11 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. HI Marjorie – the time for Ford’d swearing in was around noon on the day – the events started at 11am and the swearing in was to be close to noon – I could not find an exact time

  2. HI Marjorie – FORD has been a disaster so far – going after the environment – City of Toronto , and help for the poor- The the place for his term is Toronto – not Ottawa – does that location change things much

    • There was no time for his swearing in so I just used a mid day chart. But if you can find out then I’ll redo it. The location would shift the midheaven four degrees.

  3. Hi Marjorie
    Any thoughts on Jeremy Corbyn and his future prospects? He is riding relatively high in the polls and yet elements of his own party, and other state actors, are desperate to do him down. I know a birth time is unknown but I suspect a strong Neptune at work, with disinformation, propaganda, backstabbing, disloyalty and the rest in the mix.

    • Corbyn’s chart has always been hugely uninformative. He’s asked for a fair amount of what gets thrown at him. To be honest I don’t think he ever expected to win or even wanted it. He just bumbles along doing what he’s always done. .

    • I agree that he probably didn’t expect to win, but he does have a natal Mercury retrograde, which some say can indicate a change in vocational direction, or certainly a career of two distinct halves. He has Uranus in the last degree of Gemini, which is just out of bounds – enabling him to “get away” with being the rebel, to the confusion and sometimes exasperation of some and delight of others. Look at Donald Trump’s (much more extreme) OOB Mercury and what he “gets away” with saying, it seeming to only make him more popular. This is outside the understanding of the establishment and others who never look beyond the edge (Sun/Ecliptic).

      I think the unusual characteristics of the recent lunar eclipse, conjunct an OOB retrograde Mars, which was unusually bright and close to Earth and the Moon smaller than usual at apogee, are significant. It was conjunct Corbyn’s Jupiter, which is also receiving an applying square from Uranus, but I think it has far wider implications than just him.

      • That’s interesting. I’d never heard that about Merc Retro. Of which I have one and I did split career-wise half way through.

        • Wow, you sound like a classic example. I first read this interpretation in a book by Frank C.Clifford, who refers to the work of Erin Sullivan. Clifford gives a good summary in his book “Getting to the Heart of Your Chart”. The book briefly mentions Steve Jobs, who of course had two distinct Apple periods.

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