Queen Elizabeth and her PM of the day – the odd couple * +

Queen Elizabeth 11 has seen prime ministers come and go in her 67 year reign – 14 in all including the present one. She sees them weekly for an entirely private meeting and little emerges of her personal likes and dislikes, apart from this time round Boris blowing off his mouth after their first meeting which would not go down well.

Maggie Thatcher she got on with better than credited though it wasn’t a BFF match. There was a composite Sun opposition Venus and a chained-together by circumstances Saturn Pluto. Harold Wilson surprisingly was a favourite as was John Major, both with Sun Venus conjunction in their relationship charts with her.

Winston Churchill her first PM was a tight relationship since she was just learning the ropes – they had a composite enthusiastic Mars Jupiter opposition an idealistic Neptune and controlling Pluto. Tony Blair she didn’t take to with a really stuck, chilly composite Sun opposition Saturn square Pluto.

Nicola Sturgeon’s relationship with her is eexy-peexy with a friendly Sun Venus though trine an illusory Neptune; an aggravated Moon opposition Mars and a chained-together Saturn opposition Pluto – it will be seriously ruffled from June 2020 onwards with tr Uranus opposition the composite Sun and then conjunct the Mars. Alex Salmond she’d find tricky and evasive, keen on gaining the upper hand and erratic.

Her astro with Boris is fairly gruesome with a hostile composite Mars trine Pluto, in a constantly-changing sextile to Uranus; with a delusional Jupiter opposition Neptune. She almost certainly has to pull rank to keep him in place. Plus a ratchety, bad-tempered composite Mars square Saturn. It looks very nerve-stretched and confused between them from late this October effectively through till late January 2020 as tr Neptune squares the composite Uranus.

But whatever her reservations about Boris, her interface with Republican Corbyn not suprisingly is worse with a differing-agenda composite Sun, Uranus, Mercury in a slippery trine to Neptune; and an aggravated Mars opposition Saturn.

Corbyn’s immoveable Mars in Taurus sits on her IC opposition her Saturn in Scorpio and Midheaven and square her Aquarius and Leo planets so not a happy combination.

Boris’s chaotic Uranus Pluto falls in her 8th opposition her Venus which is conjunct his Saturn – so he’s emotionally an unsettling influence for her. And his Cancer Midheaven is exactly conjunct her 6th house Pluto – which can do one of two things. If he listens she could help him improve his methods and approach; otherwise it’ll be a power struggle.

Her Coronation chart, 2 June 1953 11am, did look unnerved over the Brexit vote and result with tr Saturn exactly opposition the Sun and tr Neptune square; and tr Pluto exactly opposition the Coronation Uranus. Last year and this year it’s been moving through tough times with discouragement and confusion as tr Pluto squared Saturn Neptune. It’s in a further slump late October through till late January 2020 with tr Neptune square the Sun/Mars midpoint and sliding further morale-wise in 2021 with tr Neptune square the Mars and Mercury; with an emotional upset from tr Uranus square the Moon. But that may not all be Brexit, given her age.

2 thoughts on “Queen Elizabeth and her PM of the day – the odd couple * +

  1. How does her chart square with Scotland’s? Nicola Sturgeon’s? Nicola Sturgeon who in fact is a great admirer of Queen Elizabeth, Queen of Scots, as is Alex Salmond.

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