Paul Manafort – one law for the rich and well connected




Paul Manafort has been handed a controversially short sentence of four years on charges of financial fraud – a prison term that amounts to one-fifth of the lightest punishment recommended in the guidelines. But he’s also due for sentencing next week on separate charges under a different judge which could carry a term of 10 years.

There’s nothing much showing on Manafort’s chart (without a birth time) until May when he looks depressed and uncertain. He’ll get an uplift in June and a more major piece of good news in July and across the summer. Though 2020 is catastrophic from his point of view; 2021 may have a stroke of luck as his Solar Arc Jupiter is conjunct his Mars – pardon?

White collar crime always gets more lenient sentences than others; and the judge is known for his pro-Trump views and contrary court decisions. Born 15 May 1940 Judge TS Ellis 111 is a stalwart and stubborn Sun Uranus in Taurus trine Neptune; with his Sun exactly conjunct Trump’s midheaven. What is more than clear astrologically speaking is his dislike of Mueller. Their relationship chart has a hostile Mars Pluto Venus sextile Saturn Uranus; which is getting jittered and jangled by tr Uranus in square last year and this.

Ellis’s relationship chart with Trump isn’t exactly warm with a composite Sun Saturn but it isn’t anyways near as bad as with Mueller.

See post August 17 2018

3 thoughts on “Paul Manafort – one law for the rich and well connected

  1. Hi Marjorie,
    I know you’ve written extensively re Donald Trump, more interesting in asking re his synastry (if that’s the right word given
    my question!) with him and RICO, the Racketeer and Influenced and Corrupt Organisations Act brought in under
    the Nixon Administration and signed into Law by President Nixon on October 15 1970 in Washington DC.
    Thank you if you look into and hope you have a nice weekend!

  2. Justice is broken!!!! A person of color, in America, gets death for selling a loose cigarette; another person of color gets a14 year sentence for stealing a bag of coins. Yet a rich white man steal millions from his country men and gets a slap on the wrist. Is Justice fixable? I won’t hold my breath.

    But it isn’t just America that Justice is broken, it’s every where. Ah, the privilege of white skin with money.

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