Prince Andrew – time for bluff and bluster over



Prince Andrew’s spat with the US Department of Justice has escalated with a formal DOJ request to the UK Home Office for legal assistance to quiz him over the Epstein affair, sidestepping Buckingham Palace. Such requests are used only in criminal cases and could mean Andrew is forced to appear in a British court as a witness within months. He denies all culpability. His lawyers have hit back with claims that he has been co-operating and saying they will publish a full account of their dealings with the DOJ.

This was always when Andrew’s relationship to his principal protector, his inexplicably devoted mother, the Queen was going to flash red alert (see previous post November 16 2019). Their relationship chart has a loaded composite Pluto opposition Mars Midheaven. Mars Pluto in a relationship chart usually describes a relationship in which one side dominates – and it appears in many of HMQ’s family relationships. Exactly now tr Uranus is square the Pluto and by the middle of this week will square the Mars, and in July the Midheaven. So it’ll rock their connection considerably and those influences crash on till spring 2021.

His relationship with his brother Charles, never great at the best of times, has been rattled recently with tr Pluto opposition the composite Uranus from earlier this year; and will move into a tension-erupting phase from early this July with tr Uranus opposition the composite Saturn which will continue on and off into 2021 with a further rupture from tr Uranus square the composite Moon from mid 2021 to 2022.

Andrew’s own chart has this year picked up the tr Pluto square Midheaven running to late 2021 which is the classic fall-from-grace, destroyed-reputation, career-blocking influence. Exactly now his Progressed Moon is opposition his 1st house Uranus for an emotional shock. That will pass by within weeks though tr Uranus in a nerve-stretched opposition to his 4th house Neptune picking up mid this week and running to early July, and again on and off into 2021 won’t disappear so quickly. Uranus on Neptune can provoke irrational and obdurately stubborn responses.

It’s difficult to see how he can make a comeback from this point and all of his official duties have evidently been terminated in perpetuity. But he has a curiously upbeat Solar Arc Sun conjunct his Jupiter, exact in 2022 and his Solar Return for 2021 has Jupiter in his 10th – so who knows quite what that will bring? Though 2022/23 also see a deeply frustrating and trapped tr Pluto conjunct his Mars and then Venus – so not all picnics and champagne ahead.

His close family all look seriously rattled at the moment and for months ahead. His not-quite-ex-wife Sarah Ferguson has tr Uranus opposition her Mercury this month which will make her agitated; the Cancer Eclipse, also this month, is opposition her 2nd house Saturn (bringing financial chickens home to roost as their Swiss chalet fails to sell to pay off debts); and into 2021/22 tr Pluto is in a scary, trapped square to her Mars.

Princess Beatrice, whose wedding has been delayed, has a disruptive tr Uranus opposition her Pluto this month and on into 2021; with the June Cancer Solar Eclipse causing a considerable emotional upset as it is conjunct her Venus Moon; and the December Sagittarius Eclipse will rattle her Uranus Saturn – so not a good time.

Princess Eugenie has tr Uranus in a shocking and insecure square to her Mars now and into early 2021; and a discouraging tr Pluto conjunct her Saturn till late this year. None of them look sanguine about life getting easier. (See previous post on family November 22 2019.)

2 thoughts on “Prince Andrew – time for bluff and bluster over

  1. Hmm, Andrew’s chart is almost completely earth and water, no air (heir?)only Jupiter and Uranus in fire…..very Plutonian with emphasis on 4th/8th houses, Pluto opp Sun in 8th, Moon Scorpio 4th, so a ‘private’or hidden kind of person. His progressed ascendant is about to conjunct the node, so there is some kind of reckoning looming. The Moon is at 25 degrees of Scorpio which has a bad reputation – read the Elias degree areas, its quite illuminating. His vocational indicator is Venus (conjunct Mars) – according to the Sakoian and Acker method – but the degree area described makes for interesting reading. His progressed Sun is in the last degree of Aries, moving to Taurus to conjunct the Queen’s Sun at 0 degrees of that sign…..her Saturn is conjunct his Moon so it is extremely heavy for QEII, possibly some kind of banishment, either personally or legally, will be the consequence. It is quite dreadful for such a good monarch to have this on her plate so late in the day, heartbreaking really. The father/son relationship seems never to have taken off, so QEII will need all her stoicism to handle this mess.

  2. Thank you Marjorie. I imagine tremendous resistance on every level to this request from the DOJ. Andrew’s chart is certainly under much pressure, as you say, and I wonder how that is manifesting itself in private. Pretty stressful for everyone around him, even if he thinks he’s just fine…..

    I noticed that his Mars and Venus in Capricorn had legally minded Jupiter turning retrograde conjunct them, at 27 degrees. Then retrograde Saturn will cross them again in July and again at the end of 2020. Mars retrogrades at 28 Aries, squaring them in September. The pull of the past seems quite strong – particularly as Mars rules the MC and Venus the IC. Black Moon Lilith arrives at 27 Aries by the end of September – possibly representing an angry woman, or a number of angry women in his life! Transiting Neptune was at 27 Capricorn at the time of his divorce in April, 1996.

    His own BML is 21 Gemini, part of a grand cross with the Nodes and Jupiter. I haven’t checked whether this is sensitive, although Neptune is squaring BML at the moment.

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