Pandemonium in Parliament – deja vu Cromwell’s Republic



A parliamentary revolution isn’t the norm in staid, sensible old Britain but Boris and his ‘swivel-eyed’ sidekick Cummings have certainly raised the rafters. And from the astrology it could run on in turmoil for another few years.

The Simon de Montfort’s first parliament chart, 20 January 1265 JC, appears to work remarkably well (See below).

At the moment the Solar Arc Uranus is conjunct the Saturn for a jolt and an upheaval with high tensions emerging. Tr Pluto is trine the deeply stubborn Saturn Mars in Taurus this year and next, bringing forced change with enormous difficulty. And there’s a panicky tr Neptune square the Solar Arc Saturn Mars for the next few months and indeed trailing on through 2020 as well. Moving ahead the Solar Arc Mars will conjunct the Uranus for more explosive fall-outs in 2021; with a frustrating, trapped, powerless and stuck Solar Arc Mars opposition Pluto in 2022; and a dead-halt, completely stuck Solar Arc Saturn opposition the Pluto in 2024.

These Solar Returns over this period are exactly the same as the ones which ran during the period in the aftermath of the English Civil War  during the 1650s, when the monarchy was dispensed with and Cromwell’s Republic ruled. That period ended after a few years with the restoration of Charles 11 to the throne. The Solar Arcs are the same though the transits were very different with tr Saturn Pluto in Gemini opposition tr Uranus Neptune in Sagittarius when the Commonwealth Republic started.


For ease of finding below is a repost of December 30 2018.

A modern equivalent of the most febrile period in English political history in the aftermath of the Civil War is being re-run in Parliament for the next several years. Simon De Montfort’s first parliament, 20 January 1265 JC, has the same Solar Arcs running from 2016 to 2024 as were in place in 1652 to 1659 after the Parliamentarians revolt against the monarchy, with a Republic briefly in place and Oliver Cromwell at the helm.

The De Montfort chart seems to work well, showing up the start of World War 1 and WW11 clearly.

Solar Arc Uranus will conjunct the Saturn, exactly now as Westminster faces one of the most difficult decisions in its history. Uranus is rebellious, a risk-taker, especially sitting close to Jupiter, and will certainly give rise to considerable tensions and outbursts. It won’t resolve quickly or improve with Solar Arc Uranus moving to conjunct Mars in 18 months’ time, which is when the Solar Arc Mars and then Saturn oppose the Pluto through an exceedingly stressed, bad-tempered and trapped phase up to 2024.

On transits tr Pluto will continue the dreary, discouraging slog of 2018 as it trines the Parliament Saturn through 2019, joined in April by tr Pluto in an infuriated, frustrated trine to Mars, on and off till late 2020. A disempowering tr Neptune square Pluto picks up in 2020 into 2021 as the same time as tr Uranus begins a jolting series of squares to the Sun, Neptune and Venus for forced change of direction due to fast-changing circumstances; and by 2022 tr Pluto will square the Parliament Uranus for more disruptions.

Republicanism is unlikely to be a forefront issue though a national government is possible to deal with a chaotic political and/or economic situation. So there’s not going to be a quick n’ easy end to saga.

What was around for Brexit in 2016 was Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct Mars, which is adventurous, risk-taking, a what-the-hell moment to waken up torpor.


9 thoughts on “Pandemonium in Parliament – deja vu Cromwell’s Republic

  1. Just read an article by Paul Embery which reminded me of this article….. It’s about will Boris keep his seat and says: It was here (Uxbridge), in 1645, that representatives of King Charles I and his enemies among parliamentarians sought to hammer out a settlement to the English Civil War….I find it interesting that your article talks of the same time. Will Boris eventually get his election only to be deselected himself?

  2. No levers of power are not ‘Capricorn in essence’ either Alex, its a sweeping statement that makes no sense atall – Entrenched insititutions could be said to be Capricornian, if any Astro sign could be said to be linked with power and control in general its Scorpio and of course Pluto ( who rules Scorpio)

  3. It’s like a war has broken out, it’s gone completely insane.

    Patterns beginning to emerge:
    *All 18 MP’s who brought the vote to parliament have either a stationary or out of bounds planet (or both). I’m trying to work out the odds of this occurring in a random control sample, but my feeling is it would be pretty rare.
    *Almost all of the Tories rebels have the same. The only one that has neither from what I’ve seen so far, has 7 planets in Aquarius (Stephen Hammond). The out of bounds, but less extreme declinations tend to go straight to another party rather than go independent.
    *Chiron energy is marked.

  4. Thank you Marjorie. So fascinating to see the cycles of time in this chart. It would be heartening to think there’ll be some kind of positive change and a move away from this mess. Is this the Pluto breaking things down so that (eventually) something fresh can emerge? I’m also wondering what you think about early 2021 with Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus? February 2021 looks intense – Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn in Aquarius with Mars and Uranus in Taurus. This fixed moment seems to resonate with the Republic’s horoscope.

    And maybe a move of MPs out of the crumbling Houses of Parliament buildings might prompt some new thinking. I was shown round some of the nooks and crannies of that building quite recently. It closes around you like some gothic fantasy. I remember thinking, if I worked there I would probably forget all about the real world! Or go mad…..Maybe they just all need to see the light of day. Literally.

    • It’s not for nothing it’s known as the Westminster bubble – a world unto itself. A friend said the only thing you need to know about Boris ( and Cameron et al) is the Oxford University Debating Society. They moved seamlessly from one to the other – with nary a foot set in the real world. I’t’s all a gigantic game to them played out in terms of who gets most ego-massaging for their endless hot air.

  5. The 1% Capricorn types control all the levers, politics, banking, media, military and so forth. My hope was that Pluto and Saturn in that sign might have shaken things up sufficiently to make a real difference. The jury is still out but my feeling is not. The only thing that shakes the kaleidoscope hard in this respect is large scale war and even then only for a generation or two. The 1% always prevail I’m sorry to say…maybe we should hang a few….?

    • ‘Capricorn types’ really? hate to break it to you but its sociopaths, psychopaths and narcissits who runs the world and Pluto through Capricorn is about entrenched institutions not individual Capricorns.

      • The ‘levers’ I referred to, not any individuals, are Capricorn in essence. I’m not speaking to anything else. I also expressed a sincere hope that Pluto would powerfully regenerate those institutions, which was I thought clear.

  6. Dear Marjorie,
    Do you think all this heralds an ultimate change in our whole political system ? I for one would welcome something like proportional representation, which at least might be fairer to the population. I am not naive enough to think that anything in this country will happen overnight, but perhaps the current turmoil is part of a much-needed weeding out process. (Think of Aesop’s Old King Log, floating inertly in a stagnant pool to let ‘all the poisons that lurk in mud hatch out …’)
    Many thanks!

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