8 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Marjorie, can you look into 2 actresses who have recently passed this past 48hrs; Vicar of Dibley’s brilliant Emma Chambers whose passed at 53 and Bollywood Icon Sridevi, who has sadly passed at 54. Thanks.

  2. What about all the faux pas Justin Trudeau surrounding Justin Trudeau’s trip to India? Has his star faded? Some Canadians, former supporters, are finding him quite delusional and shallow, trying to be more of a world leader than he can be.



    again, I really appreciate all of your insights. You have done a few posting in regards to the school shootings in Parkland. I was wondering if you could do an astrological post on Emma Gonzalez – one of the survivors of the the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting. Here in Florida, Emma Gonzalez, in many ways, has become the leader for the social revolution to end gun violence and to implement common sense gun laws. Emma Gonzalez recently gave a very impassioned speech at an anti-gun rally in Fort Lauderdale. Gonzalez also appeared at the CNN town hall in Sunrise where she received a roaring round of applause. She’s been getting a lot of media attention not just here in Florida, but all over the U.S. And Gonzalez appears to be inspiring young people, teenagers, students, parents, teachers, etc. all over Florida, all over the U.S., and even abroad.

    Students all over the U.S. have been staging sit-ins, peaceful protests, and marches – sighting Emma Gonzalez as their inspiration. Students protested in front of the Governor’s Mansion in Tallahassee…and they’re planning an even bigger protest on March 24th (during their spring break) up to Washington, D.C.

    Also, just the other day, students across the country, did “walkouts” (they walked out of their classrooms) to show their support and solidarity to the victims, the victim’s families, and the survivors of the various school shootings, spree killings, mass murders, and other forms of gun violence that have been plaguing this country in recent years. These students are being threatened with school suspension and other forms of disciplinary action, etc. (which is wrong, in my opinion)

    This movement (with Emma Gonzalez leading much of it) has even led some companies to refuse to do any business with the NRA, gun lobbyists, and gun manufacturers. Even some wealthy Republican donors have said they will no longer support candidates who receive money from the NRA.

    Last but not least, Oprah Winfrey and the Clooneys are showing their support to Emma Gonzalez, the “March for Our Lives,” and the anti-gun movement by donating thousands of dollars and helping these students get to Washington, D.C. during Spring Break.

    All in all, Emma Gonzalez has really become a remarkable social activist for her age and the students’ demand for change is really gaining strength. Gonzalez and the movement are inspiring and they give me hope.

    Anyway, I was wondering what you saw astrologically for Emma Gonzalez and/or the movement she helped start. How do things look for Emma Gonzalez in the near future? Does it appear Gonzalez will be instrumental in making any changes to the current gun laws in this country? Any astrological insights you have about Gonzalez and decide to write about – I would definitely love to read.

    Chris Romero
    Jacksonville, Florida

  4. Marjorie,

    again, I really appreciate all of your insights. You have done a few posting in regards to the school shootings in Parkland. I was wondering if you an astrological post on Emma Gonzalez – one of the survivors of the the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting. Here in Florida, Emma Gonzalez has, in many ways, has become the leader for the social revolution to end gun violence and to implement common sense gun laws. Emma Gonzalez recently gave a very impassioned speech at an anti-gun rally in Fort Lauderdale. Gonzalez also appeared at the CNN town hall in Sunrise where she received a roaring round of applause. She’s been getting a lot of media attention not just here in Florida, but all over the U.S. And Gonzalez appears to be inspiring young people, teenagers, students, parents, teachers, etc. all over Florida, all over the U.S., and even abroad.

    Students all over the U.S. have been staging sit-ins, peaceful protests, and marches – sighting Emma Gonzalez as their inspiration. Students protested in front of the Governor’s Mansion in Tallahassee…and they’re planning an even bigger protest on March 24th (during their spring break) up to Washington, D.C.

    Also, just the other day, students across the country, did “walkouts” (they walked out of their classrooms) to show their support and solidarity to the victims, the victim’s families, and the survivors of the various school shootings, spree killings, mass murders, and other forms of gun violence that have been plaguing this country in recent years. These students are being threatened with school suspension and other forms of disciplinary action, etc. (which is wrong, in my opinion)

    This movement (with Emma Gonzalez leading much of it) has even led some companies to refuse to do any business with the NRA, gun lobbyists, and gun manufacturers. Even some wealthy Republican donors have said they will no longer support candidates who receive money from the NRA.

    Last but not least, Oprah Winfrey and the Clooneys are showing their support to Emma Gonzalez, the “March for Our Lives,” and the anti-gun movement by donating thousands of dollars and helping these students get to Washington, D.C. during Spring Break.

    All in all, Emma Gonzalez has really become a remarkable social activist for her age and the students’ demand for change is really gaining strength. Gonzalez and the movement are inspiring and they give me hope.

    Anyway, I was wondering what you saw astrologically for Emma Gonzalez and/or the movement she helped start. How do things look for Emma Gonzalez in the near future? Does it appear Gonzalez will be instrumental in making any changes to the current gun laws in this country? Any astrological insights you have about Gonzalez and decide to write about – I would definitely love to read.

    Chris Romero
    Jacksonville, Florida

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