Nicolas Sarkozy – facing trial, further tainting the upcoming election



Nicolas Sarkozy, former President of France, will stand trial on charges of illegal campaign financing for the 2012 election.

Not only is it a blow to him, it’ll also further damage Francois Fillon who beat him for the centre-right party nomination and who is himself facing charges of misusing state funds to pay his family. Fillon has apologised but refused to stand down. It makes them all seem much of a muchness. Which leaves the French election even more open to a possible Le Pen win than before. Emmanuel Macron, the independent who soared to popularity recently, married to a woman 24 years older than himself, is being smeared with suggestions he is gay; with further suggestions that the Russian dirty-tricks department are full steam ahead, sowing chaos in all directions. Macron never looked that hopeful over the election. [See Jan 31 post.]

Sarkozy, 28 January 1955 10pm Paris, has his Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his 2nd house Neptune exactly now which is devastation; plus his Solar Arc Saturn is moving to oppose and dampen his ‘lucky’ Jupiter in Cancer within months. He’ll get some lift from tr Uranus square his Jupiter in March, but there’s nothing much of joy thereafter for two or three years.

6 thoughts on “Nicolas Sarkozy – facing trial, further tainting the upcoming election

  1. Well, if anything, it seems Macron has only gained popularity recently. He still seems to have over 20 points lead facing Le Pen on second turn in polls. Sexually based smear campaigns have a really low success rate in France. Macron isn’t only married to a woman much his senior. Brigitte Trogneux used to be his French teacher at Lycée, and left his husband and three children to live with him. I couldn’t imagine a politician with this kind of a background even emerging in The US, or even some more socially conservative European countries. Lovers are accepted, as well, Hollade’s popularity didn’t sour due to his messy private life, but income tax policy and at least seemingly delayed response to terrorist acts.

    Also, I think the lack of “presidential” transits to Macron’s chart could well be due to France being semi-presidential system, where president needs some sort of approval to their decisions from Parliament. Macron is running as an Independent, and can therefore position himself “middle of the road” in many issues, seeking approval from different coalitions. Marine Le Pen would arguably have much harder time with Parliament, having been a minority party leader.

    So, I would not call this to Le Pen based on astrology yet.


    • Oh my, Solaia, I’ve been enjoying your astrologically sophisticated posts, but have you been deep in the Amazon during the American election? Just kidding. Donald Trump is not the US Presidential norm. Our grab ’em by the pussy President has out-done the French as far as doing what he wants and still being elected. His Model-slash-First Lady doesn’t even live in the White House. Take some time to have a look at her on the internet. It’s not Ike and Mamie Eisenhower here anymore.

  2. Illegal campaign financing and other money shenanigans have been hovering around Mr Sarkozy for years. Sooner or later it was going to hit the fan, Russians or no Russians. This plays more into Saturn’s you reap what you sow, as do Mr Fillon’s activities, Mme le Pen’s and possibly Mr Macron’s, if there are any.
    I’ve been astonished since living in France at just how much the political elite, a tight little self regarding and self rewarding incestuous clique get away with, which is not to say that it doesn’t happen elsewhere.
    Couldn’t it be the Capricorn in Pluto effect in stripping away the facade? Outsiders may be the agents for exposing these secrets, but the internet certainly helps. More attention has been focussed on what this group gets up to, ever Mr Mitterand’s secret 21 year old daughter attended his funeral.

  3. This does sound like the playbook Russia used to take over the US election and install their friend. Wonder what country, after France, will be next?

    • Germany I imagine. Not that they’ll brew up much scandal about Merkel but they could always set up a couple of major ‘migrant’ attacks on German soil to further damage her standing.

      • Meanwhile, people are fascinated by….everything else. Putin is really savvy about the uses of technological puppetry. He’s collecting countries without a battle.

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