..bit of friendless flotsam?

  2. Hello Marjorie
    Please could you take a look at the UK’s Equality Act 2010, brought into force on 1st October 2010 Westminster ? It seems to be a paradoxically draconian chart to me but I’d be interested in your thoughts.

    • the circular firing sqaud. from VOX via yahoo:

      Still, an indefinite holdout by Pelosi won’t necessarily be the end of the story either. Democrats will surely be hammered for playing political games with impeachment (though they will try to argue it’s McConnell who’s inappropriately politicized the process). The tactic could also backfire by annoying the swing-state and Trump-critical GOP senators whose votes Democrats would need for any impeachment measure.

      McConnell could stick to his current position, too, and say he’s fine not having a trial. (That would be nice for his own senators facing tough reelection fights, like Susan Collins of Maine and Cory Gardner of Colorado). Or McConnell could be driven toward Trump’s position and attempt to set a deadline or move forward with a trial, rather than given in to Pelosi’s demand

  3. Hoping the pain has lessened…Holy Rollers call for Trump’s removal “Billy Graham’s evangelical magazine calls for Trump’s removal” https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-impeachment-evangelicals/billy-grahams-evangelical-magazine-calls-for-trumps-removal-idUSKBN1YO069

    ““The president of the United States attempted to use his political power to coerce a foreign leader to harass and discredit one of the president’s political opponents,” the editorial read. “That is not only a violation of the Constitution; more importantly, it is profoundly immoral.”

    Evangelical Christians make up about 25% of U.S. voters, according to Pew Research, and have been a bedrock of Trump’s support. In 2016, he took over 80% of the group’s votes, per Pew’s polling. ”

    Looks like the UP escalater is really going down to someplace very warm…

    • A small breach in the seawall – finally. Though Billy Graham’s son Franklin – a none-too-rational Sun Uranus in Cancer square Neptune has come out against it. Mind you even he may cool over Trump through 2020.

      Thanks for kind thoughts – oddly not painful, more swelling and fuzzy brain.

      • Drompf has dismissed the article as Far Left. Not the kind of labeling Evangelists will want to hear just before Christmas.

        The guy just doesn;t get it.

      • “Nearly 200 evangelical leaders slam Christianity Today op-ed that criticized Trump”

        The bootlickers come crawling out from the woodwork. If it was some other than Trump, they’d still be crwling from the woodwork.

        It didn;t last long 😉 How’s the jaw?

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