19 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Marjorie,

    Here in Florida, another Democrat has just announced his going to run for President. His name is Wayne Messam and he’s the current Democratic Mayor of Miramar (a city in Broward County). Messam is the son of Jamaican immigrants and he was born and raised right here in Florida.

    It’s actually kind of interesting to see a Democratic candidate from Florida running for President. I was wondering if you had any astrological insights regarding Wayne Messam’s presidential run.

    Wayne Messam announced he would be running for President on March 28, 2019. I know Messam was born in South Bay, Florida on June 7, 1974.

    Chris Romero
    Jacksonville, Florida

  2. Adam Schiff is catching major fire from Trump and his lackeys in the Republican party, saying he should resign (including Devin Nunes, who did some ridiculous things in attempting to obstruct the Mueller investigation – oy, what a bunch!). Anyway, I was heartened to see Marjorie’s post from January: “Schiff’s chart will have its ups and downs with a few jangles and worrisome moments from late March onwards but most notably he looks heartened through April and May when Trump is under most pressure. Maybe for separate reasons, of course, but it could be connected. Thereafter Schiff looks in line for more success and luck in 2020.”

  3. Marjorie,

    There was breaking news from The Hill today that a group of politicians (a bipartisan group) just put a bill together that could make Puerto Rico a U.S. before 2020. It’s making headlines in all the major newspapers and political news websites.

    I was just wondering if you had any astrological insights regarding Puerto Rico and possible statehood.

    Astrologically speaking, how do things look politically for Puerto Rico? The stars hint at any possibility of Puerto Rico actually obtaining statehood this year.

    Chris Romeo
    Jacksonville, Florida

  4. Marjorie: Can it get any worse for Michael Avenatti? Two HUGE lawsuits have been filed against him,
    the IRS says he owes millions in back taxes, Stormy Daniels has fired him and his ex-wife claims he’s a deadbeat dad, evading $$$$$$$ in child support payments. Does this guy stand the slightest chance of escaping a long prison sentence? Talk about a catastrophic nosedive!

  5. Marjorie,

    When does the Mercury Retrograde weather (including retro shadow, etc) end? Mercury Retrograde is conjunct Neptune almost exactly now and it shows. The Indicative Votes yesterday created more fog than either heat or light.

    When will we have some more definitive news about the ways out of this morass?

  6. Elizabeth Holmes : could you please do a chart on her? She’s either got
    Insanity or is just a phenomenally smart liar. Either way, does justice catch up with the “ethereal beauty”?!! This is stemming from the theranos documentary released on hbo. Shocking.

  7. Some useful stats on Breixt from the ft.

    ‘The UK’s net contribution to the EU was just 1.1 per cent of total public spending in the latest financial year.’

    ‘We have been frequently reminded that the UK is the fifth (soon to be sixth) largest economy. That is true, but misleading. The world contains three economic superpowers: the US, the EU (without the UK) and China. These generated about 60 per cent of global output last year. The UK’s contribution was 3 per cent. It is large for a minnow, but still a minnow.’

    ‘Britain sends 47 per cent of its exports of goods to the EU, while the rest of the EU sends 15 per cent of its exports to the UK. For the EU, the UK market is important. For the UK, the EU’s is vital.

  8. Marjorie,

    We just had breaking news yesterday (Monday, March 25, 2019) that the Justice Department sided with the ultra-conservative judges in declaring that all of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was “unconstitutional.”

    In other words, the Republicans are trying to destroy Obamacare AGAIN. I am so angry and concerned about this. I was wondering if you had any astrological insights regarding the outlook for Obamacare this year. Does it appear the Republicans will succeed in destroying it (I hope they don’t) or does it appear Obamacare might triumph over all of this mess?

    Any thoughts you could share would be greatly appreciated. Again, thank you for all you do.

