10 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Yes, but what was Nixon’s astrology? Surely he didn’t have the overriding Jupiter-Uranus buoy that miraculously keeps Trump afloat in a raging sea.

  2. Trump has just announced that three Americans imprisoned in North Korea have been released and are on their way to the U.S. Forget about the Michael Cohen mess, forget about Stormy Daniels and all the sleazy sexual misconduct Trump has been involved in, forget that he’s a lying crook, forget about his insanely erratic behavior and his ever-changing staff of wackos……the release of the prisoners, the fact that the economy is doing well and a possible successful summit with Kim Jong Un will keep Donnie afloat through his first term and perhaps a second term. There’s Jupiter-Uranus for you.

    • Richard Nixon astonished the world by making an agreement with China in 1972 and following that a detente with the USSR In 1974 he was ousted.

      I’ll try to get my head round the Iran thing later. Depends how it plays out – could be a blowback, and could even impact on NK deal, since Trump now (hah) looks untrustworthy and Kim is about nothing if not survival.

  3. What do you think of the new moon on May 15th? I’ve seen a few articles about it causing doom & gloom, possible financial crisis & all sorts of terrible things happening.

    • I don’t get overly excited by New Moons unless they are eclipses which this isn’t. It is two degrees away from Algol at 24 Taurus and trines both Mars and Pluto in Capricorn, as well as opposing Jupiter – a mix of over-expansive and bulldozingly determined and irritable.
      It also coincides with Uranus moving into Taurus that day and the disruptive/explosive Mars squaring Uranus in effect, exact the following day. So will be pretty high-tension. But this too will pass. We survived worse in April.

  4. Marjorie,

    do you have any astrological insights about what’s going on in Hawaiʻi (my birth state)? Yesterday, Kīlauea Volcano erupted on the Big Island – shooting out lava and forcing many people in residential areas to evacuate. And today, Hawaiʻi’s Big Island was rocked by two major earthquakes at different times in the day (one was a 5.6 on the Richter Scale and the other was a 6.9 on the Richter Scale) – apparently, the town of Hilo was the hardest hit. Tsunami warnings were issued all over the North Pacific (including Alaska).

    Anyway, I’ve been living here in Florida for many, many years now….but Hawaiʻi is where I was born…so, I like still like to keep up with what’s going on there. I was just curious as to what’s happening with Hawaiʻi astrologically. Do the stars indicate a possibility of troubling times for the islands ahead (in terms of natural disasters, etc.)

    Any information you can provide would be much appreciated. And again, thank you for sharing your insights with all of us 🙂

    Chris Romero
    Jacksonville, Florida

  5. Roman Polanski (along with Bill Cosby) has at long last been expelled from the Academy of Motion Pictures for violating their Standards of Conduct, which were adopted last December in the wake of the Weinstein scandal. How is this reflected in Polanski’s natal horoscope? Polanski has form for having relationships with underage girls and teenagers – in what way are these tendencies shown in his natal chart?

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