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6 thoughts on “Questions & Comments”
Keith Flint, the front man to the band, The Prodigy, has sadly killed himself, aged 49.
You can add actor, Luke Perry, to the obituary list too. very sad.
Dear Marjorie,
Could you explain how do you eyeball chars? How do you see aspects in aspect line-less chart, how do you see the transits, progressions, and directions aspecting natal positions, how do you see aspects to midpoints, both from natal configurations and transits, aspects in synastry, how do you see if a particular transit is creating a particular pattern, such as a yod, with natal placements? Is there a method and a workflow?
Thank you.
Hmm, everyone will have their own approach.
I print out the chart as a double with Solar Arcs on the outer wheel; and start by drawing in my own aspect lines on the natal. Then if there’s a birth time, write in the five outer planets on house transits. Check which house and sign the Progressed Moon is moving through; and if there are major aspects from Progressed Mars or Venus. Then check Solar Arc aspects and transits to natal. Finally look at transits to planets and midpoints. And that all gets scribbled on the initial printed chart. And if the chart isn’t descriptive enough, look at midpoint aspects to planets and Harmonics. And do several years Solar Returns tho’ they aren’t always overly useful.
Transits to major configurations on the chart are more important than transits to one planet since it indicates a phase of several years of change/upheaval/effect. And that is even more true if one configuration moves by Solar Arc to aspect another natal configuration – which always spells a life-changing crisis.
On relationships I’ll print out a synastry chart with one on top of the other and a relationship chart.
Seeing patterns is just a question of practice really since you get used to picking them up.
Wow, Marjorie, thank you so much! You’ve given me a different perspective! Not the first person who told me to print the charts. I kept thinking you see it all from a computer screen and I kept being baffled at how do you see all those midpoints and transits (or progressions, or directions) to them. I thought this needs some kind of special skill, surely. I will definitely have to sharpen my eyes to see when a planet (or two) in T, P, or D is making an aspect pattern with what’s in a natal chart.
Can you look at the economic historian Rutger Bregman, who recently made news chiding the elite at Davis over taxes and then best known in the US for a beautiful takedown of Fox News host Tucker Carlson (never aired but video of the exchange was recorded and released). NY Times story yesterday notes both idealism and practicality, so maybe some Neptune and/or Jupiter “dream big” with some earthbound stuff – looks like he’s an early Taurus, getting the Uranus transit.
Keith Flint, the front man to the band, The Prodigy, has sadly killed himself, aged 49.
You can add actor, Luke Perry, to the obituary list too. very sad.
Dear Marjorie,
Could you explain how do you eyeball chars? How do you see aspects in aspect line-less chart, how do you see the transits, progressions, and directions aspecting natal positions, how do you see aspects to midpoints, both from natal configurations and transits, aspects in synastry, how do you see if a particular transit is creating a particular pattern, such as a yod, with natal placements? Is there a method and a workflow?
Thank you.
Hmm, everyone will have their own approach.
I print out the chart as a double with Solar Arcs on the outer wheel; and start by drawing in my own aspect lines on the natal. Then if there’s a birth time, write in the five outer planets on house transits. Check which house and sign the Progressed Moon is moving through; and if there are major aspects from Progressed Mars or Venus. Then check Solar Arc aspects and transits to natal. Finally look at transits to planets and midpoints. And that all gets scribbled on the initial printed chart. And if the chart isn’t descriptive enough, look at midpoint aspects to planets and Harmonics. And do several years Solar Returns tho’ they aren’t always overly useful.
Transits to major configurations on the chart are more important than transits to one planet since it indicates a phase of several years of change/upheaval/effect. And that is even more true if one configuration moves by Solar Arc to aspect another natal configuration – which always spells a life-changing crisis.
On relationships I’ll print out a synastry chart with one on top of the other and a relationship chart.
Seeing patterns is just a question of practice really since you get used to picking them up.
Wow, Marjorie, thank you so much! You’ve given me a different perspective! Not the first person who told me to print the charts. I kept thinking you see it all from a computer screen and I kept being baffled at how do you see all those midpoints and transits (or progressions, or directions) to them. I thought this needs some kind of special skill, surely. I will definitely have to sharpen my eyes to see when a planet (or two) in T, P, or D is making an aspect pattern with what’s in a natal chart.
Can you look at the economic historian Rutger Bregman, who recently made news chiding the elite at Davis over taxes and then best known in the US for a beautiful takedown of Fox News host Tucker Carlson (never aired but video of the exchange was recorded and released). NY Times story yesterday notes both idealism and practicality, so maybe some Neptune and/or Jupiter “dream big” with some earthbound stuff – looks like he’s an early Taurus, getting the Uranus transit.