30 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Good morning Marjorie!
    The Tokyo Olympics commence on July 24 next year in Shinjuku, Tokyo in the new National Stadium.
    Was wondering what do you think re these Olympics?
    (Noted that Mars will be in Aries whilst they are on, which seems appropriate!)
    Thank you if you comment, discuss.

  2. Marjorie,

    Actress Valerie Harper, who is best remembered for having played the character Rhoda Morgenstern in the 1970s classic sitcoms: “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” and it’s spin-off “Rhoda,” has passed away 🙁 Harper had been fighting cancer for some years. Anyway, Valerie Harper and Mary Tyler Moore were the best female “comedy team” since Lucille Ball and Vivian Vance in my opinion and I’ve always enjoyed watching The Mary Tyler Moore Show and it’s three spin-offs: Rhoda, Phyllis, and Lou Grant.

    I was hoping you wouldn’t mind doing a post about Valerie Harper. Anything you could share would be greatly appreciated. As always, thank you so much for all your posts.

    Chris Romero
    Jacksonville, Florida, U.S.

  3. Another actress passes away. Valerie Harper, died 8-30-2019 from cancer.

    She was full of life, a good compliment to MTM.

    Born: August 22, 1939, Suffern, NY. Died: August 30, 2019

  4. Another bird flew the coup. Or was deliberately pushed out of the nest…?

    “Madeleine Elise Westerhout was the Director of Oval Office Operations at the White House from February to August of 2019. Prior to that, from 2017 to 2019, she served as the Personal Secretary to U.S. President Donald Trump. ”

    Apparently she spoke too candidly about the innards of the Trump Circus during a lunch? Will she suffer a fate of pecking at bread crumbs from passersby?

    October 8, 1990 (age 28 years), Irvine, CA. No time offered by wiki.

  5. Finally some one trying to sort Brexit out and taking control and delivering what was voted for. Never known MPs being clouded by the own remainiac delusions that they know better than thier Brexit voting constituents! My remainiac labour MP is finished in our town -come an election

    • What benefits do you think we will see from a no deal Brexit? Give me something to look forward to because at the moment I’m very worried about my daughter’s friend with type 1 diabetes and other good school friends with families from Poland and the Czech Republic. What is the fundamental thing that makes this democracy and not ochlocracy?

      • Loads of benefits Tara-more UK benefits than negatives.
        MPs wont be able to hide behind EU law and will have to work for a living for the people they get paid to serve.I see more benefits from a self serving EU- to lazy self serving UK MPS with EU excuses.They will finally be answerable to the people they serve when they cant hide behind the EU policy.
        I,m sure hard working people from Poland and the Czech republic have nothing to fear nor people who have diabetes? Do you honestly lucrative EU medical companies will refuse our money??
        We signed up to a EU market not EU law.
        Democracy spoke with Brexit-sorry do not see your point………….? We voted for Brexit……….?

        • See, I don’t think 17 million out of 66 million is the silent majority. There isn’t one type of leave voter, I have met those who are full of regret and anger at the fraud and lies, as well as leave voters who still want us to leave but keep a trade deal and think no deal is madness. I’ve never encountered in person but seen plenty of very vocal commentators on the internet insisting on getting out without a deal, even if it puts people’s lives at risk. I’ve never heard the view spoken by a human voice, just read it. “Drug companies still want money!” doesn’t reassure experts who understand WTO rules and the economy, that’s why we need them to represent us.

          Sorry for extra question; which EU laws have MP’s been hiding behind, can you give an example?

          • Hi Tara,
            I do not know one person where I live who thinks they were lied to nor who would vote remain now.We were lied to when we voted to go into the EU market not ruled by EU law. But when we got the voted to stay or remain we voted leave.I do not believe we would never have had been given the vote if MP’s thought it would be leave. And it is unfortunate for the remainers. But this shows how out of touch politicians are with people especially outside of London.Everyone I speak to have no faith in Politics.
            I do not believe a lot of the scaremongering that is being spread.But then I see Brexit as something positive as it may be the best thing thats happened to the UK when we are free from EU shackles.
            I can not believe that Drug companies will suddenly stop trading with us as we trade with lots of other countries outside of the EU already. Business is business.
            In my local town the Government and MPS failed to intervene when we lost a major production plant with a massive loss to local economy not to mention jobs and blamed EU law for not being able to intervene and help.

