Niklaus Cruz – a disaster waiting to happen



Niklaus Cruz, the Florida shooter may have had foetal alcohol syndrome according to experts who suggest his facial features and previous behaviour suggest some kind of brain disorder. He was adopted young.

Born 24 September 1998, he is a Sun Mercury in Libra sextile Pluto, trine Neptune Uranus and inconjunct Saturn in Taurus, so determined, highly-strung and can-be-fanatical, as well as stressed with low self-esteem. His Scorpio Moon may (if early morning birth) be opposition Saturn square Uranus – so unpredictable emotional reactions and under-nurtured. His Mars is sparsely aspected only being quincunx Jupiter, so he will have problems modulating anger.

His Sun squares his Neptune/Pluto midpoint and his 7th Harmonic is strong, both of which can suggest mental imbalance. His victim 12th harmonic; self-defeating 10H; and ‘mass killer’ 18H are all notable.

He’s got Solar Arc Saturn moving to square his Mars fairly soon; followed by Secondary Progressed Mars square his Pluto – so nothing good ahead.

It defies belief that with his background and history he was able not only able to buy any kind of gun legally, but an assault-type rifle.

9 thoughts on “Niklaus Cruz – a disaster waiting to happen

  1. Boeing is a company, a contained environment. If the U.S. tried to implement such a program (which obviously has merits) second amendment fanatics would storm the streets accusing the government of over-regulation and depriving them of their “right to bear arms.” Their greatest fear is having their beloved guns taken away by the government. And they have legal ground to stand on. The right to bear arms is the law–it’s baked into the Constitution. The second amendment is the fly in the ointment when it comes to rational gun regulations. It’s going to take a long time to get around it….if ever.

  2. Yeah, but Japan doesn’t have the second amendment to deal with. It’s that damn archaic second amendment and all the crazy zealots who uphold it that prevent the U.S. from passing sane gun laws.

  3. How Japan has almost eradicated gun crime
    If you want to buy a gun in Japan you need patience and determination. You have to attend an all-day class, take a written exam and pass a shooting-range test with a mark of at least 95%.
    There are also mental health and drugs tests. Your criminal record is checked and police look for links to extremist groups. Then they check your relatives too – and even your work colleagues. And as well as having the power to deny gun licences, police also have sweeping powers to search and seize weapons.
    That’s not all. Handguns are banned outright. Only shotguns and air rifles are allowed.
    The law restricts the number of gun shops. In most of Japan’s 40 or so prefectures there can be no more than three, and you can only buy fresh cartridges by returning the spent cartridges you bought on your last visit.

    • Sensible actions: prevents buying up thousands of rounds of ammo. As well, encourages recycling 😉

      While working at Boeing, I joined the employee gun club. Took any number of handgun and safety classes for basically just a few bucks. Open Q&A forums with police, lawyers, even SEALs. What to do, esp what NOT to do. Yes, I had to pass tests and earn high scores at handgun marksmanship. [this is also how I discovered I’m better using my left hand than right]

      I know that I cannot take my handgun with me when I move to France. What to do, what to do…

      • Reading Mystery Mile in extreme youth (aged 10-12), I was arrested by Albert Campion who in dire straits (about to die) admitted that he never carried a gun because he was afraid he would use it. His genuineess/range shone through too. Margery Allingham wrote 20 or so novels including him, but it was only a couple of years ago that I read them all (out loud as it happened – to amuse my old Dad). From Dancers in Mourning Albert loses his affectations (or perhaps becomes integrated/’concentrate’).

        Perhaps you could work at putting these kinds of thoughts out there for kids like Niklaus Cruz to find and incorporate and not miss your handgun? (smiley emoji with a wink!)

        • Other simple techniques are digesting/sitting with/feeling pain/emotion and staying with the feelings, breathing in anger/emotions/situation and breathing out compassion or breathing in compassion and breathing out negativity (complementary rather than contradictory techniques).

          Life as gaining experience/awareness/acuity so you take things less ‘personally’ but take the lesson from anything and try again. Or you are learning, refining what you know, or demonstrating what you know in any circumstance.

          Jung and the story of our time by Laurens van der Post to get a good basic understanding of meaning, story, awareness, archetype, shadow, collective unconscious and walking the road to individuation. is consistently helpful in these sorts of areas ime

          How can we package these (and other) ideas in a way to reach the kids who most need them.

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