North Korea – Trump has more to worry about than domestic spats

nk us comp  nk  kim lead


North Korea will be the urgent headache were President Obama’s words to Donald Trump as he exited the White House. With Kim Jong-Un now proudly proclaiming that their nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles are almost ready and fears in the USA that their defences against such an attack isn’t robust enough, tensions are mounting. And since the missile sites are widely dispersed and mobile, destroying them on the ground in advance isn’t an option.

The upcoming Leo Solar Eclipse in late August this year could be a crisis-point. The relationship chart between the USA and North Korea has the composite Mars at 27 Leo, close to the Eclipse – which will also set a fuse under Donald Trump’s Mars Ascendant in Leo. The North Korea 9 Sept 1948 chart has Saturn at 28 Leo; and Kim Jong-Un’s leadership chart has Neptune on the Eclipse. So the country may be bearing the brunt as he gets more delusional even than usual.

Kim Jong may be destabilised altogether by 2018 with the Solar Arc Uranus square the Sun Pluto on his leadership chart, 29 Dec 2011 11.57am. And the country looks even more bedraggled and impoverished than ever in 2018 with tr Neptune opposition the Virgo Sun.

James Mattis, Secy of Defense, does looked shocked with a crisis around the August Eclipse with his Venus at 28 Leo; and is certainly facing a major jolt as his Solar Arc Uranus is conjunct his Sun, either later this year or into early 2018.

This may be joining too many dots together and whatever transpires could be entirely unconnected with several different scenarios running simultaneously.

If anything the USA/N Korea relationship chart points up 2017 as high tension; and 2018 as more likely for an engagement with tr Pluto sextile the composite Mars, tr Uranus square Uranus and trine Pluto.

Donald Trump’s astrocartography does have his Mars Desc running through western North Korea and China; with his Pluto Desc through eastern China – so it is a hot spot for him. And now that I look the China/USA relationship chart has a composite 25 Leo Sun which will also catch the Eclipse. In any action against North Korea, China will inevitably be drawn in.

3 thoughts on “North Korea – Trump has more to worry about than domestic spats

  1. think about it! if the usa sk and japan can’t knock out nk leadership in 24 hours then the usa should go out of business and reform as a country that can.
    you often wonder what hidden force was keeping the nk’s around like prostate cancer for 70+ years!(all the billions wasted(?) on military spending)

  2. This is TERRIFYING, and that’s an understatement. Kim Jong-Un is certifiably insane, and Donald Trump–who is paranoid and obsessed with winning at all costs–has his finger on the nuclear code. Two unstable leaders. God help the U.S., not to mention all of civilization.

  3. I honestly wish these deluded, megalomaniac, dinosaur dictators would just die out and let humanity try to move on! They always inevitably cause the social breakdown or death of so many innocent people just to prove a bloody point to their pathetic male egos. They never get their feet or hands dirty when fighting a war they started. They send others to do their brutal bidding whilst living the life of supreme luxury. Where are the secret MI6 agents and SAS snipers when you really need ’em, huh?

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