    Chris Romero
    Jacksonville, Florida

  9. Marjorie do you have any thoughts on the Memorandum of Intent signed between China’s President Xi Jinping and Italy’s Di Maio on 23rd March in Rome regarding China’s New Silk Road? I don’t know what the exact time of the signing was, but would guess around 12.00 – 2.00 p.m. as a paper report I saw was updated with a video of the ceremony at 2.11 p.m. and President Xi Jinping was scheduled to fly to Palermo just before 3 p.m.
    Thank you

  10. Hello Marjorie,
    Do you see anything about parliament taking control re Brexit?.
    It’s my thinking that M.Ps will still be at loggerheads with their bickering.
    Thank you for your time.

  11. Folks….calm down. Mueller’s task was not to bring down Trump. He was tasked with finding out if The campaign conspired criminally beyond a reasonable doubt with Russia to tilt the election a particular way. If he found no definitive collusion that rose to the level of a conspiratorial crime, then there’s nothing to charge in that respect. A willingness and attempt to collude is not a crime. All he can do is right an objective and fulsome report in regards to his understanding of the findings and then present that report to his boss(Barr). The A.G was always going to be the final arbiter. Mueller did his job so don’t blame his political allegiance. I’m no fan of the GOP, but there are a few upstanding Republicans believe it or not. And judging by Mueller’s history and track record, he seems to fit the bill as a man of integrity; hence, why Democrats we’re pleased with his appointment. Barr is the one who now must be pressured to release the full report. SDNY will finish off Trump! So take a breath folks, his day is coming. We just have to grin and bare it a while longer. Peace!

    • I agree with Troy on this one. Trump has no earth in his natal chart and his Leo rising makes him appear like a big idea man but only in appearance. His first house is mostly taken up with Virgo and he lives up to the Virgo style with his fastidious attention to what he wears. No mom jeans for that man. Mars in Leo 12th house is not a good placement IMO. Mars has a fixed cardinal nature and in the mutable 12th house it makes a wannabe macho power play that is tad short-winded as it struggles to escape only to land firmly in a Leo (in name only) 1st house mostly taken up by mutable Virgo and concerned with looking good. In effect, his super long ties point to one thing while the size of his hands tells us the truth.(snark)
      His presidency, indeed his whole life seems to run along those lines. His successes are more a matter of shrewd manipulation: electoral vs popular and typical of his history. It would seem the chart ruler in 11th Gemini that his Sun should be happy with all the Virgo real estate for his image to strut around in but Mercury is swimming in the middle of a Cancer mentality making him too sensitive and thin-skinned to ride that horse until the end. Add to that 12th gobbled up a Leo/Mars that is supposed to be ruling his first from that dark angry place… so he is more for show and little for go.
      He dazzles and thuds his way through life. I don’t see his presidency being any different than any of the big ideas he has pursued over the course of his audacious history. We just have to fasten our seatbelts.

  12. Dirty Don lucks out again. Agree with I Predicted This. Mueller is a dyed-in-the-wool Republican. No way was he going to indict Trump. I do have to wonder about the Democrats who served on Mueller’s investigative team. Perhaps we’ll be hearing from a few of them via subpoena.

  13. Barr sent out his report on the Mueller findings. Nothing was found. This is what happens when investigations of a Republican are done by Republicans. Mueller was always a die-hard conservative Republican, and not the Eliot Ness he was touted to be. Plus Barr is in Trump’s pocket, too. No surprise Trump is absolved.

    This is going to ramp up and erupt in 2020-21. May God have mercy on us all.

    • People will read it and take away their own interpretation. Trump’s base will gloat.

      From 21 Dec 2018 posting, “Where the most obvious fall-off-perch moment comes on Trump’s Term chart is late 2019/early 2020 when the Solar Arc Pluto moves to close the square to Uranus to exact; and indeed the square to Jupiter. Before then he’s likely to cross several lines that even die-hard fans will quail at. Though quite what given how much they’ve swallowed to date – most recently ‘shocking illegality’ in the Trump charitable Foundation plus plus plus.”

    • See post February 22nd 2019. There’s nothing remotely cheerful ahead for Trump so might be as well to let the dust settle on this one. In the UK there have been several lawyer-headed national inquiries much anticipated as the definitive word which turned out to be damp squibs. There always was something Neptunian about both Mueller’s chart and his inquiry chart which didn’t suggest a scud-missile strike.

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