Niki Lauda – the will to win


Austrian F1 racing driver Lauda, who won the championship in 1975, 1977 and 1984, has died aged 70. A horrific crash in the German Grand Prix in 1976 almost killed him not just from skin burns but from inhalation of toxic fumes from the burning fibreglass, but he returned to racing a few weeks later to much astonishment and praise for his courage.

He was born 22 February 1949 may 11.02 am (unverified) in Vienna, Austria into a wealthy family who disapproved of his ambition to race. He lacked the charisma of other top class drivers and said he was more of a technical guy, keen on precision, rather than a showman.

He had a Sun Mars in Pisces opposition Saturn in Virgo, a testament to his bleak, cold childhood but also to the self-discipline and grit he brought to his driving. His Sun was also in a maverick square to Uranus.

When he had his accident there’s not a huge amount showing on his chart, which suggests the birth time is out. Tr Saturn was on the opposition to his Mercury which is mild enough; and the only two other transits are to Jupiter midpoints, perhaps suggesting over confidence might have been a contributing factor.

As is sometimes the case the Progressions show more than the Solar Arcs – with the Solar Arc Mars forming an exact Grand Trine with his natal Saturn and Capricorn Moon – with tr Uranus opposing the Progressed Mars.

After he retired he went into the aviation business, reprised briefly back into racing; had two children, got divorced and had another two children. He had a replacement kidney and a lung transplant in the recent past.

His get-it-together 5th harmonic was exceptionally strong and unyielding; as was his good-in-extreme-circumstances 16H.

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