Pisces’ dark side – the devourer * updated


A star belonging to the constellation of Pisces is ‘eating’ planets close by, crushing one or more of them into a vast cloud of gas and dust. Like the Greek god Cronus who devoured his children. Except he was Saturnine. But it is wonderfully symbolic of Pisces’ dark side. Big fish, little fish. The minnow Pisces are vague, sensitive, wispy creatures. The big fish Pisces are voracious whales, consuming everything in their path, including their offspring.

What a delight to have astronomers back up the mythology.


Carl Jung was fascinated by the symbolism of Pisces, for the Age of Pisces, coinciding with Christ’s birth (fairly western-centric, I grant you, in Aion). He makes the point that Pisces is associated mythologically with two hostile brothers – Christ and the anti-Christ, the spirit versus the flesh – which makes sense of the glyph of two fishes swimming in opposite directions. The early Gnostic Christians believed that Lucifer (the anti-Christ) created the body and the material world; and God/Christ created the soul. Life’s journey was about rescuing the soul from its leaden overcoat of the body.

Pisces represents the ideal as well as the shadow, eternally at war. You don’t get one without the other. The central motif for Christianity is one of torture in the crucifixion. That is also part of Pisces’ story – dismemberment, pain inflicted or suffered, mortification of the flesh. Risking all for the sake of heavenly redemption – which fits into the Muslim ideology as well. Earthly life sacrificed for celestial glory. Indeed most religions disavow the physical for the sake of the spiritual.

When it goes wrong and the Pisces/Neptune energy leans too heavily towards the shadow, then you get the most appalling cruelty. The sea god Neptune in an all consuming rage.

Individuation, Jung believed, was only accomplished when you can own both contradictory sides. The conundrum of the paradox of life.


19 thoughts on “Pisces’ dark side – the devourer * updated

  1. I had to chuckle at the song that came on my playlist as I was reading through this post and the replies – StarSailor’s “Poor Misguided Fool.”
    Some of the lyrics …”I lied for me & I lied for you. I’m just a poor misguided fool”…..
    Talk about synchronicity for a Pisces topic!!!!!

    • Or: half empty or half full? I do know about leaching with neptune but it was linked in with saturn so I hesitated. I apologise if my reply was too rough. I meant no snub to you Lianne. That was the journey I went on which included HHDL – I realised that looking at the world as half empty meant a cup running over wasn’t possible and I set out to try to see things even as 2% full rather than 98% empty. (My dear BH finds me equally annoying!)

  2. I have had the misfortune of working under a few Pisces bosses. They can be NASTY. They appear sympathetic and understanding on the outside, then destroy you will all kinds of underhanded (underwater?) passive-agressive behavior. But then, all signs have their lights and shadows, of course.
    Blessings to all for a happy and prosperous 2018!

  3. I’ve known a lot of Fish who are hell-on-wheels. I’ve always been stumped and shocked when they tell me they’re Pisces. The big fish, little fish metaphor explains it.

  4. Pisces is the end of all things and the beginning of all things.

    It represents the breaking of the waters both as an unstoppable destructive force and as the herald of new birth.

    Liz Greene has pointed out the link between the sign and the God Dionysus. Jung’s observation echoes the point that the Greek playwright Euripedes was making in his play the Bacchae. King Pentheus of Thebes refuses to recognise Dionysus as a God and has him thrown into prison. As a consequence Dionysus reeks a terrible revenge sending the women of Thebes into frenzied Maenads who tear Pentheus limb from limb. The story is capable of many interpretations. It can represent the need to recognise that human civilisation and man made order (nomos) needs to recognise nature (physis) in all it’s forms, and that pure reason and scepticism (Pentheus) is as much a form of madness as the uncontrolled emotional frenzy of the Maenads. Pentheus knows Dionysus is a God but cannot bring himself to recognise him. The underlying message of the play is that pure intellect or pure emotionalism always leads to destruction.

    Dionysus is twice born first from his mother (either the divine Persephone or the mortal Semele) and then from the thigh of Zeus. His cult has many similarities to the Orphic mysteries and he is a saviour divinity whose cult prefigures some of the aspects of the Piscean religion of Christianity. Fish appear in a number of new Testament stories and it was the symbol used by the members of the very early Church to identify themselves.

  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFbCYOfxOnI unified field theory was the lecture I saw. The connected universe has a comment which links to critical astronomers/physicists there is an 8 hour lecture which might show all the math? i guess I don’t know enough maths to know whether it is legitimate to concentrate on space rather than matter because it makes up 99.9999…% of everything. In the hour and a half lecture he had lots of equations.

    (Perhaps it is me being eaten up by a huge fish?!!!!) But I liked his lecture it gave me lots to think about in oblique tangents and I laughed and was interested, sleeping afterwards my dreams were full of light and colour and lift.

    • Mr God this is Anna by Fynn fits here too. (As a child I had The Almond Bough by Barbara Picard (Twice Seven Tales or The Lady of the Linden Tree), MGTIA, Dibs in Search of Self by Virginia Axline, I am David by Anne Holm, and My Friend Flicka (trilogy) by Mary O’Hara as solid ground)

      • Then it is up to the individual to land it, transmute/compost it, work with it, direct it. When Neptune went over the top of my chart (I didn’t know) I went to see Christeen Skinner. And she told me that Neptune dissolves any bias you came in with, she told me it might be 10 years before I could put anything into place again and if the things I tried didn’t work not to get discouraged but to go with the flow. She said my Jupiter would protect me enough that if I was destitute I would still be able to find shelter. This was 1999. I have learned alot, am eternally thankful for saturn in my natal sign (pisces). I’m not sure I eat up anyone in my path but I am much more clear about drawing lines, or trying to.

        Isn’t life about making good in one way or another. My ‘ideal’ is the Dalai Lama who has possibly taken kung fu to the level beyond combat and merely seeks to set people he meets truly on their feet. (Coincidentally I also met the Dalai Lama when Neptune was on the top of my chart: highest octave of love? I wanted to see if he was ‘real’. This week I saw Nassim Haramein’s Connected Universe lecture – so funny so smart so interesting, and you think ‘alot also depends on what you bring to the equation, doesn’t it’)

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