Omarosa and Trump – not much to choose between them



The slagging match between Trump and Omarosa Manigault has reached a new low with him referring to her as a ‘dog’ and a ‘crazed low life’ on a tweet. She claims there is a tape of him using the N-word; and her book Trump Unhinged has evoked a robust defence from the White House describing it as ‘riddled with lies.’

Born 5 February 1974 10.54pm Youngstown, Ohio, she’s had a gothic life with her father murdered when she was 7; her brother murdered seven years ago and her boyfriend dying of a heart attack when he was 55. She worked with the Clinton Administration and Al Gore and was described by staff as ‘disruptive’ and ‘the worst hire we ever made.’ She then became ‘the woman America loved to hate’ on The Apprentice for ‘her controversial, blindsiding, alienating, dog-eat-dog, in-your-face and acrimonious tactics’ (wiki). She continued on various reality shows and eventually threw her lot in with Trump’s campaign.

She has an attention-grabbing 5th house Sun Jupiter in Aquarius in an Air Grand Trine to Uranus trine Saturn, so quick witted, emotionally detached. Where her awkward-squad attitude stems from is probably her 8th house Mars in formidably determined Taurus square Jupiter and Sun. Not a lady who does things by halves and certainly a volcanic temper when it gets triggered. With slippery Neptune in her communication 3rd.

Her Saturn is conjunct Trump’s Sun and opposition his Moon, so there would be barriers, with him feeling belittled. Her Sun opposes his Pluto and her Jupiter opposes his Mars, which is a mix of negative and positive as he controlled her and both would egg each other on into impetuous actions – OK for reality TV, less so for the White House.

Their relationship chart has a confident, adventurous composite Sun Venus trine Jupiter trine Uranus. Where it comes apart at the seams is a hard-edged, cruel Saturn Mars square Moon which is aggravated, angry, resentful – and all the rest followed. Plus an evasive, distrustful Mercury opposition Neptune which also picks up the unfair Mars Saturn.   Clearly under pressure this year with tr Saturn in hard aspect to the Moon and Mars Saturn into early 2019, their relationship won’t improve in 2019/2020 with tr Uranus conjunct the composite Mercury for more outbursts and opposition the Neptune.

She doesn’t look in good spirits ahead with setbacks and swamps till early 2019 and a really tough, discouraging slog thereafter for a couple of years.

3 thoughts on “Omarosa and Trump – not much to choose between them

  1. Omarosa is the famous canary in the coalmine. She is an opportunistic chaos agent, whose modus operandi has been pitching people against each other to win “The Main Guy’s” favor since first season of “The Apprentice”. She has been using Donald (for parity’s sake, I’m not using surname here) and Donald has been using her for 15 years. She has been a perfect fit for his (un)management style, based on distruptions and competition rather than collaboration.

    Now, that Omarosa would willingly and knowingly sever that bond tells she thinks there’s nothing in for her for staying loyal to Trump anymore. She told, in one of the very first, if not the first, interview of her book tour, that she thinks Trump is in mental decline. I tend to think this her reasion for declining 15 K a month offer from Trump 2020 campaign. She does not think he’ll be capable of running by then.

  2. Trump’s quite honest reply to Michelle Obama’s “when they go low, you go high” line was: “Nah, I never go high.” So he tells you where you stand with him. And at least his low is in the light…he’ll personally wack you in the face right there and then for all to hear and see, not collect recordings and files in the shade behind your back to leak via a third party when you least expect it.

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