Prince Philip – non-stop-go personality



Prince Philip walked away from what could have been a nasty accident when he drove out of a side road and T-boned a car coming along the more major road. According to one report he said ‘the sun was in my eyes.’ His landrover overturned and he had to be extricated through the roof. The driver and passenger of the other car containing a baby were taken to hospital with minor injuries.

He’ll be 98 this June and although retired from public duties continues to car and carriage (with ponies)  drive.

Born 10 June 1921 21.46 hrs (unverified) Corfu, Greece, he’s an assertive, multi-tasking Sun Mars in Gemini in a hard-edged and short-tempered to Saturn in workaholic Virgo. Not a man to sit still even nearing his century. Plus he has an adventurous Jupiter in Virgo opposition Uranus widely square his Sun, which will double up on his scattered, whirlwind approach to life.

Astrology isn’t supposed to work this late in life but he does have a run of tricky transits involving Mars and Mars midpoints in the near future; and an uncertain, discouraging tr Neptune opposition Saturn from this spring onwards.

The Queen is the only one who’d be in a position to put her foot down and stop him driving and their relationship chart does look a touch aggravated at the moment and on and off in the next few weeks. So there may be further concerns. And while it wouldn’t be his choice, it’s not as if he’s short of protection officers on hand to do the driving for him.

12 thoughts on “Prince Philip – non-stop-go personality

  1. He’s 99 today, the Daily Mail today lists 99 facts about him today, a few of which are hilarious.
    Hope he has a nice day and decent Solar Return!

  2. While I never have thought to name it as such, for some charts, an”upper age limit” to the general use of some astrological forecast techniques (transits), especially when we speak of planets associated with one’s personal vitality, growth potential , and will to respond to fresh/initiate lifestyle changes (Mars, Jupiter, Uranus ) . These are energies that are more naturally responded to in youth to late adulthood.

    As humans age, the life cycle is ending, SOME will live a life increasingly routine and sedentary, thus making some planetary transits or directions to their horoscope move along without experiencing any dramatic personal shifts.

    Just as transits in a child’s map are absorbed by the actions of the main adults supporting their growth, the same projection may apply to the astrology of seniors , in the age where people approach the 3rd Saturn Return, for example, where a lifestyle of quiet reflection and solid support from those younger is valued as the norm.

    • Thanks for weighing in, Joe. I think that makes sense. My bf is in his 70s and long retired. Uranus has been transiting his late Aries Sun without very much effect, so you could be right.

      • Yes, this was a great explanation, and seems to hold even to younger generation. I have a Cardinal Chart, and Saturn is currently all over it. I may not be in the easiest place right now, but the difference to especially Saturn in Cancer 14 years ago when I was in my late 20’s and hadn’t gone through SR is staggering. And, Uranus in Aries… I barely noticed that, until Uranus entered my 8th house and my finances became extremely volatile. I still have a couple of years of this, hoping for a lucky break next!

        Also, speaking of my grandmother, she has had difficult Pluto and Saturn transits of late, and I’ve feared the worst. But her worst moments have come as surprices, and she has bounced back. Otherwise, steady decline. I doubt she’ll make it past this year, though. You see she is letting go. My other grandmother was 87 when she just decided it wasn’t worth fighting (she had a long history of depression later in life), and stopped eating. This was a willfull act, and had a Mars/Saturn signature.

  3. In my Grandmother’s case, she is few months younger than Prince Philip, with Jupiter in Libra conjunct Sun and Moon. She grew up poor, which kept her from getting the education she wanted (she was bright, and would have wanted to be a doctor), and went blind relatively early on. But her “lucky” conjunction is there, and explains why, while 3 of her siblings made it to 90’s as well, and two other to late 80’s, she continues beating the odds.

  4. I’m also interested about the comment that astrology doesn’t work so well at the upper age limits. I’ve studied astrology for years and havent come across this before.

  5. I’m curious as well, although I do find the general horoscopes a bit annoying when they’re all about advancement in career or starting a family or whatever given I’m age 60 and not looking at either (not that others aren’t advancing careers at my age, and a friend adopted a teenager when she was in her mid-60s…)

    • If you’re looking for a specific assessment, perhaps requesting a private consultation with specifics would be a better solution. I’ve definitely discovered yrs ago that a tailored consultation provides the most accurate information.

      • Yes, I get personal consultations generally once per year (around my birthday) and have for 30+ years. Plus I’ve studied it for almost as long through books. But I do also enjoy reading some well-written horoscopes by astrologers online who I follow, like Marjorie. Or digging up alternative perspectives on a particular transit or progression. Aside from Erin Sullivan’s book on midlife astrology there’s not a lot on later life.

        • I’m surprised. I know Marjorie has indicated that post-death astrological f’casts may reflect populism for the person (for example, Diana after she died). Don;t want to accidentally put myself into a corner on that. As long as the person remains alive and kicking, why is there a shelf life on relevant foercasts? At what point(s) do they diverge AND what drive the differences?? All good questions.

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