          • Oh I do, I went for a curry with 2 leave voters like this recently. They brought it up, “can’t believe we were so stupid”. I stopped them right there because whatever happens it isn’t their fault or any other voter’s, we’re not “brexiteers” or “remainiacs”, we were all just lay people trying our best with sketchy info. I decided to vote remain early on, not because I think that the EU is a glorious, faultless institution or whatever it is “remainiacs” are said to believe. No, I decided that I trusted the Tory party far less.

            It isn’t so much that drug companies don’t want to trade any more, it’s that the flow of pharmaceuticals like many other goods, will be severely disrupted and the costs will shoot up. Talk to anyone in the civil service or retail supply logistics. Go and ask your local pharmacist. You don’t have to get it from the news. Some say scaremongering, but I think many people are putting their fingers in their ears because it doesn’t suit their vision.

            Still, I would love nothing better than to be proved wrong.

      • Tara, I live in Italy. I am British. I was not allowed to vote in the referendum as I have lived outside the UK for 15 years. I have a chronic illness and am treated on the Italian version of the NHS. The cost of my medication comes to over 50 Euro per month, something that would hit our income quite hard if I had to pay it all for it myself. You worry about your friends in the UK, and I assure you there are plenty of ex pats I know here, who are terrified of what Brexit may mean for them. Every forum (and most I have left) have been full of hysterical people for the last three years worrying about what might be. I understand where they are coming from. However, I refuse to sit and worry about what “might” be. I will deal with it when it comes. My answer to you about what benefits – and I am assuming here as you mentioned your friend’s daughter with diabetes you are talking about the continuance of health benefits, is as follows. Until the Spanish decided to have a hissy fit over Gibraltar, as far as I’m aware, there was a general consensus on talks held between the EU states and the UK government that reciprocal arrangements would continue as before for those already “in the system” so to speak. However the Spanish hissy fit put a halt on the signing of those agreements for a while anyway. I’m not sure what the latest is. I truly believe though that the amount of bureaucracy and paper writing and rubber stamping that would be necessary to deal with in the aftermath of Brexit without some kind of reciprocal arrangement would simply be too enormous for any of the states to seriously contemplate. The cost would be enormous to change the status quo. I can’t see it happening, not in reality. Sabre rattling, yes a plenty, but real change? I honestly don’t think so. I suspect they’ll think of some face saving measure and life will go on, probably with a few more forms to fill in and an initial registration cost, which in the UK will be around £20 and in Italy Euro 200. This isn’t me being an unrealistic optimist. This is me who has had to organise people and contracts in the past and who has a practical view of life.

        As for mob rule, no. I believe in the concept of democracy. To me that means even if there are 100 trillion votes on one side and 101 trillion votes on the other, the one with the majority wins. As I said I had no vote, no voice in this referendum. I was disallowed my own voice as a British national. And my life does stand to be seriously effected by the outcome. But you know what? I still believe in the concept democracy. It’s by no way a perfect system, but it’s better than I believe the Italians are being handed out now – no chance to vote at all.

        • Hi Sarah, sorry you’ve been suffering poor health and the costs of your medication are set to rise. However, as you may have seen in the Government’s Yellowhammer report, it’s not just cost for us here but real shortages. Some medicines have a short shelf life and cannot be stockpiled and others are highly specialised and made by one supplier.

          I admire your stoicism in the face of rising costs and I hope it doesn’t cause you too much hardship, although at least your supply will be fine. However, I’m sure that you can appreciate it is quite different when it’s a child. I doubt her mother will want to keep a stiff upper lip because of some “greater” good of a fraudulent advisory referendum, that represented the misinformed public whim on just one random day 3 years ago. The tyranny of MP’s “hiding behind EU laws” being so great that we must gamble this child’s health along with peace in Northern Ireland and several other things? I’m afraid we need more than that.

          • Hello Tara. Thank you for getting back to me and your kind concern about my health – which is manageable. I think your quote re the tyranny of MPs was written by someone else here by the way 🙂 I honestly don’t think it will be as bad as you fear Tara. There are plenty of people here too who are worried about their children, their incomes, their lives, their ability to move across states to work. There is a lot of hysteria here. I haven’t seen the Yellowhammer report, but I’ve read somewhere that the government has been stockpiling up in order to prevent shortages come the day. Who knows for real? There are so many leaks and experts and legal arguments real and otherwise going back and forth – who can follow them all? I understand you and your friend are worried, of course you are. It’s so easy to get carried away by fear and there is plenty of that being stoked up right now right across the board. However it should be remembered too member there were lies all round Tara. I saw a remainer poster a few weeks ago which was totally wrong in some comments, but being swallowed hook line and sinker as fact by commentators. I knew for sure, even checked, that it was incorrect. I don’t think stiff upper lip is necessary. I think sitting tight and patience to see how the story unfolds is. I think taking “facts” with a pinch of salt is helpful – and maybe a little faith in the universe. I truly hope your friend’s daughter’s issues are resolved satisfactorily. I wish you well.

