17 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Marjorie, could you have look at the birth chart of Siya Kolisi born 16/6/91 in Port Elizabeth SA?

    So happy for South Africa’s victory today.

  2. There’s so much talk about the upcoming dreaded Saturn-Pluto conjunction, but little is said about Jupiter being in the mix as well, taking up residence in Capricorn. Wouldn’t that significantly ameliorate any negative effects triggered by the conjunction?

    • Jupitor is often assessed as the cosmic Santa Claus. “All is made well again.” Folks don;t grasp that Jupitor is also a signifier of excess and carelessness. The world won;t end during the Sa-Pl conjuntion but there will be lots of life trials.

  3. Hi – was re-reading previous posts for Moscow Mitch, esp his love affair with President “I am the Greatest”. News articles seem focused on Mitch’s silense and ambivalence with/toward Trump during these trouibling Presidential times. I was struck with the thought that Mitch’s withdraw may be his jusst rewards for Trump…following the bark-out for failing to eliminate Obama Care.

    Just a thought – in the way of thieves falling out, parting ways, and then sailing off to new shores…can one infer that Mitch will leave Drompf to his own defense & demise? Thanks.

    • From what I’ve understood, Mitch McConnell is mostly worried about being primaried by a serious candidate in Kentucky. He is deeply unpopular even with GOP constituents, and fears for an Alabama-like fiasco.

  4. Hi Marjorie. How long do you think it will be, generally speaking, until the UK sails into calmer, or perhaps I should say clearer, waters? At some point all these heavy transits must end, and some easier ones come into being. When do you foresee that happening? Thank you.

    • Not for a while I’m afraid. Hitches and glitches as tr Uranus moves through the UK financial 8th till after mid decade and before then bounces off the four Fixed planets – so fairly jolting.

  5. Hello Marjorie

    Can you take a look at the chart for the BBC please? It seems to be under mounting pressure from dodgy HR practices internally, such as hefty payments to “stars”, an overweening need to be as “woke” as possible, and the external industry challenges of Netflix et al. Does it have a future?
    Thanks Debbie

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