11 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Hi Marjorie,

    The Commonwealth has been in the news, with CHOGM taking place in London this week. Could you cast a chart for it, even though it is difficult given the various possible “birthdays” (Balfour declaration – 15 November 1926; the Statute of Westminster – 11 December 1931; London declaration – 28 April 1949). I think the last one is the most apposite, as it created the modern Commonwealth, with both Commonwealth Realms (where the Queen is head of state) and republics as equal members. There have been subsequent declarations (Harare, Singapore, etc). But as I understand it, they merely stated broad principles that the Commonwealth believed in, not defining the Commonwealth in any specific manner.


    Also, Rome apparently also celebrated its 2771th birthday yesterday. It is getting on a bit in age. Is it even possible to cast a chart for something of that antiquity? It would be great to have a look.

    • You can do charts that far back though the dates are always questionable. 21 Aoril 753 BC JC gives Sun, Neptune and Jupiter Mercury Uranus in Aries. Plus Mars and Venus in last decan Pisces with Uranus conjunct Venus. Plus an enduring Saturn in Scorpio square Pluto in Leo tied into an Aquarius Moon.

  2. Marjorie – a bit off the astro track…HRM Queen Elizabeth II will be 92 next weekend. How do I address her in a birthday card? Thanks so much!

  3. As I predicted last week, yesterday Trump had Venus conjunct his midheaven and the news was “North Korea Agrees To Unconditional Denuclearization, Suspends Missile Tests, Shuts Down Testing Facility…” Any ideas for next week when Venus will be square his ascendant?

  4. Marjorie: Judge Kimba Wood is clearly a pivotal figure in the Cohen/Trump investigation and proceedings. Most everything in the next few months will hinge on her decisions. An astro profile of her might go a long way in determining the fate of Cohen and Trump. Can you provide that, plus synastry re Wood and Trump and Cohen? Thanking you in advance.

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