North Korea – DEFCON alert ratcheting up



North Korea’s latest dramatic long-range missile launch, capable in the eyes of some analysts of striking as far afield as Washington or New York, got lost in all the Trump noise. Bolstering nuclear power could just be a defensive strategy for Kim Jong Un, to discourage the US from ever attacking and allowing him to negotiate from a position of strength to secure a relaxation of economic and political sanctions. Although HR McMaster, the White House national security adviser, has warned that Pyongyang is the greatest immediate threat to America. In Hawaii, a siren to warn of an impending nuclear attack has been tested for the first time since the end of the Cold War; and there were calls for families of US forces personnel to be moved out of South Korea.

Kim Jong Un’s leadership chart, 29 December 2011 11.57am Pyonggang, looks on high tension as tr Saturn moves into Capricorn on the 20th of this month; with an enraged Pluto Mars ramping up the pressure in January. The unstable Uranus in a control-freak square to Sun Pluto on the chart moves ever closer to complete upheaval by Solar Arc, exact in two months’ time, though could trigger any time. With more conflict, risk and losses by April/May – if he survives on his throne.

South Korea, 15 August 1948, also looks edgy in the extreme around December 20th; and again at risk through January; with more upsets and insecurity through March/April 2018.

On the US side; HR McMaster is on high alert for violent calamities now and in January with tr Uranus square his Mars/Pluto, joined in January by tr Pluto opposition his Mars/Uranus hinting at violent interventions. Looking more confident from mid March onwards.

James Mattis, Defence chief, is less bullish, a touch undermined this month (maybe for other reasons); but certainly moving into catastrophe-zone from early February till late March with tr Pluto square his martial Mars/Saturn midpoint. He looks much less confident that McMaster with Neptune transits washing over him.

21 thoughts on “North Korea – DEFCON alert ratcheting up

  1. Here’s what I did…I googled the subject (old cigarette commercials) then clicked on one of the youtube links. I stopped the video from playing…then copied the url from address bar into Marjorie’s comment field.

    • Now you’re just showing off, lol! You are a Magician.

      Whoa, something strange happened. As I was scrolling past the old cigarette ad you embedded, I touched it with my finger and presto chango, it turned into the duck and cover video! I now have a page with two duck and covers videos. I assume it will all go back to normal when I close the page.

    • well, all I did was copy/paste the url to the youtube vid into the comment field. You might want to play with that approach. the youtube graphics were already posted , as you see. Maybe that graphic was embedded with the url.

  2. A couple of months ago, I purchased an old (late 50’s) tube radio, battery-operated. it still works; you can bet if Kim pops one of his firecrackers in near-space, the EMP effects will devastate more than any population centers. Just saying…

    …but I’m not worried, mind you. Duck and cover…!

    • Appreciate the reminder to be prepared, larryc. I have a crank operated shortwave radio, I’ll have to check to see if it’s emp vunerable.

      Gee whiz, I didn’t know media could be posted in the comment section. At times, I’ve longed to post jpegs or gifs instead of the written word. A bit of humor is so much better than a bulldozer of words.

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