Northern Ireland – uncertainty and political inertia



Paralysis has gripped Northern Ireland as the impasse in restoring power-sharing government continues and there is anxiety close to horror about the prospect of a hard border with the Republic returning post-Brexit.

The Northern Ireland 7 December 1922 3.28pm Belfast chart looks discouraged now with little sign of improvement over the next three years. The Solar Arc Uranus was opposing the NI Mercury Sun in the run-up to Brexit for an almighty shock; and this year there’s a depressed Solar Arc Saturn opposition the NI Moon, as the population grows steadily more disenchanted with politicians of all stripes. And as if that wasn’t gloomy and stuck enough there’s a Solar Arc Pluto conjunct Saturn, exact within weeks. Ahead in 2018/19 tr Uranus squares the MC in April 2018 and February 2019 for a forced change of direction. During which there’s a downhill slide as tr Neptune squares the NI Sun Mercury, undermining security and trust further.

Only by 2020 is there a sign of relief and a lucky break as tr Uranus opposes the NI Jupiter and tr Saturn moves out of NI’s financial 8th after a couple of years of shortages. By 2021 Solar Arc Mars crosses the NI Ascendant which will produce a roar of determination and high energy.

Not a good phase but into the 2020s there’ll be more bounce and enthusiasm.

7 thoughts on “Northern Ireland – uncertainty and political inertia

  1. Well the essence of it all Bluebell is that the people of all political hues in Northern Ireland don’t get to choose anything at all. Westminster calls the shots even although the majority of voters in Northern Ireland and Scotland voted to remain in the EU. The Republic of Ireland holds the power now to the consternation of the DUP.

    With all of the horrendous long term economic forecasts that have been announced today I can see the UK imploding in the very near future. The people have had enough.

  2. Internecine civil war along the lines of the Troubles will likely emerge long before any reunification happens. Are there such prospects in store Marjorie? Will extremism of that kind develop do you think?

  3. Westminster, as it’s prone to do, seems to have forgotten that the Republic of Ireland, as one of the 27 EU countries, has a (Brexit) veto which from all accounts they will use if the border situation is not resolved to their liking before phase two commences. No hard border for them just as the DUP refuse to have a mid-sea border.

    It just beggars belief that the UK went ahead with an EU referendum without carrying out any type of preparation / forecasts whatsoever. One wonders if their Brexit botchup will lead to the reunification of Ireland now, especially taking into account the rising popularity of pro-independence parties in the North which exceed the Unionist vote. Add to that the fact that Sein Fein control ALL constituencies right across the border.

    • It’s the DUP position which is the strangest. They campaigned for Leave and they want to leave the Single market and the customs union but they don’t want a hard border. That is not possible unless Ireland also leaves the EU and it does not want to. So NI has to choose – be in the customs Union or have a hard border.
      I can believe that the London based Leave campaigners didn’t really think about Northern Ireland but I don’t understand what the DUP thought would happen.

      • The predictable wilfully ignorant, self sabotaging behaviour motivated by entitled British exceptionalism which informs the sectarian extremists in the DUP is exactly why we voted for Brexit. Living long enough under the dire tyranny of the DUP here in NI we knew the NI constitutional crisis the DUP would create out of ultra Brexit would possibly usher in our one chance in this lifetime of being rescued from them by Irish reunification.
        We were not alone here in voting out for this reason.

        We are horribly sorry for the suffering being spread from here to the rest of the UK, and even we did not predict how politically powerful the criminal DUP would become post Brexit, but it was the past two decades of wilful neglect on the part of Westminster that has led to such a strong DUP led anti human rights mess here. Now, at least, the full horror of who and what they represent and are is being exposed.

    • Most of Brexit defies belief. They’re like kindergartners in a sweetie shop – fifth-raters and incompetents with too much power.

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