          • Thanks Sarah. I know the quote wasn’t yours but just an example of what’s been said. I promise you that I am not really a worrier. I am British, with a fixed chart and no matter what that and the 1801 chart says, I’ve been through too many heatwave/washout Bank Holidays and tube strikes not to be adaptable 😉 It’s almost like the island itself trains you to think on your feet and perhaps it’s this lack of plan for all eventualities. No Briton I know even plans a BBQ without a plan B if it rains, but Brexit “project fear!”. Where does this weird optimism and lack of cynicism come from, because to me it’s not British at all? 😉

            I suppose in addition to the risk to the weak and vulnerable, it’s the pointlessness and the waste that really gets to me. It will all come out in the wash? Perhaps. I honestly wish I could Be-leave, but stockpiled vodka is my Plan B

  6. Marjorie,

    It’s being reported that Donald Trump is now draining the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) money which is used for natural disasters to go towards funding his stupid border “wall.”

    This is deeply concerning and infuriating to many of us – especially those of us living here in Florida and to people living in Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and various parts of the coastal Southeastern United States. We’re in the middle of hurricane season and Tropical Storm Dorian is already heading for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Puerto Rico is still recovering from Hurricane Maria.

    The models are already showing Tropical Storm Dorian strengthening to a category 2 hurricane by the time it makes it’s currently projected landfall here in Florida (and I live in Jacksonville, it’s heading close to my city).

    I was wondering if you had any astrological insights regarding Trump and FEMA. Does it appear he will succeed in draining the funds?

    Anything you could provide regarding this matter would be greatly appreciated. Again, thank you for your daily posts.

    Chris Romero
    Jacksonville, Florida, U.S.

    • “Washington Post: Trump told officials he would pardon them if they break the law building border wall”


      “…Trump has instructed aides to speed up the process of building the wall, directing them to rush through billions of dollars’ worth of construction contracts, blow past environmental regulations and to “take the land” necessary by eminent domain, the Post reported Tuesday.
      “Don’t worry, I’ll pardon you,” Trump has told officials during meetings at the White House about the wall when aides raised that some of those orders would be illegal, according to the Post….”

  7. Marjorie
    Would a chart for Freemasonry be of interest? The first Lodge in the world is in Kilwinning, Scotland, the Mother Lodge as it’s called. Would a chart based on the date of its inception be of interest if I can suss it out?

      • https://www.masonic-lodge-of-education.com/oldest-masonic-lodge.html

        Thanks Marjorie

        July 31st 1599 the first Masonic Lodge in the world, with minutes, was convened in Edinburgh. It’s usually asserted to be Kilwinning but evidently not. I’m not a Freemason myself but it’s influence in Scottish and latterly global history is notable. Given the secrecy and blood curdling oaths and threats of sundry vengeance one assumes Scorpio to be prominent. Aquarius too. Robert Burns was a member and the Founding Fathers of the US, Washington, Jefferson, Adam et al were avid practioners of the Scottish Rites Freemasonry.

  8. Hello Marjorie,
    So I just saw the most amazing documentary the other night… “Maiden”…. about the first boat in the Whitbread around the World race to be skippered and crewed by women…. in 1989 for heaven’s sake.

    Tracy Edwards is the dynamo who came up with the idea and through grit and hard work made it happen. The info I can find is Born – Sept 5, 1962, I believe in Reading.

    The Maiden set sail from Southampton, England on Sept 2, 1989 and returned 9 months later…. and 33,000 miles!!! A terrific, exhilarating, funny and most of all, empowering for women, film. Really is a must see.

    What an extraordinary woman!!… and my goodness she has had a number of major ups and downs in her life. Thought it would be interesting to poke around in her chart and maybe the harmonics? Unfortunately I could not find a birthtime.

    take care,

  9. Keanu Reeves has signed on to do John Wick 4 and The Matrix 4. A long time ago, a psychic (Tana Hoy) did a reading for him and predicted Keanu would win a best actor Academy Award. Reeves entered his weak rom-com phase, and the prediction seemed an impossibility. Given his recent career resurgence, and the respect of the industry he has earned, it now seems like a possibility!

    Please keep Keanu Reeves in mind, Marjorie, and let us know when the stars show an answer to this interesting prediction from long ago.

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